CH- 21

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"Anika stop screaming open your eyes it's me Shivaay" Anika looked at him and felt relieved I immediately hugged him as though her life depended on it. "Shhh don't worry I have got you, what are you doing here in the forest so late its dangerous" after relaxing in his arms "I....I...had come with Sid but then he left me...I...was so scared...." She continues to hug him tightly and silently cry.

I saw Shivaay jaw clench and his fists tighten "how can that piece of S**t leave you all alone, wait till I get my hands on him"

Just then they heard ruffling behind the bushes Shivaay smiled he knew it was his brothers who had scared Anika and Sid but now it was enough she was terrified and he could not see her tears.


"Bhaiyya that jerk has taken Bhabhi in the forest we will scare them and then you can save her and become the Hero." "Rudy this is a childish plan Sid wont be scared and even he gets scared he will take Anika back with him"

"Bhaiyya you dont know us we can make Rambo also afraid with our planning, just trust us and you just follow them to save our bhabhi"

"Shivaay i dont know if this plan will work but we can take a chance with this"

"Hmmm ok hope it works"

Flashback ends

"Peaches come with me it's nothing I will take you back to the camp" "NoNo shivaay there is something here..." just then they hear a growl.

Shivaay is angry and cannot take the nonsense from his brothers he went to the bush and whispered "stop it guys it's enough she is terrified already I will take it from here"

He then heard a voice behind him "Bhaiyya whom are you talking with we are right here" he sees Rudy and Om behind a tree frantically signing him that there is something else behind the bush.

Then there is growl again and shivaay moves the leaves of the bush he sees a leopard growling.

Rudy screams "Mummy" and start towards the camp's direction. Om follows him signing shivaay to follow them.

Shivaay turns sees Anika pulls her hand and starts running with her further in the forest. They don't see where they are headed and run in another direction. They don't stop till they are out of breath and dont feel the leopard behind them. (guys i know you will say you cannot outrun a leopard but he may have taken to the direction of Rudy or went somewhere else, this is just for effect do not slaughter me)

They stand against a tree and huffing trying to take in breaths they look at each other only to laugh out loud.

Once they regain their composure they realize that it was a part of the forest which was far from civilization and there could be more animals around, shivaay starts looking for a place so they can spend the night as it was late and dangerous.

Finally after some time of walking they found a cave which looked scary. "Shivaay look a cave but it is dark and scary" "Ani you wait here there could be some animal there I will check and call you then you can come"

"Shivaay let it be don't go, im scared" he then lifted her chin and saw tears in her eyes "Peaches babes don't worry nothing will happen I will just check quietly and then call for you ok" to which she nodded.

Shivaay did not take a chance tore a piece of his T-shirt and tied it to a nearby stick. He had a lighter in his pocket but he knew without fuel the fire would not last long, he hoped it would be enough to check the cave.

He went in and after a scary few minutes he screamed loudly "ANIKAAA" hearing him scream Anika runs to the cave forgetting all her fears. She enters "Shivaay where are you are you ok?" frantically looking for him only to find him on the floor with his face on the floor.

Scared she goes to him turns him but he does not move "Shivaay please wake up, im sorry I did not mean to ignore you. Please shivaay I cannot lose you. All that happened in the last few days were lies please come back to me. I cannot live without you. Please Please" she sees that he does not move she keeps her head on his face "shiv im sorry I did not mean to hurt you but i thought that I can stay away from you but no I LOVE YOU too much to stay away. As you wished I promise I will tell everyone that I love you and I will be your girlfriend also. Shiv pls come back to me we have to continue our love story you cannot leave me." she continued sobbing only to find a smiling shivaay in her lap.

"Oh My God you are ok I was so scared" she hugs him.

"Well I guess now you have to tell everyone about us" she looked at him with eyes in slits "you were awake and you heard everything that means nothing happened to you" she starts hitting him on his chest and to which shivaay holds both her wrists and kisses them one by one. This makes her squirm he then twists and holds her hand behind her back "Tell me that you love me" "Shivaay let me go its hurting me"

"Nope until you admit that you love me and that you will be my girlfriend" anika sees that he does not want to budge "Okok yes I admit I love you and that I will be your girlfriend" "and promise you will not change your words once you are back in the camp or the college"

"Ok fine I will not change my words I promise" Shivaay let her hands go only to capture her face and then slowly moved towards her lips. He breaths on her lips causing her to shiver. He smiles seeing his effect on her, and then moves to her lower lip. He take it in his mouth and sucks on it causing her to moan. Now he cant take it anymore and captures her for a kiss which leaves both of them breathless.

As they leave each other, Anika looks behind shivaay she sees eyes glowing. She has fear in her eyes and looks at shivaay who also turns and then they come face to face with their attacker.

Sorry for the delay and the cliffhanger, hey silent readers please vote and comment.

Hope you guys enjoy just comment so I can write the next part soon, need some encouragement.

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