CH -15

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Next day in college everything was normal like a regular day with boring classes...Anika and Mallika were together and attended most of the classes together...then they broke for lunch and they went to the canteen to meet the other Anika entered inside the canteen and takes her food she does not want to sit with shivaay and friends so she, mallika and Gauri move to another table when she sits down for lunch heard an irritating voice...

"Ohh shivaay baby you are too much" she said blushing and shivaay was holding her hand and caressing it."

"Tia you know you look very cute when you a Peach" Tia just starts giggling with her irritating laugh.

Here Anika was stabbing the sandwich she had taken with her fork. Her eyes were red in anger and was looking at Tia and Shivaay flirting with each other..

Till yesterday he was telling me he loves me but now he is holding that cheapdi Tia hand and calling her a Peach but that is my nickname..i just feel like pulling her hand and showing her how many colours a peach can change...

Tia's giggles pulled anika back from her thoughts...Shivaay continued to hold her hand and was telling trying to read her palm telling her how she was going to marry someone very handsome and he will love her..

As she was going to Shivaay Om came and sat on Anika's table. "Hi Gauri love how are you?" Gauri blushes and replies that she is ok "you know I need to give you guys a good news, yesterday Mr. & Mrs Kapoor had come home to speak to mom and dad"

"So what's the good news in that?" Anika asked in an irritated tone still focusing on Shivaay and Tia.

"well since Shivaay and Tia have been together for so long they have decided to get them engaged so they can marry later...isn't that a good news Anika?" Om slyly looked at Anika who her eyes had opened wide "Engagement....Marriage" she could not speak further.

"I am so happy for Shivaay finally he will settle down after all the nonsense relations he had..." Om stopped when he heard his name "O ya I am so happy finally I will get a Bhabhi" Rudra exclaimed excitedly. Anika noticed Rudra was near their table. "O I was thinking we can have a bachelor party in Goa it will be so much fun...beachbabes & drinks " rudra was already daydreaming "ya rudy I am also excited for this trip good idea" Rudra does the logic sign then Om and he highfive "Om you will go and enjoy in that cheap place I never knew you were like that..sheee" Gauri was angry on Om "Awww my baby im sorry I will take you as well since you will be alone with me we will enjoy" Om winks and gauri blushes.

Anika was hearing the conversation but her mind was running hundred miles shivaay and Tia will get married then what was all that he showed me from so many days he just used me for his pleasure. He kept kissing me making me feel like heaven and now thrown me aside like I am nothing, I just asked him sometime but this what he always wanted. He knew he will not get me to sleep with him just like any other girl that is why he played a game of love so I will fall for his charms. Now I will show him the real avatar of Anika. Two can play at this game.

Just when all of this was going on Siddharth comes to Anika, she gets up and hugs him "Hey Siddharth how r you, you have been missing from so many days?" "Ya Anika I had gone for a business trip with Dad he wants me to handle some projects and this trip was for one of them" She goes close to him and kisses him on his cheek "Well I missed you and really wanted to say something to you"

"wow anika I did not know that you will miss me so much then I would have gone on this trip earlier" Sid says amused "hmm sidd you remember you had asked me a question earlier which I could not reply to you" Sidd looks at her with a question on his face "Sidd you asked me to be your girlfriend and i though about it and today i will give you a reply Sidd I want to say YES!, i want to be your girlfriend" Anika said as she was blushing. Sidd was shocked but he broke into a smile and came close to Anika and whispered in her ears "well it's about time don't worry I won't kiss you here as I won't be able to control myself from going further" and he kisses her cheek.

At this point the canteen has pin drop silence with Rudra Om and Shivaay shocked and Anika and Siddharth hugging. And Anika having a smirk on her face she could she how angry and shocked shivaay was and was enjoying troubling him.

 And Anika having a smirk on her face she could she how angry and shocked shivaay was and was enjoying troubling him

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  So what the OBROS planned has gone against them, what will happen now

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So what the OBROS planned has gone against them, what will happen now.

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Author Note

Hey guys thanks for the awesome comments and send me more love like always....All pictures are just to represent the situation.

Just want to clarify that this book will have Tej and Jhanvi as the parents of Obros and they are not cousins.

So who wants team #Shivika and who wants team #Sidika

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