CH - 7

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After our conversation we went back to the apartment, woke everyone up. Shivaay and the gang left leaving me and Mallika to clean up. After an hour of cleaning and shower I was on my bed thinking about my day, it was just a day before I was all alone now I have friends though they are crazy but I don't mind spending time with them. I was working on my assignment and suddenly my phone pinged

"Hey friend how r u"

I knew it was Shivaay but wanted to annoy him. So I responded "who is this"

"Well how many friends do you make daily?"

"hmmm I have many"

"Ani this is shivaay,(he sounded irritated) hey ill pick you tomorrow for college" he sounds irritated which makes me smile.

"Shivaay sorry I was just trying to annoy you, no no shivaay I will come on my own. You don't worry"

"Ani I will come and wait for you. i will not take no for an answer"

I rolled my eyes as I know this shivaay won't listen to me "ok fine ill meet you and go with you"

After sometime I was so tired I could not write anymore I just shut my laptop and slept.

Next morning I can feel the sun rays and get up with a jolt, Oh no im late I forgot I need to get the breakfast ready, get the clothes washed...wait where am I??. I look around and realize im not in my old room and somewhere else. My phone buzzed with a message "Hey Ani will be there to pick you in 20".  i then remembered how my life had changed in 24 hours, I jumped from my bed in order to get ready before shivaay reached. After a good fifteen minutes I was ready in a cute top and jeans. I ran out since there was no time for breakfast I went to pick an apple when I saw Mallika in the kitchen.

"hey Mall are you not leaving for college" Mallika was busy having her morning coffee "yup Ani just trying to wake myself up with coffee, why do we have to go to college?" she groaned, I chuckled and told her bye "hey ani how r you going you don't know the way from here to college, wait you come with me" she hurried to the bedroom to get her bag and car keys before I could say anything. "ok Ani lets go im ready" I did want to hurt her but then I would hurt shivaay I gathered courage to tell her "Mall actually Shivaay is coming to pick me today"

Her eyes widen as big as saucers "Shivaay!! When did this happen, are you dating? Did he kiss you?" she started investigating me "nono Mall you have got it wrong actually when I joined college we met in a very wrong situation but I realized he is not a bad guy, we decided to start afresh as being friends so today he said he will take me to college and he insisted, I will come with you from tomorrow." "well Ani that is if lover boy allows you to come with me" she wiggled her eyebrows making me blush till my cheeks turned red. "so it's true you have a crush on SSO" I wanted to run and hide luckily I heard a car horn "ohh that's shivaay bye Mall" I ran to the elevator saved by the horn you can say; but why did I blush so much do I like him. Thinking about him made me blush even more.

When I reached shivaay car, he was leaning on his car looking at his phone but I was caught at how good he was looking he has green full sleeve tshirt on with dark denims and the tshirt showed his buff muscles. I was just staring at him when he saw me and smirked. He came closer " Peaches I dint know you were checking me out" I looked at him his eyes were mesmerizing, we were very close and he came close to my cheeks kissed it "peaches lets go or we will be late, you can continue blushing in the car" he held my hand and took me to the car. i did not realise that i was still blushing and both of us were stealing glances at each other.

The car ride was silent we were just listening to the radio, shivaay driving silently but he still looked so hot I tried to keep my eyes away from him but every time I looked at him I felt an old connection and wanted to know him better. We reached college and I was still staring at him before he could catch me staring I looked away, but it was too late "peaches do you want to tell me anything, you seem tensed?" "no nothing as such shivaay" "come on peaches tell me im your friend" I sighed I knew shivaay is very adamant and will not leave me till I tell him "nothing shivaay I was wondering why you wanted to pick me? We just have become friends and..." before I could continue Shivaay kept his finger on my lips "Peaches I really like you and I want to spend time with you, will you go out on a date with me?"

I was in shock and wondered how the most good looking guy in college was asking me on a date before I could reply I heard a voice "anika hey come you will be late we have English first lecture" it was Siddharth calling me. I was leaving and I saw shivaay's face he was sad as i did not answer me but I turned around "hey shivaay I would love to go on a date with you" leaving him with a beaming smile.


Hey guys I don't if you guys like this story, I know the start is slow but I want to give you guys a good story and face a writer's block each time. But I don't get enough votes or comments which makes me demotivated to write. Please silent readers vote at least, and my others readers please comment to encourage me.

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