40- memories

37 10 1

         5:30 pm rebbica called me

  -  Hey PERRIE supppp

   ' Hey rebbie suppp am doing' well

  -   Am good by the way, why aren't you coming with us to France ??

      'I booked a ticked for los Angelou on Tuesday I missed my life there it was fun

  -    Whatttttt!!!!

'   Am coming back

  -   Whatttttttttttttttt

     '  Am gonna fucking come back don't let me change my mind

     -When are you coming baaaaaackkk

    '  After  one week

    -  Good
So will I need to go , oh yes bye now am gonna be busy

    ' Bye rebbie , bye bye weird girl haha

      -Nop haha bye

    ' Sure haha

     -Ok stop

   'Fine bye

      Haha friends never change

     I started packing my bags to be done on Tuesday that's tomorrow well it's got to be hard because it is the first time I travel alone

     I will try to be a good girl as i graduated this year only I'll try to act matured just like how American wants

      Or as I know it is like that american likes the grown matured girl but it is not me am kinda so awkward and do childich


       SO I  was deciding to take more important things than little mix and one direction pictures and pictures printed on cloths

     And some other peice of cloths
So any way I got no time my trip is at 9:30 and I think I need to be up at 8:00 or something

      Any way I sent the good night and then  I went to bed *_*


          Yes am away at time , so I got off bed but thinking of the sweet times there when i was yet 16 all that time I mean wow

       I am so nervous and scared and confused and nervous and nervouse 😷 go to THE US AGAIN OH GOD 

      I don't hate it neither like it it just scares me and I feel like am just wasting time thinking if I should've cancelled my ticked
       But no I do like los Angeles i miss it badly I even miss the first moments in Germany I miss MARK 

     But am way too glad I moved on I mean think about it I needed one full tear to remove all the live but it's not yet removed

      Any way I got dressed and now am on my way to the airport to travel los Angeles 

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