Untitled Part 9

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Natsu's POV 

I was driving toward the cafe that I saw earlier and I saw some blonde talking on the phone, and she looked angry. I parked my car and walked toward the Library Latte and as I came closer I saw the blonde and it was....Lucy! My heart started to beat faster and for some odd reason I hid behind the wall next to the cafe. I could hear her talking to someone on the phone, she sounded angry. I wonder what's making her so upset.....

"I'm your daughter and I have feelings to! It wasn't just you suffering Jude!", Lucy was really upset and she sounds like she's on the verge of tears. I'm guessing that she's talkng to her father. Hmmm...The name Jude sounds so familiar. 

"I'm not going to stay locked up forever. I've done nothing wrong but I've been living in hell for most of my life!", seems like she had it rough. I'm not liking this Jude fellow and I'm getting pretty upset to know that he's making Lucy this upset. I swear the name is right on the tip of my tongue!  

"What could you possibly do?You can't use my full name like that anymore because you don't have the right! I'm not your Lucy Lucky Heartfillia anymore...Just Lucy",  Hold on! HEARTFILLIA! 

"Bye Dad", Lucy hung up. Oh Hell no! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!  (Expression in the media)

 Lucy's POV 

 I finally did it and I feel great! I put my phone in my pocket and looked up to see pink hair. "Hey Natsu, I didn't know you would be here", although i was a little surprised I was definitely happy. He looked a little off and he didn't say anything to me. "Hey Natsu are you alright?", I was getting a little worried but he seemed to snap out of whatever daze he was in. "Oh hey Luce, I didn't see you there". He looked kind of nervous and on edge. I asked him again "Are you okay?". He smiled although it looked forced, "Yeah, i'm fine. I just happened to be taking a drive and I got a but hungry so I decided to grab some food". Yes! Maybe we could have our date a little earlier than i thought. 

"Well I was going to go inside and eat something to celebrate", I smiled at him and he looked at me a little confused. "What are you celebrating?", He asked. I took his hand and dragged him inside, "I'll tell you when we sit down". Once inside the cafe I was a little in awe. There were bookshelves on one side of the wall and the whole place smelled like cinnamon. By the register was a glass covering cupcakes with little frosted books on them and they looked so delicious. A petite girl with light blue hair came over to us. "Welcome to Library Latte, would you like to take a seat?", she smiled at us and I quickly smiled back. "Yes please", Natsu spoke and the petite lady took us to a booth. I sat don on one side and Natsu sat on the other. "My name's Levy McGarden and I will be your server today. I'll be back with the menu's", She said and walked away. 

I looked at Natsu and smiled nervously, "Guess I got to see you a little earlier than I thought", I said. Natsu smirked and looked at me dead in the eyes, "Seems that you're blushing again". I am not blushing! But I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit. "I am not", I mumbled. "You are so and what are we celebrating again?", He asked me curiously still smirking. "Well before we came inside I was talking to my father on the phone. I got pretty upset and told him off. Trust me when I say this; I should've done that years ago and now I'm celebrating my freedom", I leaned back against the booth proud of my accomplishment. Natsu's expression seemed to change and he looked a little pale, but he still seemed to smile at me. "That's g-great", he stuttered and now I know something is wrong. 

Natsu's POV

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I can't believe my target is Lucy's father. "Natsu, are you sure that you're alright?", Lucy asked me worriedly. She looked so cute when worried...what am I saying. I can't let her think that something is wrong, but what the hell am i supposed to do. "Yeah I'm just not feeling to well at the moment", I replied back to her. She smiled at me and her brown eyes looked at me softly, "We can leave if you want. I don't want you to start feeling sick later on". I sat up a little straighter and smiled reassuringly at her, "No problem I think I'm just hungry". Right on time the Levy girl came back with our menu's. "Can I have the strawberry blast milkshake please? I've never had one before and It looks delicious", Lucy smiled up at Levy and handed her the menu back. "Sure you can, it's one of our specials". I looked back at my menu and ordered practically everything on the menu. "I'll be back soon", and then she was off again. "Haha I still can't believe how much you can eat. It should be impossible", She was laughing and I couldn't help but love her laugh. "Hardy har har. At least I don't blush twenty-four seven", and there she goes blushing again. "I do not blush all the time! Just when...when", She was stuttering and I couldn't stop smiling. " So you only blush when I'm around. Awe Luce I'm flattered", I said to her. "You're such a tease, but It's nice to know that I have a good friend", she mumbled, but I could here her.  

"Luce you cannot friend zone me like that because we both know that sooner or later we will be more than just friends", I honestly thought I said that in my head. Turns out i didn't...well freak. "W-w-what do you mean?", Lucy asked me. I was a little at a loss for words and I could feel myself blushing. Damn! What is this girl doing to me? I wanted to forget whatever I just said and tried to distract her. "S-s-so tell me about your father", I was curious to know how that jerk was her father. But at the same time this topic was a drastic one for me and it was the only thing I could think of. 

She calmed down a bit and started to speak, "W-well my father wasn't one of the nicest people on earth. He worked a lot and I wold barley see him, but when I did he would yell at me. My mother died when I was younger and since then he became cruel to me. He locked me up inside and It was hard finding friends. I tried to r-reason with him once but that ended up badly for me anyways", she paused reflecting on her words. So being the gentleman I am i took her hand and she continued to speak, " I wold sometimes come on business trips with him and that was the only freedom I really had. As I got older I started studying more and thankfully my father let me go to school In magnolia. After the summer I'll be going back to Magnolia university", she finished talking and smiled at me. I smiled back. 

Her father was really cruel to her and to think he's actually worse. He's mixed up in all this illegal business to, the only thing he did right was not telling Lucy and letting her go to school. Levy came back with a whole cart with food on it. She handed Lucy her milkshake and pushed the cart to me. She put one of those cupcakes from the front in front of Lucy. 

 Lucy's POV 

"Wait, I didn't order this", I told her. Levy put a cupcake in front of me and she continued to smile. "I know but I think you would like it. It's on the house", Levy said to me. She was so nice. "Thank you so much. My name is Lucy by the way", I told her. "Nice to meet you Lucy. I hope we can become great friends", she told me. Then she turned around and started taking orders from other customers. 

I looked over at Natsu and he was finished all of his food. I sweat dropped, "Wow you really love food", I laughed a little. 

"Yeah, i guess i do....hey Luce?", He looked at me and held on to my hand a little tighter. I blushed, "Yeah". He shifted a little in his seat. "Do you still love your dad?", He asked quietly. I looked away from him, "I don't know". I answered truthfully, although I wonder why he asked.  

Natsu's POV 

Maybe it won't be so bad if I kill Jude. He has to pay for what he did anyways, especially for the way he treated Lucy. 

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