-20-_ it was me !

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As usual mark was with his squad friends , I actually do not like him with them but I don't want problem , and I don't want to spoil his friendship because of me , so I'll keep quit , well I better be quite.

Mark shook his hand👋 and came to me, and took me to his car , while we were at the car mark started talking about what specially they were talking about,but I didn't care I just looked away at the window

Are you mad because of my squad ? Do you want me to leave it? Am ready !,
No no I replied, it would be better to stay, all the thing is that am worried,maybe you're playing with me once again

Or..., or? He replied . or they would do that again . oH my god perrie , I'll never ever do that trust me , trust our love trust your heart, your heart which couldn't stop loving me , and you know , he said.

We kept on talking until I felt fed up , all what he says disappointed me more all what he repeat doesn't exist for me , I decided to stop talking and look forward , Oh my god!!!!


Our talks usually last longer , perrie only wanted to fight or argue, I thought it is normal on her period , am not sure she's on her period but her way shows a lot of her mood

So I decided to stop fighting too , it could make every thing better, and it could make us in a sweeter weather. It was a shock when I turned to find the car moving on the wrong path , we are at the opposite way

All the car was walking forward, while we moved backward , our car was punching all the opposite side, I was moving the driving wheel any where and every where,

It needed moment until my car flipped a little far, I fainted I think perrie's screams was the last thing I hear , and the ashes with polluted air and gray clouds of petrol is all around , the last thing I felt is pain at my head , hip and right ribcage

That moment I got up on a bed with some doctors aside , I wasn't able to open my eyes, but I heard them saying stuffs about my right ribcage and left leg. It seems like I broke it, I felt so lonely though there was no one I knew around , it was disappointing


As soon as I knew what happened to perrie I was in a big shock , I lightly ran and took a taxi 🚕 , and while moving I was at the parking I parked my car at , I went and blower my engine , I think I popped the stick, I flew to the hospital.

' Yours was the only German number we found on her phone'They say
But why foes it matter please where is her mother's number , it should be shown . perhaps something was wrong

' yes aunt, you can come pick her from the hospital today they say to me.. , but the say she got broken in some areas which could stop her from gymnastics for few months at least' I said ' OK thanks dear' she says

as soon as I opened my eyes I only saw Mrs karla my gymnastics coach .
She looked on me and I can see the upsetness on her face ,

She went closer to me and looked on my , I felt how sorry and pitty she felt for me and about that I was also pitty and upset I've done nothing. 'Am sorry I whispered with what I had of energy

No sweetie, you are okay? She says , yes I reply , at the edge of the half opened door I can see a shadow, someone opened the door and went in , I can barely see who was the one who was getting in right now !

PERRIE!! Are you okay darling?, said mom while running to me , yes mum am well I think am whole strong , I whispered confidentiality, thank god thank god !

I looked at the bed beside me it was covered by curtains and sheets I couldn't see who , but I was the one who fought , I was so guilty of whatever will happen to mark and any other person who got hurt

I only wanted to jump and say sorry for every one , I wanted to do something which my energy couldn't handle! I was so there and week , and I wasn't comfortable or happy , pain was all around my body , mental pain was in my brain , and mental issues was going around all in the room !
I didn't know what I can do !

The nurse came and gave me the medicen and checked my heart beats , then went to the other bed , the one beside me , and I wanted to know who was it

I couldn't see who is it , the nurse is covering the person who us lying there . I just stretched and tried to see him but I couldn't, the nurse checked him and made sure he is okay , and before she close the curtains, he said something which made me know who is he . he said


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