CH - 8

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As I entered college with Siddharth I still had a smile on my face thinking about the date with shivaay, I was walking in a daze and did not notice when I bumped into someone only to hear a screech "Anikaaa can you see and walk?" Tia was scowling towards me, before I could reply she saw some one behind me and smiled. She ran and hugged the person behind me "ohh shivaay baby I missed you". When his eyes met me I could just feel tears in my eyes i just turned around and pulled sid by his arm "come are you not getting late now?"

I just ran to the class and sat on the closest seat available with siddharth sitting next to me when our professor Mr. Desai entered and started the lecture...right during the lecture "Anika please can you tell me what do you think about which play should we perform at the end of the year" I just looked at him with a blank look on my face I was lost "ahhh..actually sir we should...." "Just as I though Ms. Anika please pay attention in class you or I will have to sent you out" "Sorry sir" I mumbled.

The day was draining and my mind was only on one thing SHIVAAY I don't know why I could not take him out of my mind. Finally we reached lunchtime and I was very hungry by that time. I took my order of simple burger and fries from the canteen and moved to a table I was joined by Gauri and Mallika. After some time everyone else trickled in finally shivaay entered with Tia I just rolled my eyes and avoided them. They were all sitting together with the gang as soon as they saw me Dasksh screamed "hey anika come here sit with us" I tried to look away and avoid him just to see him next to me "hey anika I have been calling you from so long why are you not looking at me" "hmmm nothing like that I did not notice" he just looked at me as if I had 2 heads next thing I knew I was carried over his shoulder with me squealing & screaming, he was just laughing hysterically. Finally he dropped me on the ground next to their table. I just started hitting him on his chest "hey babe relax I cannot keep you away from me" he winked at me. I was angry but Mallika came to the table "hey anika come on lets sit here or this idiot Daksh will keep bugging us" she sat on the table and started chatting with the others Gauri also sat next to Om but she was quiet since she did not know anyone there. I had a choice to sit next to Shivaay or Siddharth. I chose to sit next to siddharth and started talking to him. But I could feel eyes on me and when I looked up I saw shivaay mouthing "Peaches what happened?" I just shook my head in in denial.

Just then siddharth held my hand turning my attention to him "hey ani I wanted to ask you something...hmmm I want to take you out?" "where sid we have a class now in 15 mins" he chuckled "ani you are so cute and innocent, I want to take you out today are you free" he was waiting for my answer and I could feel someone eyes on me I looked up and saw shivaay who started to show an angry expression. I smirked "why sorry Sid I did not understand I will surely come with you". Within the next moment shivaay got up and left the lunch room angrily. We all just looked at each other with surprise.

Then the bell rang and I left the lunch room I was walking to my next class when I felt a hand pull me. I was pushed against the wall in a dark room, but I could only feel a hand on my mouth and in the little light I saw eyes those beautiful blue green eyes. I stopped struggling "Peaches what was that why are you going out with Siddharth?" he was angry " Shivaay I will go with anyone how does it matter to you, you are enjoying with your girlfriend" suddenly he started laughing " so my Peaches is jealous" I just looked at him angrily. I just huffed and was ready to leave when he held me tight with my back against his chest "Peaches its only you for me" I blush but remember Tia "sorry shivaay I need to go" I get myself free and leave the room.


I know it is short i will post soon please continue with your love and comments....

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