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The next 2 days went fast as there was lot of college assignments and work to be completed before the trip. Shivaay and his brothers were busy planning mission Shivika reunion.

Night before the trip at Anika's place

Anika was not sure of the trip she did not pay for it and wondered who did since Mallika denied paying the same. Nevertheless she was happy that she could experience college fun and made a mental note to find out who did this so she can thank the person. Night Anika had prepared everything and kept her bag ready...she went through her list in her diary and messaged the coffee shop she will be away for college trip for the next few days. Feeling happy achieving so much she went to bed.

Next morning 6:30am

Finally the day of the college trip arrived. Shivaay and his brothers were packing last minute things before leaving home. Since Rudy was shivaay's brother he had an advantage of taking the trip with his brothers even though he was a junior...(Oberoi influence)

"Anika come we are getting late we need to leave asap" Mallika was screaming from the living room. She mutters in anger "this Ms. Kumbakaran also we have to leave and she is still sleeping" and hits anika with the pillow GET UP. Anika gets up with a start "Chor Chor, chor ko pakdo(Thief Thief catch the thief)"

"Anika what the hell is wrong with you why do you scream this everytime you wake up suddenly. Get up now we have to leave for the camping trip before the bus leaves us"

"Hmmm Mallika pls I want to sleep........"her eyes are closing till she hears camping trip " oh no why dint you wake me I will be late and wont get to go for the trip and Shivaay will be with that cheapdi...." she stops and Mallika looks at her

" I thought you don't like him and now you want to be with are such a what you call it chant...chant" Mallika thinks tapping her chin.

"Chantomai" Anika squeals and realizes Mallika is teasing her. "Yes that now get ready fast we need to reach the college in 15 mins and Daksh is picking us today" Mallika says and leaves the room.

Anika goes to get ready and she comes down with denim shorts and an off shoulder Yellow blouse. She luckily had packed her bag in the night.

Car honks and Daksh is already there "Anika come Daksh is here" Mallika screams.

Anika comes down rushing and puts her bag in Daksh car, they start to leave for college halfway anika realizes that she has forgotten her purse at home with all her essentials and her phone.

"im sorry Daksh I don't want to trouble you drop me here I will go by cab and return soon."

"anika you will get late I'll come with you then we can leave together to college" Daksh replied

"No No better if you guys go ahead if the bus is leaving you can stop it for me. I'll be there in a jiffy" anika snaps her fingers and tells Daksh "Daksh lets go or all of us won't reach, she is right we can stop he bus if she is late. Ani pls come soon and be safe, call me once you leave from home" Mallika hugs Anika and they leave her as soon as she hails a cab.

Anika come home and starts to leave home she calls Mallika and tells her she is leaving. But just her luck she is in a hurry and does not get a cab. She has been waiting for 15 mins and Mallika calls "Anika where are you these professers are driving me mad. They want to leave to avoid peak hours"

"Mall what should I do I can't get a cab and I want to come..." she starts crying on the road. "Ani don't cry please I will try to do something"

After about 20 mins of trying Anika was sobbing softly on the road she hears a honk and looks behind "Thank you Daksh for coming for me." Anika looks at the car and the glass lowers "Hey peaches I dint know I had competition from Daksh as well"

Anika is dumbfounded "you why are you here, I thought I told you that we cannot have a relation shivaay why are you following me"

"Well Mallika practically begged me to pick you as Daksh was being lazy and this is how you repay me, then im sorry ill leave the bus is waiting for me." Shivaay lowers his sunglasses and smirks at her.

"Hmmm im sorry Shivaay pls I want to go on the trip, can I some with you" Anika replies with a soft tone realizing her mistake. "well since you asked me I will take you but you need to ask me in a better way and you will be punished for being rude" he replies.

"Shivaay Please take me I want to go for this trip, Pinky promise I will not talk rudely with you" Anika pouts. Shivaay chuckles at the face anika makes he tells her to get in, anika comes and sits on the passenger seat.

"Well now for your punishment, since you want me to take you promise me you will be with me the whole trip and stay away from anyone else especially that that a deal" Anika looks at him and reluctantly nods yes. "And now for your punishment" anika stops him "Hey what punishment I have agreed to you conditions"

"No way I am letting you go without a punishment, you troubled me and now you have to bear with me if you want to go or ill leave you here and good luck with finding a cab"

Anika looks down defeatedly " hmm what's the punishment"

"You have to kiss me now!" Shivaay smirks

Pic : Anika dressed for trip (ignore the mangalsutra & sindoor)

Precap : camping trip with fun, crazy group and jealousy strikes Shivika stay tuned....

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