CH - 17

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Anika was shocked with shivaay behavior but she could not control her emotions and kissed him everytime he did. She knew she loved him but the people around will not allow them to stay together so she decided to try and forget Shivaay for good. For this she had her friends Mallika and Gauri. They always were together in campus. But still whenever her eyes landed on Shivaay she could not control her emotions. So she started avoiding Shivaay and his friends, even when Mallika would be with him she did not go closer to them. This continued for a few days and shivaay was not getting restless, he would try to talk to her but she would run in the opposite direction or in the girls toilet.

Shivaay was walking around his room with his fingers in his hair trying to understand how to get Anika to confess her love "Bhaiyya where are you?" Rudy called out for Shivaay. He saw him in his room tensed as he did not reply to him. Om also joined Rudy and they both were trying to understand why shivaay was behaving as such.

"Shivaay why are you tensed you know that Anika loves you" 

Shivaay looked at them when they spoke "Uh hh ya but he needs to confess in front of everyone."

"Hmmm then we have the perfect idea for that" Rudy said.

 "What is it Rudy don't just keep making up stories" Shivaay looked at him in anger.

"Bhaiyya why are you upset first listen to the plan, we have a camp for 5 days planned and we will be going after 2 days. These 2 days you need to make Anika Bhabhi jealous and completely ignore her. As per my experience girls like men who ignore them. Then at the camp we will make sure that she is alone with you for some reason and she will for sure accept that she loves you."

"Shivaay don't listen to this idiot girls ignore him that is why he starts running behind them and his stupid plans will not work." Om argued.

"O just think this plan will work, last time Anika Bhabhi was so Jealous!!"

"Ya and she went ahead and accepted that stupid Siddharth proposal, now I don't know what she will do?" Shivaay said angrily moving his fingers in his hair.

"Well not if we can do something about it" Om smirked and pulled Rudra.

"wohh what are you guys planning please tell me as well." Shivaay went after both of them these guys will really get me in trouble.

They both don't return and Shivaay gets restless he decides to go out and walk about so he can think clearly, he soon comes to a coffee shop. As soon as he enters the smell of coffee engulfs him and calms his nerves.

He comes to the counter and orders "Hey hi can I have an Americano please, no sugar" (Ohh Saira Bano guys)

The girl at the counter turns and replies "yes sure" but she stops and just looks at him. Shivaay smirks.

"Excuse me, will you only stare at me or give me my coffee?" She fumbles and moves to get his coffee he pays for it and sits on the café table in the corner. He is reading his social media but every now and then his eyes look at the girl at the counter.

After about an hour the girl comes to him " Hmmm shivaay can I talk to you", he nods "please I know you have challenged me but why are you following, this is my workplace and I don't want any issues here. Kindly leave so you don't make me uncomfortable."

"Anika who told you that I am following you, I am your customer and you are telling me to leave that is very bad on your part. I am sure your manager will not be happy about it" just then a man walks by and checks with shivaay " Mr. Oberoi hope all is well and my staff is taking care of you?" Shivaay looks at Anika she is scared and thinks now her job is in trouble, he replies "Well as a matter of fact this staff or yours........he looks at taking very good care of me, she is really good and you are to have her"

He leaves and Anika looks at him " Thank you shivaay", 

"No need of a Thank you please get me another Americano" Anika walks backs thinking why he is so arrogant and he is behaving so distant. Well Anika you asked him to stay away and now you are affected. Get a hold of yourself.

Shivaay has his coffee and leave and does not speak to her anymore. This leaves anika very sad and shivaay smiling as he knows he has an effect on her.

So Rudy was right and I need to work on his plan. But first I need to rid of that Siddharth. When he touches anika I feel like killing him. How dare he SHE IS MINE, ONLY MINE.

Next day in college everyone was excited and was planning for the trip. Anika joined Mallika and Gauri and asked them what they were discussing "Anika we have a camping trip and we are so excited, it will overnight and with boys ohhhhh so much fun" Mallika was almost jumping about.

"But I am not coming" Anika said dryly. "But why Anika why are you not coming for the trip we have planned so much to do" Gauri said with a sad face. "Anika you are coming why are you denying you have already registered. "Anika was shocked she got up and went to office to check.

"Excuse my name is Anika Vardhan Trivedi I am in class Sybcom A, I wanted to register for the camping trip." She said to the lady at the office counter. (included her new name)

"Im sorry but the deadline is over and all arrangements are done and we cannot take last minute students now" she replied.

"Please I need chance I had a tough time to get the cash, please" the lady felt bad and said she will try she went to the file and checked and found her name. "you said your name was Anika right. Here the payment for Anika Trivedi has been done long back. Are you trying to fool me?" She was now angry.

Anika apologized "im sorry I thought my friend did not pay for me thank you I will pay my friend now"

The lady angrily mumbled about the college kids.

I did not pay for my trip who paid for it, maybe Mallika as she said my name is registered. Ill have to thank her and pay her.

Shivaay sees her I knew you would avoid the trip due to money issues but I want you to enjoy your college life. And I want to make you realize how much we mean to each other on this trip.


Precap: College trip and Shivika reunion hopefully.

Note : all the thoughts will be in italics.

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