CH -16

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Shivaay looked at Anika and Siddharth with anger he could not take it and was worried he will say or do something wrong

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Shivaay looked at Anika and Siddharth with anger he could not take it and was worried he will say or do something wrong. He just walks out from the canteen, OmRu gulp and look at each other they know they are in trouble with Shivaay as it was their idea. Tia just does not understand what happened just a minute ago shivaay was being lovy dovy with her and now he just went away. The Obros follow shivaay and Tia decides to find shivaay as well.

As Om Ru start searching for Shivaay they find him in the back garden pacing around with hand in his hair, both the brother enter only to have met with a phone thrown at them. They carefully dodge it, "Bhaiyya you would have ruined my face, im your younger brother. How can you do this to me?" Rudy whined.

"Younger brothers you guys have ruined it I would have got Anika through my way but no I had to listen to and now she has said yes to that Siddharth. The way he was holding her I felt like murdering him. Oh god I feel like killing you too first. I had to bear that crazy Tia for all of morning had to get coffee for her and then listen to her nonsense. My head is paining just listening to Shivaay baby. Oh god now what will do how will get her back"

Shivaay was pacing back and forth trying to work out his anger and both the brothers were snickering. "WHAT" he asked them. "Shivaay you have really fallen in love just look at you, arre she has just said yes she did not get married. Who is this siddharth we will also show him that we are OBROS" Om said keeping his hand in the centre then rudy joined and they were looking at Shivaay. He too came forward and they said "Oberois never lose & all for one, one for all"


"Where did these brothers go shivaay looked so angry, I don't know what ticked him off" as she was walking she heard loud voice of shivaay shouting. She went towards the voice and heard what the Obros were talking about and she felt bad first then her eyes shone with anger and revenge.

"So this is the plan I will not let that roadside trash take my shivaay he is only mine, shivaay try hard now I won't let you go to that Anika" and she walks away before the brothers could see her.

As all this was going on Anika also left the canteen leaving behind a shocked Gauri and Mallika. She tries to run away from the situation but suddenly she is pulled into an empty classroom. She is shocked to see Siddharth and he is smiling looking at her, she starts to feel guilty that she just said what came to her mind when she was jealous and angry but did not mean anything.

"Sid..."she was stopped by Siddharth " I know what you want to say that whatever you said in the canteen was a lie, I saw what Shivaay was doing anika and you just reacted to it. I know you don't like me the way you like him. Please consider me as a friend and let me help you"

"Sid you don't know I am so relieved that you understand me I just needed a break from Shivaay chasing me so I did that I did not mean to hurt you, thank you for understanding"

"Well since you are so understanding let me fulfill my first promise to you" he winks and takes her face in his hands and kisses her on her lips, anika does not respond to his kiss. She is shocked as he just said he is her friend and now he is kissing her. She then pushes him and is about to shout at him but siddharth holds her mouth ad whispers "Ani sorry but there was someone who was keeping an eye on us and I wanted to show them that our relation is real. I think it was shivaay pls play along"

Anika motions him to leave her mouth and she whispers back "ok Sid but no more kisses please, I don't like it"

They left the classroom and Anika eyes met with an angry Shivaay, he just was looking at her and the Sid's hands on her waist "Peaches I need to talk to you right now"

Shivaay just pulls me along and I have no option but to be dragged like a rag doll "Shivaay leave me why are you pulling me like this I was talking to Sid, let me go" I said as I jerked my hand out of his hand. He held me face in his hands looks straight in my eyes and "Peaches I will say this once YOU ARE MINE AND I WONT ALLOW ANY OTHER B**STARD TO TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME" and with that his lips came on mine, shockingly I could not stop myself from kissing him back. After a few moments he let go and smiled on my lips "Peaches I know you love me and now I will make you admit this in front of everyone."


Ohh lots of confusion and villains let's see how the love story progresses.

Who remembers this khidkithod episode where we saw JSO!!!

Pics are from the web just for representation.

Hey guys i loved your comments on the last one please continue to comment on my stories.

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