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Next morning Anika is woken by voices below her house, she tries to cover her head trying to muffle the sounds till the sounds reach outside her bedroom. Her door is opened with a force and a lady screams" so princess what are you waiting for your prince to wake you, get up now and get to work". Anika gets up with a start and jumps from her bed and replies "yes im sorry i come immediately" lady looks around her room gets angry and holds her hand and twists it "what is this you were supposed to be packed and moved from this house last week you are still here. what have you thought this is your father's house, this is my house"

" Im sorry i did not get place in my hostel, i will speak to my college and go as soon as possible" she cries trying to free her hand. the lady leaves her and Anika slumps to the ground in tears, her whole life has been like this when she lost her mother she was just 10 years old. So her dad got married to Sundari her stepmom, so she could get motherly love but instead she got a conniving women who played goody goody when her dad was around and then showed her real colors when he was away. Yes it is same as any other sad story with the evil stepmother but here Anika really loved her at the start all was good and she loved her like her own child. But when  Sahil was born things changed but Anika could not hate her baby brother for her misery but her stepmother stopped loving her and Anika could not pin the reason till now.

She got ready and did her morning chores, she used to do all the work at home and leave for college. After preparing the meals for her mother and brother she left missing her morning breakfast as she always felt empty and did not want to eat in front of her so called family. She reached college and was running as she was late. She was late and was in hurry to reach her class while looking in her bag for her keys  she did not notice and banged into someone and expected to fall on the ground with her ass taking the brunt of the fall but instead she was caught by two strong hands, her eyes were closed for the fear of falling was too scary but then she heard a voice which made her heart flutter "hey are you ok" he pulled her up she opened her eyes and found a boy who was too good to be true(sorry guys not Shivaay). she just nodded and he left from there leaving her in a daze.

Finally she reached class, the English professor entered few minutes after her "Good Morning students, i have a new classmate of yours, please meet Mr. Siddharth Vikram Rana". My eyes saw him and remembered him from the morning incident. i wont exaggerate but the one standing in front of me is no less than Adonis and how can i miss him in the morning. With the rippling muscles and tattoes he was no less a bad boy. But there was a twinkle in his eyes. I could not take my eyes of him. and then i had to embarrass myself when he looked straight at me and caught me staring!!

I tried to avoid his gaze and looked at my shoes which seemed to be better than anything right now

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I tried to avoid his gaze and looked at my shoes which seemed to be better than anything right now. There is a shift in chairs and he comes and sits next to me, i don't look at him and try to doodle in my book to show that i am very busy, hope it works and he wont notice.

"well you could take a picture it would last longer, i know i am handsome and its normal to stare specially beautiful girls like you" he nudged me with his elbow. i looked at him as if he had caught me committing a crime and my cheeks blushed at the sight of him sitting next to me. "Hey im Siddharth, and your name is??" he said extending his hand forward to shake mine, "Hi Im Anika, sorry about morning i was in a hurry" shaking his hand. 

The lecture progressed with me stealing glances at him and being caught by him twice caused me to blush more than a tomato. Finally the class ended and i leave immediately, after i move out i hear a voice " Anika wait up" Siddharth came running towards me. "whats your next class im new and dont know anyone except you, do you mind of i tag along?" I turned and looked at him "My next class is Economics and then im free till the last lecture" "Economics well then we are together in another class together come lets go" he held my hand as i looked ahead i saw Shivaay looking at our hands, his jaw clenched and his fists tightened. He was coming towards us before Ms. Tia "Baby" Kapoor caught him and was talking to him holding his hand. His eyes were on me and i could see the anger in them, but why he was with his so-called girlfriend. When someone pays attention on me why should i not be with him "hey Siddharth lets go, we are getting late"

the day progressed and i was free till lunch but i had to get some information about hostel accomodation i went to the principals office but he replied with the same answer that still they were short of rooms, thinking of what to answer her stepmom i entered the common room where i see Siddharth he kept me company the whole day, i must say he has a sense of humour and kept my mind busy the whole time. Finally it was the final lecture of the day, unfortunately Siddharth was not in this class. i entered the class with already some students there "Business studies" was a subject i was eager to learn as i wanted to join a good company after college, i wont be able to afford MBA and this was my best chance to get as close as possible. In my seat looking through the book i feel the chair next to me move, i am reading and try to ignore the noise in the class when i hear "Anika you should stay away from him" i look up and see Shivaay sitting next to me. Before i could answer the teacher enter and i wait to reply to him, when i have a chance with the teacher's back turned towards me i decide to tell him off "Shivaay please he is my friend and i know what i am doing" Shivaay looked at me in anger "well i know you better and he is not good company so you better stay away from him or i will make sure he stays away" i only looked at him in shock and had no answer.


hey guys long update for you all, thanks for your patience and this makes me very happy when i can write long and meaningful chapters. 

Please continue to shower your love and votes on this FF, your comments are what i wait for but unfortunately i cannot give quick updates, don't want to upset you guys but i read all your comments.

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