The Date

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Narrator's POV

Erza and Lucy made their way to Heart Cruz to buy Lucy an outfit for her date with Natsu, although Lucy did try to convince Erza not to. With no trouble at all they made their way to the famous clothing store and went inside. Erza doesn't know who Lucy's date is but that didn't stop her from prying for detail.                                                                                                                    "So Lucy....How long have you known your date for?" Erza asked nonchalantly while looking through clothing on the wracks. Lucy did not expect such a question but answered nonetheless.                                                                                                                        "W-well I-I haven't met him for that long. I-I only just met him three days ago on a train to Hargeon" Lucy's cheeks tinted with a shade of pink, while Erza shook her head disapprovingly.   "Have you had any contact with him since then?" Erza asked with a more than intimidating tone. Lucy nodded her head while looking through a few more clothes, still not looking at Erza in the eyes.                                                                                "We exchanged numbers on the train before we got off, so we've definitely kept in touch. I even met up with him coincidentally at the cafe two blocks from here" Lucy smiled thinking about it. Erza stopped and looked up at Lucy "Well that's good. Is he nice because if he isn't I will be more than happy to strike him down" Erza said. Now Lucy wasn't sure if she meant this seriously as a threat, but she wouldn't put it past her.                                                                        
     "He's nice really. No need to uh...strike him down" Lucy's voice of tone was nervous and a little fearful for Natsu. Erza seemed protective over Lucy and It seemed strange for her considering they only just met. Lucy hasn't felt any sense of protection since her mother died, but it felt like she was cared for. 

"Thank you Erza" Lucy said smiling.                                                                            "For what?"                                                                                                                      "Well you just seem so caring towards me and I haven't felt that in a while" Lucy admitted a little embarrassed.                                                                                                                   "I like you Lucy. You seem like a very nice girl and I think we've already established friendship" 

"Yeah! And I think I found an outfit for my date" Lucy said excitedly. (I'm not very creative when it comes to clothing so please bare with me XD)                

 (I'm not very creative when it comes to clothing so please bare with me XD)                

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"I think it looks beautiful. Great job Lucy this is a job well done" Erza said in triumph while smiling. Erza took the outfit from Lucy and paid for it right away. Afterwards they made their way to Lucy and Cana's apartment.

"Cana, I'm back and I  brought a new roomie! " Lucy yelled out. Cana was right where she left her, on the couch doing nothing.

" The more the merrier" Cana stood up and came to where Lucy and Erza were. Erza smiled at her and said "Hello, my name is Erza and I hope i won't be any bother staying here".

"I like her! She can stay" Cana said approvingly. Lucy smiled and started the introductions.
" Erza this is Cana. Cana this is Erza" Lucy said smiling.
Lucy took Erza's suitcase to the extra room across the kitchen, while Cana and Erza got to know each other.

"So Erza, do you drink by any chance?" Cana asked.

"Well I certainly am acquainted with the sources of alcohol from time to  time" Erza said smiling still.

"Good very good indeed" Cana said mischiveously. 

Natsu's POV

I have to pick up Lucy in about an hour and sadly her father hasn't come into contact with her at all! Nothing to even give me the slightest hint of where he is and that doesn't help me at all. And here I thought in would have killed the guy before my date.

Erza said she's here already but I haven't seen her yet. She probably booked a hotel or something. Being who she is she's probably already started looking for the Jude. 

I was already wearing my clothes for the date/challenge and I was prepared to blow Lucy away. I haven't been on a date in a while because the last one I had didn't go so well.

I went on a date with a girl named Lisanna who was actually the sister of Mira Jane. Sadly, she ended up trying to kill me but I got to her first. I didn't kill her or anything because she's Mira's sister but I did apprehend her. I don't know where she is now but oh well.

The hour past by fast and I'm not even out the door. I took out my phone and sent Lucy a message, asking her where I should pick her up.

Lucy: Alberona clearings 

Being the careful person that I am, I brought my phone, computer and gun. You can honestly never be too careful when your an assassin.

It was kind of cold out tonight, so I brought my coat and hat. (In the media without the gloves) I went out and drove to the apartment area Lucy was staying at. I went up the elevator and found my way up to the floor Lucy was staying at.

I'm not a creep but I honestly already knew where Lucy was staying. Remember the chip I placed on her phone? Well I may or may have not checked as much as I could about her presently. The music she listens to, the pictures she's taken, her contacts....... .


. I am NOT a stalker.

I walked toward her door, took a breath and knocked on the door. Lucy opened it and smiled. She looked great, I could even feel myself slightly blushing. Slightly!

"You look great Luce" I said smiling at her. She blushed and mumbled a "Thank you". I shook my head jokingly.
"Lucy if this is all it takes to make you blush then I think I've already won" I smirked proudly.

"No way! I wasn't blushing it's just warm in here" she said stubbornly. She took a coat from the side and said "Bye guys!" I guess she has roommates. I looked inside briefly but  I was horrified to what I saw.



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