CH - 13

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Tia lunges towards Shivaay and takes anika's out of his hand "Shivaay baby how could you you are my boyfriend we are together not this charity case" she shrieked pushing Anika which makes her fall on the ground. "See she is where she belongs on the ground like a roadside trash"

Shivaay goes to pick anika and shouts "Tia are you out of your mind I have told you so many times that we are not together and this is all in your mind. I am with Anika now and all of you need to respect my decision. She is my girlfriend"

"Shivaay you will regret this" Tia walks away angrily with Ragini following her.

Shivaay picks anika and questions anika if she is ok she just nods yes. "Shivaay I understand that you are fascinated with the new girl but declaring her as your girlfriend in front of everyone will damage your reputation you know you are an Oberoi and she is a common girl. Anika I don't mean to offend you but this is the reality" Daksh tries to reason with Shivaay.

"Daksh wha..." he is cut off by Anika "Guys are you crazy that you trusted what shivaay just said, actually he was trying to save me from a bad guy who was all set to humiliate me in front of the college. He was trying to get too close to me and shivaay pushed him away and declared me as his girlfriend so that he stays away that is why he did this, please don't doubt him and trust him" She turns towards Shivaay "Shivaay thank you for all you have done I know that you were trying to save me but don't put yourself in trouble." " Ani what are you saying this is the truth you are mine" Shivaay is now angry "Shivaay thank you ill see you soon" Shivaay gets angry, throws his phone and leaves from the college.

And we see someone smirking with a smile when this scene unfolds.

She says bye to all and leaves the canteen only to have Mallika follow her " Anika what has happened please tell me" at this point anika can't control and she cries "I did it for him and I know I have no right to have him in my life he is a Prince and I am a poor girl they will see me as a gold digger and I don't want shivaay reputation to spoil" " Anika I know that you really like him but please don't punish yourself for shivaay its always been his brothers who are his family and they will love you please don't put yourself down because of the world"

"Mallika I have faced the world all alone without parents sibling and family behind me I know how difficult it is to stay alone, I don't want shivaay to suffer the consequence of his wrong actions. Please can we forget this, it will make it easier for me to move on."

Mallika hugs her and wipes her tears and they leave college so they can be away from shivaay and the others.

Shivaay on the other hand had left in anger and is sitting with his feet in the pool heartbroken with the incidents of the day. He had fallen for Anika and she left him just because people said wrong things about them. He was sitting quietly waiting for his brother who were enjoying their day. He could not have a worse day than this. He was just remembering all the moments they shared with her blushing and the kisses. He was lost and did not realise when Om and Ru join him. "Bhaiya did you break no 6486 phone today, on whom were you angry?" they both started laughing on Shivaay.

"Please guys leave me alone I don't want to talk today" "Ohhh today the Tapman is very high" Rudy says and Om looks at him with a shocked expression " Wow Rudy Tapman and all where did you learn this big word" "Actually dadi was watching the news and I picked it from there" and shows the logic sign and taps his forehead. But all this fun is lost as shivaay is in another world.

"Shivaay I know what happened Gauri told me everything" " No Om you don't know she just denied my feelings and made a joke of them in front of everyone" "Well then you don't love her" Shivaay lost it "only this was left that you guys doubt me, I love her so much that I don't know how will I function without her" he was standing with his fists clenched angrily.

"Shivaay if you love her you should understand her, when she said that she has no relation with you did you look into her eyes what did they tell you?" Shivaay went back to the time anika denied her relation she was sad it showed in her eyes but spoke with a smile on her face.

"She denied knowing you for your sake as you are an Oberoi and because of your reputation, I know she is crazy but our elders have this NAAM KHOON n KHANDAAN which we do not believe. We follow our Dada and Dadi and their teachings. She needs to know this shivaay and you need to make her realize that all she did was wrong. Tell her you love her no matter who she is and make her realize her love for you"

"You are right Om...time to get the SSO back"

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