-21- think of me!

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    All around the room was poor and dark , I had expected no one , but it was mark mark him self was calling  me , I felt a little of his loneliness, and I felt he was disappointed and helpless , and what could I do for him

    I felt so bad , ashamed and sorry, I only wanted to go ahead and cry , I don't want to show how week I am specially on front of all who were standing to make me strong

   I think that all the parts that I can see in my body , was blue and in a big trouble. It is only two, three uncovered parts . which when I look at I feel so bad ,

     I left the whole world and looked aside, where mark is , he also was looking at me , he raised his haid to see me clearly , he was OK , he had his left leg Brocken , and a little black, blue areas , but not more

    But for me I got there Brocken fingers  , and my left hand Brocken , I was so disappointed , I think I couldn't train for the competition, the gymnastics competition.

   I felt so week , I also felt uncomfortable, I only wanted to to get up and scream... But I couldn't, all what my power had given me is to say softly, MARK!. And I don't know why I cried , of fear .

     All I wanted was perrie, I wanted her to stay okay , all what I thought of , the danger she were in , because of  me , but why did I be that selfish , why didn't I think of her

   All what I can do now is to move few fingers and to raise my head particularly, I think I'll be here until Shawn come take me from the hospital , but I don't know when will they inform him

      I knew that perrie won't forgive me , I was so rude at the argument, and I didn't give her a chance to talk , or to give her opinions about any thing , I can't even apologies, because that make no sense by now .

      I saw here eyes , when she looked on me once and turned , I can feel the unforgiving tears which she was hiding by her eye led
, the pain which was in me , the pain of guilt , I felt like looking on her all the time all the time watching her, that is a blessings

    I at least saw her looking on me , my selfish eyes can't face her, I was guilty so guilty, but I felt she wanted to talk, but with my eyes I encouraged her , slowly I told her she can say it! She can say it!

   I felt her pain, also her feelings , I felt her tiredness, the tiredness of trying yo speak , it seemed difficult , but all she wanted to say was my name

   She only wanted to say 'MARK' wow her voice , her sweet pleasing voice , her way , every thing just killed me , all these blessings

I raised my hand as well as perrie and we held each other hand , that was a romantic scene, romantic enough to make the most SHOW HIS hidden TEARS TO MAKE TGE MIST CRY !

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