CH- 10

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As Shivaay said I was regretting making him jealous, every opportunity they had Sid and Shivaay were almost in a fist fight. The game was on and as always our star player along with his gang was in the lead. The game was going well and mind you shivaay was really awesome on the field, even with sweat dripping from him forehead he looked hot as ever. The referee whistled and it was halftime and all the boys walk out to the bench, as i look at them my eyes stop at someone who is looking hotter than a Greek God with is abs showing in the wet jersey as i move eyes from abs to face i meet with green blue eyes staring right back at me. Shivaay walks towards me "Peaches i love that you stare at me but let me give you a better view" and he removes his shirt under the pretext to wipe his sweat. All i could feel is my cheeks heat up and turn red my eyes looking down, and in the background all the girls screaming and swooning. He lifted my face touching my chin and his fingers caressing my cheeks "Peaches now that you have got what you want i need to ask you something but after the game hope you will be waiting for me" saying this he left for the game again leaving me blushing like crazy.

All the boys in the group were playing except Omkara he was an artist and did not enjoy this barbaric medieval games as described by him. I chuckled at the thought when we had the conversation. He was now sitting with Gauri, oh I forgot I did not mention they have started dating. Ya Omkara took my help to Gauri and finally they dating.

Im so happy for my friend and lucky to have both of th..."Come on Referee dint you see it was a foul" my thoughts were broken by Mallika screaming like a maniac at the referee. I did not notice till I saw a yellow jersey on the ground. Please let it not be shivaay my mind was praying continuously.

"ok all of you move let us have a check" the medic on call came and the crowd moved. My eyes widen as I saw shivaay holding his ankle and rolling in pain. i could not bear him in pain and ran towards him touching his face and trying to ease his pain "ok we need to take him to the hospital to check any with further testing...miss you need to leave him we need to take him" the medic instructed me. I was about to leave but a hand held me back "she goes wherever I go" shivaay said to the medic even when I could see he was in pain. we all went to the ambulance and I sat in the back with Shivaay. When we were alone I could not control and burst into tears.

"Peaches why are you crying, Im ok it's just a minor thing happens in games like these" shivaay held my hand and consoled me. "No shivaay it's because of me that Sid hit you im sorry".


"Mall I am going with shivaay I don't know when I will be back" I informed Mallika so she is not worried about me. As I was leaving Sid came to me "anika where are you going??" "Sid you did not have to do it, why did you injure shivaay it's just a college game" I was very upset with Sid. "Ani you know why, I always felt a connection with you from the day I met you and today when you kissed me and wished me best of luck I knew that you also felt the connection, I want you to be mine. i know now is not the right time to ask i need to make it special but i cannot wait any longer, Ani will you be my girlfriend?" This shocked me I never meant to lead Sid on something nonexistent I started backing off and to leave "I need to go Shivaay needs me" but he held my hand "Ani please don't leave like this especially for that shivaay, don't do this to me." But I just freed my hands and walked away towards shivaay.

Flashback ends

I told him the conversation with Sid and looked at him"Well why did you not answer him then do you love him?" shivaay looked at me with questions in his eyes. Before I could say anything to him we reached the hospital and shivaay was being wheeled for xrays. I just waited outside the room thinking of all that has happened in the last few hours. Why did I not answer Sid that I did not feel for him, why did I not say that I liked shivaay. Then I remembered Tia with shivaay and him kissing me before the game I was more confused. I just closed my eyes and started to think, slowly I drifted to sleep.


I know it is a short chapter since i was busy with vacations planning, i will be on my leave finally will go back home to India, i will try to update again soon. Please bear with me if delayed.

Love you all for the wonderful comments and i know you guys are upset on me not updating on time, but still i know you love me. lots of love.

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