Ch 11

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Finally after a few hours the doctors confirmed it was a minor sprain and shivaay would be ok to walk after 2 weeks which was in time for the intercollegiate matches. I was still waiting to meet shivaay he was sleeping due to the medications I was about to leave the room when I heard a faint voice "Peaches", I stopped to see shivaay opening his eyes and his hand held out for me.

I go close to sit next to him "Peaches I'm so glad to see you next to me I need to talk to you" I held his hand " shivaay pls you don't speak much" he just put his finger on my lips and holds my hand" peaches I want to tell you something, I know you have some misunderstanding because of Tia I want to tell you she is not my girlfriend, she is a close friend of mine but she thinks otherwise since our families are very close and want us to marry but i like someone else" he said avoiding my eyes, i was shocked and almost on the verge of tears..finally he continued " i have just met her but i feel like she is the one and i cannot control myself around her. i want to be in her life and want to make her mine" now that i heard his confession i cannot wait to hear the name i know it will hurt me but he has a sparkle in his eyes when he talks about this girl " Shivaay who is the lucky one??" he smiles and make me sit next to him on the bed " Ani there is no one in my life except you, i want to be your partner in everything college, life and be your closest friend. I will be with you always Ani will you be my Girlfriend??" saying this he waited for my answer but as always words refused to form in my mouth and i just nodded yes with tears of happiness in my eyes. He just smiled and cupped my face looking at my lips as if asking for permission, i nodded and his lips caressed mine he was so gentle but i could feel the sparks fly.

After quite a while we left each other only because we could not breathe and i just looked down with red cheeks i was blushing without even knowing. "Ani you know why i call you peaches because of your cute rosy blushing cheeks i really love it when you blush."

"Shivaay i love it when you call me peaches feels unique" "hmmm then i will call you only peaches love...ohh im so lucky that you said yes" he was almost jumping "owww oww oww shit i forgot" he held his leg and screamed in pain, i could not do anything just laugh at his crazy behavior. " Peaches you are laughing on me just wait for me to be ok i will show you" as he tried to get hold of me.

After a few days Shivaay was discharged though he was allowed to go home he could not attend college due to the cast and he had to be at home and we started to chat a lot after he was home. He will be coming to college after a week so our only communication was the phone either calls or messages. And as noone knew about our relation we were discreetly messaging each other. One night as i was ready to go to bed i got a message.

Shivaay - hey peaches what are you doing im missing you :(

Peaches - im just about to go to bed. Good night.

Shivaay - oh god you are so boring i hate you i knew he will reply back with anger i just wanted to trouble him...

Peaches - Ohh baby shiv i love you...and i know you cannot hate me.

Shivaay - What did you say please repeat??. he started calling me then i realized i said something which i felt...oh my god i cannot talk to him i started blushing on the thought itself of shivaay teasing me.

Shivaay - Peaches i know you are blushing but just a few days i will be back in college and i will make you say this again.

I could not say anything back and awaited when both of us could be together. I also wanted to tell him when he was in front of me. I love you Shivaay!!

*********************************************************************************************** They are finally together and they kissed wow!!

Hi everyone i know i am late and sorry for a short update but i was on vacation in India i am sad i missed so many episodes of IB and now i will have to bing watch all pending episodes, i had horrible internet even to read stories. Please dont hate me and continue reading my story. Thank you for waiting for me. Love all my readers and followers.

Dosti, Yaari Aur Kuch Aur...(IB College FF)Where stories live. Discover now