Making progress

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(Added the picture because it looks great, and I mean it's Natsu. By the way this is not my artwork)

Natsu's POV

The case had two or three communication bands, motion detectors, and smoke bombs. Two small cameras, and an emergency communication beacon. two fully loaded guns and a sniper set. Everything a successful assassin needs, you could say it's an assassins first aid kit. There's also a slot on the hood of the case with folders. The folders are the targets that I've killed. The successful murders get a red stamp saying exterminated. The ones that haven't been dealt with aren't. I also have a computer in my bag, which has some pretty important information. The computer is never out of reach. Sometimes it's in the car others it's in a book bag next to me. 

I started to do some basic research on this Heartfillia dude. There was not a lot on the guy, i could only find his achievements and his profession. Nothing that i haven't seen before or what isn't already in his folder. A few articles here and there, but nothing to pin point where he is. The organization knew that he was in Hargeon, but i have no idea exactly where he is. Maybe i can hack his company files or something, and look into a couple of documents. Hey, it's worth a try. 

It took me almost an hour to hack into his company network, jeez security is tough. Although it didn't help that i was basically snacking half of the time. Okay i don't understand why security is so tight, all i could find were documents about some of his business transactions, and old appointments. I'm at a dead end. I decided to get up from the bed and grab a map off the desk in the room. I started to mark the big time hotels or buildings that he may be staying at or going to. Maybe in the morning i can search for the building he's staying at, and that will probably take me most of the day. 

I didn't realize that it was 9 pm by the time I was done packing things up. Maybe i'll call for room service then get some sleep. I wonder what Luce is doing. She hasn't contacted me yet, then again I've only met her like once. 

Lucy's POV 

A couple hours earlier.... 

"Hey Lucy when and where did you get a guys number?", cana asked teasingly. I guess someone decided it was okay to rummage through my bag. "I only just got it today on the train ride here", I answered, but i could feel my face getting flushed. "Whose the lucky guy?", Cana came up to me curiously with a smirk. I could definitely feel my face heat up. "His name is Natsu, and i only just met him today so don't get any funny ideas", I warned her. "So why are you blushing dear Lucy?", Cana continued to tease. If i was blushing before then my cheeks are definitely heated by now. "For no reasons that you're thinking of!", i grabbed the closest pilow and whacked her with it. 

She laughed a little, and sat on the bed. "Come on, i'm only curious. Now tell me was he hot or not?", Cana looked at me and I could only grin. This girl is really pressing for answers. I met as well answer to her pleas or these questions will go on forever. I turned around from where i was and sat next to her on the bed. "If you must know he was good looking. He had pink hair and It was surprisingly natural", Now that I think about he was a very good looking guy, but not only that, "His smile was to die for, and he was really funny and sweet. Kinda dense though, but overall a good guy. You wouldn't believe the appetite though, i swear his stomach is a bottomless pit", little did I know I was rambling on about a guy I only just met. I could've just answered her one simple question. 

She stared at me, and it looked like she was in mild shock, "Is this it? The girl who i thought would be lonely for the rest of her life has fallen in love?", I stood up and i was totally red. "What are you talking about?! And what do you mean by fallen in love? I only just met him!", I stammered through my blush. Cana seemed to snap out of what looked like a daze, and she stood up. "Who cares?", she slung her arm around me "We gotta celebrate and that calls for a drink!". "Alright, alright"

After the night at the bar, Cana was totally wasted. I'm just lucky that we are just on the ground floor. Cana managed to challenge four people in a drinking contest, and some how has not passed out yet. This girl can shore hold her alcohol, but she is no where near stable, she is still totally drunk. 

"You are so drunk right now", I commented to Cana, luckily i stayed sober. She tried standing up straight when I lead her to the elevator.                                                                                                      "No I'm're just really blurry that's all", Cana slurred her words.                                             "Yeah let's just get you to bed", I said to her chuckling quietly.  We got to the elevator and I pushed the seventh floor button. The doors closed and we were on our way up. "Awww Lucy i want to go back to the bar", Cana started to complain. "Yeah and I want to go to the zoo and ride an elephant. It's not happening", She's crazy if she thinks I'm taking her back there. We finally reached are apartment and I took her inside. Turned on the lights and laid her down on the bed. I turned off the lights in the room and she started to say something, "Hey did you ever call that Natsu guy?", Cana was then out cold. Damn it! I knew i was forgetting something. I turned off the lights and ran towards my phone in my purse and grabbed it along with his number. I dialed his number, but i decided to text him rather than call. 

(Italics is Natsu and bold font is Lucy) 

Lucy: Hey Natsu it's me Lucy. I meant to contact you sooner, sorry for texting you so late

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