A new day a new mission

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  Natsus POV 

Let's all get one thing straight, i want to make it clear before you continue reading. I am the best assassin in my league, and not a lot of people can get on my level. It's not the proudest title to go by, but it's true. I've killed almost 250 people in the past year. It's August. That may seem like a long time from January, but honestly it's not an easy task. It takes long enough just trying to end one person and i am pretty successful in this field of work. 

I'm not some random murderer, so don't get the wrong idea. I'm assigned to kill people who have done wrong in the world; i don't mean simple mistakes like lying ( I'd be dead by now if that were the case). I mean i kill mafia gangs, drug lords, and murderers. Unlike myself i'm killing people for a good cause. I kill those who can't come back for redemption. It probably sounds unreasonable, but if i told you this made the world a better place would i be lying? 

I work for an assassins organization. It's honestly located in the middle of no where. I mean there are no cars or streetlights in sight for miles. The building is covered by a dome, and it's always being upgraded, to the point where it looks like there isn't anything there. You can basically see through the building, if you knew where it was. We aren't a well known organization obviously, but the government is completely aware that we exist. They did help finalize the establishment of this place. This place that i keep referring to is called Fairy Tail Assassins Organization or FTAO for short. 

I'm a fully trained assassin, and I've worked for FTAO for about 3 years now. Training was no joke. Everyday trainees would wake up at 5 am every morning, and run 5 km. Followed by combat training, practice shooting, and a few written tests. It was basically military training and it lasted an extra year. After yo would be tested by going on the field for a real mission. The organization would qualify you or not after that. Even though that took an extra year i think it's safe to say I've been officially working here for 3 years. 

I better introduce myself before i get ahead. My name is Natsu Dragneel and i'm 20 years old. I have salmon hair, not pink. Most people think i've dyed my hair, but it's natural. Not to brag or anything but i'm pretty damn good looking. If you don't think so then you are obviously lying. 

I just got back from killing a man named Bora. He was trafficking women near Hargeon and he's been caught before. He went through 2 different trials, and got off scott free. There were eye witness accounts, and solid evidence on the guy, but was deemed innocent. The jury was probably bribed by someone. That's where i step in. It was a pretty easy kill if i do say so myself. He was out in the open and BAM ! He was shot in the head and he dropped down dead almost instantly. A kill is never easy, especially the first time, you can see their life leave their eyes as soon as it happens. As i said he was out like a light. 

As i was saying i just came back, and although i should probably report my success i was really hungry. What? killing people takes a lot out of you, and i was really craving something spicy. I walked through sliding doors that lead to the lobby. It's nothing fancy. There is a round desk in the center and four hallways that lead to elevators that go to different floors. There are about 5 or 6 floors and the kitchen is on the second one. I walked toward the elevator at the end of the hallway, and i had to unlock it first. Every floor and office is locked, and the only way to unlock it is to have a scan scan over your FTAO mark or ID. My mark is located on my shoulder that way i can cover it up. As i do so the elevator buttons light up allowing me access to other floors. 

The elevator doors were about to close until i heard a voice yelling, "Wait, hold the door!" 

I instantly recognized the voice as Gray Fullbuster and he is the most annoying person ever. I swear he can really dim my mood. He's like a cold you just can't get rid of. He was running fast, knowing that the doors would close any second now. I could hold the door open but instead i smiled at the ice prick and let them close. If only you could see the look on his face when they closed, because as soon as elevator doors close they lock. The elevator doors opened again as soon as i got to my floor. I could smell the food coming from the kitchen doors. I quickened my pace when leaving the elevator, and sped to the kitchen. I had my mark scanned and i walked through the sliding doors. Although before i could actually get anything i was punched from my back! 

" Hey flame brain, couldn't you keep the doors open for a few more seconds!?", i heard Gray ask in annoyance. He's ticking me off. 

" No i couldn't you ice freak!", i yelled back at him just as annoyed. does he want to pick a fight with me? " Next time don't take so damn long". 

" You wanna go pyro?!", Gray yelled while rolling up his sleeves. He even unbuttoned his top a little, you'd think that we was about to strip. I'm really hungry though so i might as well get this over with. 

"Let's go Elsa, might as well let it go", I said with a smirk. Now i'm fired up.

Gray narrowed his eyes and glared at me. Take that ice princess. Gray came up to me pretty fast and punched me. I almost dodged it but it still hit me, and i stumbled. Regaining posture i punched him back. We continued fighting, and threw a bunch of insults at each other. But we stopped when SHE came over. 

"Boys what do you think your doing?", She said in a warning tone. I swear you could feel her dark aura surrounding her, and it was terrifying. I felt her glare at us and i sweat dropped. 

"N-Nothing", We both said in unison. We both agreed that it would be a big mistake to piss HER off. This person i'm talking about is Erza Scarlet. She has scarlet hair and eyes that stare directly into your soul. 

Erza looked at me and asked "Is that true? You better not be lying", it felt like her stare intensified. I gulped, hoping she wouldn't cut my throat, and i nodded saying "Aye" 

She seemed to relax, thankfully. I was about to get something to eat until Erza stopped me. i'm just hungry, what does a guy have to eat around here? "Natsu, the master would like to see you in his office now", Erza said, as she gestured toward the exit to the kitchen. I sighed but nodded. In a quick pace i walked to Gramps' office. Again my mark was scanned and i slowly walked into his office. I shut the door, hearing the click in the process and i sat down in a chair in front of his desk. "Erza said you wanted to see me", i said. 

The master, named Makorav Dreyar, turned around in his chair that was facing a huge window, that looked over nothing. " Correct, i assume your mission went well?", he said. The director was a pretty short man and really old but he's still in somewhat good shape. He has white hair and a bald spot on his head. He treats us like family, so we treat comrades like family as well. I nodded to his assumption. 

" Yes, it was a pretty easy target, but he was pretty hard to find", I said. 

He nodded his head. "Well i have another mission for you and it's important"

What he said was surprising, prior to this i finished three back to back missions and i'm tired. Usually he lets us take a week off if we've been working hard. " Gramps i just finished three missions i the past 2 weeks, and i'm close to exhaustion", I said. I'm hopping he caught the hint of annoyance in my voice, because i want to go home. 

"Natsu, you are one of the best assassins here, and you have never missed a target. This man is only seen every so often and we need to get him fast, before he disappears again", Gramps sounded as tired as i felt. Well i never back down from a challenge. So in regret i agreed, as i got up from his chair i was about to leave. "Don't forget to grab your folder on Mira's desk near the lobby". I smiled and left his office. 

I made my way down to the lobby and went towards Mira's desk. She is the main secretary here at FTAO, her full name is Mira Jane Strauss. She has long white hair, but she was still in maybe her mid twenties. She smiled at me as i came toward her. " Hey Natsu. How was your last mission?", Mira asked. I smiled at her. "Same old same old. I got him and now he's gone", i said to her. "Well here's your folder and good luck", She said as i walked out, taking the folder as i left. I thought to myself that i wont need luck because I've never missed a shot. 

I opened the folder while leaving the sliding doors. My next target is a man named Jude Heartfillia.

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