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Anika'eyes widened and she is ready to scream when shivaay holds her mouth. She has tears and as they are about to move their attacker files over their head. Shivaay falls and does not see the bat and screams like a girl "AHHHHHHHH". When anika sees the attacker ie BAT flying and shivaay screaming she starts laughing literally rolling on the floor.

Finally she looks at shivaay "aww my hero....hahahahaha"

Shivaay "hey it was scary you were about to scream...don't look at me like that and stop laughing or else" Anika looked at him still controlling her laughter "or else what" she still continues laughing. He comes closer to her holds her hand behind her back and pulls her closer. He comes close to her lips; she licks her lips, looks at his eyes and then his lips.

"or else I will leave you here all alone with your friend the leopard." And then he starts laughing. Anika flushed with the closeness starts blushing "aww peaches you are blushing, don't worry you will get more of that action later now let's get ready for the dark night" Anika looks at him shocked.

Shivaay "Aww you cheapdi I dint mean that, we need to look for the firewood we left outside, it is getting dark and we need to stay here for the night"

Anika looked at him scared "shivaay is it safe here what if this cave belongs to a bear or lion or tiger"

Shivaay chuckled "oh my peaches there are no animals here except leopards who we already encountered so we need the fire to keep them away. Come lets light the fire"

They search the wood they collected earlier luckily they found some and finally light it. Anika looked at shivaay suspiciously.

Shivaay was shocked at her statement "why are you looking at me?"

"why are you carrying a lighter with you??" anika questioned to which shivaay sighed "babe if you are camping you need some essentials you did not notice the pocket knife I have now don't assume I am going to kill someone. I carry this for survival with the lighter ok"

"ok ok I understand" just then there was a growl anika looked at shivaay with a slight blush "ohhh so we have a small animal in your tummy as well" Shivaay chuckled.

"come here baby I have something to eat" he got some few biscuits out "I have just this hope we can get out by tomorrow. Don't ask me how""yaya I know survival and all" Anika takes the biscuit and starts eating.

Shivaay is looking at her lovingly "sorry shivaay here take this" Anika feeds him some of the biscuits.

After having the biscuits anika comes to shivaay and they sit close to the fire.

"shivaay how will we get out of here."

"hey peaches don't worry I hope someone is looking for us and that we will be found."

Saying this they sleep in each other's arms.

On the other side Rudy finally reached the camp with Om right behind him. They reached out of breath

"Help Help there is leopard behind me help me!!"

All of the students are in shock looking in between him and Om.

The professor came out "why are all of you out at this time you need to be back in your beds"

"Sir....Shivaay....Leopard....jungle...." Om was stuttering and then Rudra cried out loudly "Bhaiyaa is in the jungle...the leopard ate him"

The professor was shocked and looked between both of them and his mouth was open like a fish he had no answer.

"what nonsense are you talking about please say clearly" the lady professor asked both the boys. They explain the incident and the professor starts calling the authorities to get back the lost students.

They make arrangements for the rescue of Shivaay, Anika & Sid he was also not to be found they took account of the students.

It was late so all the operations could start only in the morning.

"Hope that leopard has not eaten bhaiyya..." Rudra started crying again. "Shut up Rudy he will be fine....nothing will happen we will go to get him in the morning" "morning is too late I want to see him now."

Om slaps him on his head "Rudy shut up, you made a plan now it's working and you are creating a mess, Bhaiyaa and Anika are together let them enjoy their time." "But But the leopard."

" you know that shivaay is an expert and has gone camping several times so stop whining and lets sleep we have to go get him in the morning"

Next morning they rescue operations start with all the forest officials and professors with OmRu. Though they were not allowed they insisted and being Oberois they could do anything. Moving around in the forest calling their names they came closer to the place that they last saw Shivaay and Anika. After moving a little further from they heard rustling in the bushes.

"Mummy" rudra says and jumps in om's arms.

"Hey you coward stop jumping around and come maybe its shivaay."

They came closer and the bush moved again they moved some leaves and screamed with a scream from the other side as well.



Sorry guys for the late update please forgive me I had started writing the update but never got to finish it due to other commitments.

Hope you like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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