43- the lastest

45 9 2

     ' yeah it is so cool I say!

-good replies rebbica
When will you be back

      ' ummmmm tomorrow 6 pm

- ok good have fun and take care

      ' yeah ok thanks

  Well since I travelled I can never be free of phone calls , all the time I was busy talking with friends or families


     ' don't be careless' 'take care' ' don't stay up too late!'' We love you' ' I missed you ' ' when will you come '

      Are the most phrase I actually heard in the time I travelled since that only I was careless haha , I think they know am not silly or careless 


      Hi mom? I say

- how are you hon my mom say

        Am perfect I say thnxxx

- house is quite? She says

         O haha ok imma come tomorrow

- really mom said happily


- you had fun?

       Yes but I will tell u every thing later okay maybe tomorrow when I come


  Yes sweetie am waiting  stay safe.

Ok mum bye now?

  Bye sweetie

      I started packing my bag, and I also packed the gifts I baught to my mom and my friends, I was so happy to see them again haha , I missed them , and they did

      We all are going to be so happy when we meet at the roof and drink coffee when am narrating my experiences here for one week

I wish they feel the same o felt , and I wish they also had fun in their trip to France , and I wish they were so happy experiencing new things

        I had a plane that I have to think about , I finished packing my bags and lied on the bed and thought of why not?

         I think I am up 18 will it be a good idea for rebbi Lillie karla Fiona and Jared? Well I wish it is , coz any way it is a crazy idea to share now

        I stayed still felt lazy and nervouse all I was thinking of was my plane of a better life , I was thinking and tired of it I tried to stop but I just couldn't

    By time ....... I sleep,

    By some more time I woke up on my alarm's noise , it is my time to get up , wow , as if I knew that I will sleep, I didn't.

I sat and started getting ready , still lazy but the excitement of seeing my mom and friends again made me ho running

     I arrived the airport and then I went to the plane , and slept as I placed my body on the chair

   Until I arrived safely and happily by god grace

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