CH - 6

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Suddenly I was pulled to the kitchen counter and without a warning his lips come on mine and I am hit with the same crazy feelings for him.

"Anika are you ok?" I hear a voice and I know instantly I am daydreaming and shivaay is just holding me I am looking at him with surprise in his eyes. "Anika are you ok, you seem to be lost" shivaay questioned with a puzzled look. Oh my god was I dreaming of being kissed by Shivaay, I need to get my mind out of the gutter and I reply to him nodding my head before he thinks im crazy.

Just as we were separating Tia walks in the kitchen "Shivaay baby what took you so much time" she has a scowl on her face and in no time shows hatred towards me. She pulls shivaay and takes him out, I just return to what I was doing and remember what I was thinking earlier. The thoughts bring a smile on my face which are cut short by a voice " well don't you think he is way out of your league, you need to know where you stand and that place better not be next to my Shivaay baby" Tia snapped at me. I had no answer for her as I know I have overstepped the boundary since it's not official but unofficially they are seeing each other at least that what the college crowd seem to think. I need to know my limits and decided to be away from Shivaay.

I ignore her and move to getting the drinks to the living room where the movie has started its dark and I don't realize and sit with the available vacant place. After about a few minutes into the movie I feel a hand on mine and I hear someone speak in my ear " I would really like to know what fantasy you were thinking back in the kitchen" i know its shivaay and it makes my cheeks turn red but only saving grace is the dark room or everyone would have noticed. I try to get my hand away from him before the witch aka Tia finds out but shivaay is not letting go and holds even tighter. He comes closer "Ani I need to talk to you when the movie is over you need to meet me on the terrace". Despite my efforts I cannot get him to leave my hand so I continue to keep his hands on mine, secretly enjoying his warm touch.

After a few movies and lots of snacks we were stuffed and as I looked around all of my 'friends' were asleep. As I look around I find them in weird positions Daksh and Abhay were sprawled with drool from their mouths they were almost on top of each other. I controlled my giggle and noticed Vikram and Ragini were holding hands and Ragini was sleeping on his shoulder. Tia was sleeping on the couch with Mallika right next to her on the floor. Finally my eyes land on Shivaay who was wide awake watching me as I looked at everyone.

"Come lets go" he takes my hand and I follow him without hesitation. There is something about this boy that I cannot keep myself away from him. We reached the terrace, his hands still holding mine. I was lost in his thoughts but was bought back by Tia's words earlier in the kitchen. I back off and try to move away from him going back down. He holds my hand by the elbow and turns me around with his hands resting on my waist.

"Shivaay I think we should not be alone here, I don't want your girlfriend to think otherwise" I hesitated and continued to wriggle my way to escape from him. "I think you are still in dreamland, otherwise where would you see such stupid things. I have no girlfriend but I think very soon I will!!" he looks at me with a smirk.

"Shivaay pls I am not that type of girl who would fall for you; I know the whole college is after you. But I will not fall for your good looks and charm. I have my self-respect and don't wish to break anyone's relation" I finally free myself and go away from him I go closer to the edge of the terrace and look up at the moon in all its glory full, bright and beautiful. I am lost and I feel someone snaking their arms around my waist, "Ani I din't know I was good looking!! I know you noticed and nothing can hide your feelings which are showing on your cheeks now." He touches my cheeks and I feel them heat up and turn red. He turns me around and holds me on my waist.

"Ani I don't know what you heard but I don't have any girlfriends now or ever. I never met any girl who could capture my heart until now" he says and comes closer to me. I hesitate so he just cups my face and kisses my forehead.

"I really want to know the real Anika and keep you with me forever; I hope you will give me a chance." Shivaay eyes were searching an answer from me. "Shivaay will you be my friend" I give my hand to him to shake it. "Of course Ani" he shakes it and smiles.


The relationship is when the foundation is laid as friends lasts forever, hence Dosti Yaari Aur Kuch Aur..... atleast that's what i think, sorry if some think otherwise i won't mind...but please don't judge me...i have first hand experience on this topic...

Thanks you guys for waiting patiently for this chapter i know i cannot update regularly but if you guys support with your vote and comments i will try to sooner.

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