16- disguised

90 14 6

Rebbica :-

I was wondering about what could cause me possible pain would it be clay when I see him again . I bet I got nothing
It seems no one's here at the beach okay it is a prank though I was exited but not related so it is fine .

I turned my face to see him . not sure but I loved him from the first sight👀. Black shine hair 💇 ✨green eyes and redish face wow that was wonderful. Hi , am Alex he said , when I heard his voice I remembered the record he sent me with the same nice voice . I can never expect to be that happy and shy😵

He was handsome almost in my age (bigger by few months or one year) I looked on him surprised and I felt that he realized that I realised that he realised that I realised that he's attractive to me! Nice he whispered so can we still be friends? Still ? I said yes rebbi he replied don't you remember me I was your friend when you were young .actually


Her gift was weird it was Perrie's diary . what the _________ where the hell did you get that from ? And how . no way she replied she forgot it on my table that's all😒😉☺
-OK then let bring it back
No she replied ,read the diaries starting from the date you broke up .
It was a point actually

I took the last five pages and red them . it was nice she missed me but she also was planning to revenge . but she didn't mention how but when it was for the last page it was....

'Dear diary
I took all my energy at waist . mark don't like me and he never will all the love words chat poems was fake . I could now notice his upsetness but I think it is for other reason or maybe the just pushed him away from the squad because I knew about that stupid game . dear diary it wasn't his fault I knew by a boy who I don't even know his name but I believed . but believing this is much more better than being fooled or believing in marks love is much better than to believe a lie !
Any way I love him so much so much as how I never loved even in acting he knew how to rake my heart and from the first sight ........ My heart skipped a beat .


COOL! NOW I LIST MY DIARY . where the fuck could this be Omg .
I should remember. It must be some where here there MUUM! I SCREAMED
Yes mum said running fast on the stairs she arrived. Mom you took my diary ? I said angrily . no sweetie relax she said, no you took it you want to stalk my privacy you want to know every thing . don't you respect privacy? NO mom replied. Respect am your mom . omg I hate this I said while going out . you must have hidden it some where perrie you need to remember OK?

Yes I replied I left it at school some where I'll need to find it tomorrow them .

(The next⏩ day) I went to school a little bit early to start searching . I searched a lot every where even some friends helped me me but I found nothing

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