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Hi everyone I know you are missing my story Dosti, Yaari Aur Kuch Aur...I won't be continuing the same story I was trying to base it on another story I liked a lot but never realized while writing it went way to close to the original one...i don't want to offend the original writer and I feel guilty but I will compensate with another Shivika FF based on college life with the same title...

The characters will be similar to IB but I won't elaborate on the love stories of other this is a Shivika Story. And I will use most of the characters in another way in this story.


Well the story starts in Spencer College...Shivaay Singh Oberoi is a hot dude in 2nd year of college but he is very quiet and arrogant, does not like to be friends with anyone other than his friends circle which include all the rich and famous. Omkara Singh Oberoi in same age as shivaay is an artist and mingles with most of the other kids, nerds included. The youngest brother Rudra Singh Oberoi is just a fresher but since he is one of the Oberois and Shivaay's brother no one messes with him, but that cannot be said about the other new kids. They have to go through the pain of being ragged even though it is not allowed in campus, but who can stop the great Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

He is joined by his friends Daksh, Abhay and Vikram other rich brats who do not leave a single chance to trouble the newbies. Also the beauty queen and (bitches) Tia , Mallika and Ragini though Mallika does not like all this since they are her friends she has to bear this, but keeps an eye on them so they do not go far in the nonsense they do.

This time they had a treat as they enter they have to salute the seniors then they were made to sing or dance as per the requirement of the group. They caught them at the entrance of the hallway and embarrass them to the core. While they were busy ragging the others a girl entered the hallway and wanted to move to her class when she was stopped by Daksh "hey sweetheart where are going, fresher right?" she innocently nodded and she was dragged by him to the middle of the group. Daksh, Abhay and Vikram, some other senior boys were surrounding her. She was scared "please let me go I am late for class" Daksh stopped her again by holding her hand "babes come here how can you go without acknowledging your seniors, well since she is cute I will give her another task other than you guys. You have to kiss me and say Good Morning" She looked shocked and was trying to get away from him. She looked around and no one could help her. Mallika came forward and shouted "Daksh you are getting out of hand how dare you insult a girl like that leave her" Daksh replied " Babes then you do it as I wont leave this girl till she has done what I told her". "Disgusting im out of here I don't want to see the nonsense you guys are upto" Mallika leaves in a huff.

She is still struggling and begs him to leave her, she has tears in her eyes. But no one is ready to help her. All this is noticed by one pair of blue- grey eyes, he is looking at the girl and trying to understand the situation. "ok babes since you are not doing it, I like u so I will take my good morning kiss" Daksh replied evily. The seniors group started chanting Daksh..Daksh..

She was just looking around with fear and that Daksh is making advance towards her to kiss her. She just closed her eyes and waiting for the madness to end, and expected the disgusting lips of Daksh on her. But it did not happen instead she heard a voice "leave her Daksh you are way out of line" Shivaay roared pulling the girl's hand from his hand. She was trembling and just slumped to the ground. Shivaay bent down and caught her by her shoulders and picked her, while standing she looked at her hero. He was handsome, beautiful Blue-grey eyes and a muscular physique.

"Hey there are you ok, don't mind this idiot he was only fooling. What's your name?" Shivaay tried to comfort her. By this time all the other freshers had left and it was the girl and the senior group. "I am fine thank you" She does not answer her name and picks her bag to run away as fast as her legs could carry her. After she moves ahead she feels a hand holding her elbow and she is turned to face Shivaay. "hey the least you could do is say your name"Shivaay asked. "Im sorry thank you for what you did today, and my name is Anika. Please can I now go to my class." He lets her go but not but kept looking at her, that maybe she would turn around but no she just turned the corner on the corrider and dint look back. Shivaay was left there thinking about the strange feeling her felt.

Dosti, Yaari Aur Kuch Aur...(IB College FF)Where stories live. Discover now