Surprise Visitor

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Narrators POV  

 Natsu decided that he is still going to kill Jude, even though he is Lucy's father. It's for the best is what he thought while finishing the drink he had. Although Natsu realized he still had to find the damn guy and he hasn't gotten anywhere yet. Luckily for him he had his targets daughter sitting right across from him. Of course being the assassin he is he must always be prepared for worst case scenarios.  Natsu always had a gun, phone, and tracker chips with him at all times. The gun was tucked under his belt and it was only loaded with three bullets. His phone was in his pocket of course because he can contact the organization if needed. The trackers are small chips that can track a persons location when attached, as well as hack into what ever server or device they are connected to.  

As Levy came back from serving two other people she was on break, her and Lucy were chatting up a storm about books. Most Natsu had never heard of because he wasn't much of a reader as Lucy was. He'd rather not read books at all and just go on missions and do his job. With Lucy distracted as she was Natsu decided to slip his hand under the table and grab Lucy's phone from the seat beside her. Lucy's phone was a pink flip phone and as Natsu grabbed it he thought You poor child. Lucy hadn't noticed her phone gone yet and Natsu took a small green chip from his pocket and placed it on the back of her phone . Making small movements he slipped the phone beside Lucy again.  

Natsu's POV 

I just slipped Lucy's phone beside her after placing the tracker chip on her. She was still talking to Levy and they were talking about some book called Bring it on (By Avxry10) . Some type of book on something called Wattpad and I was starting to feel a bit left out so I decided to leave. As I got up Lucy noticed and looked up at me, "Hey Natsu where are you going?". I looked at her and smiled, "I was just going to go that's all". Levy got up quickly a bit flustered and said, "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your date". Lucy got up as well and by this time we were all out of the booth. "Oh this w-wasn't a date", Lucy looked down and she was blushing of course...although it looked cute. "It may not have been a date but tomorrow there will be", I told Lucy as I began to leave."Well my breaks over anyways so I have to get back to work. I hope we can hang out soon Lucy", Levy said as I could still hear them. 

I walked out of Library Latte and started walking back to my car, but I stopped when I heard my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it and put it to my ear, "Yo what's up Dragneel here"I said into the phone. "Natsu... what have I said to you about answering the phone?", Oh jeez it was Erza. "W-w-well you told me to respond with decorum and r-r-respect", I was sweating over here and I don't get hot easily. "That's right next time I'll make sure you really remember", Erza said in a threatening voice. "Y-yes ma'am", I responded. "Good, anyways I called to check in on the mission. How's it going?", after hearing her question I started rubbing the back of my neck with my free hand. "Well this guy is harder to find then I thought, but I think I'll have a good lead on him soon", I told Erza nervously. I thought she was going to yell at me, lucky for me she didn't. "Well I thought as much. Jude Heartfillia is a tricky man to catch. I'm in Hargeon anyways so I'll help you out", Erza hung up on me after that. I usually and I mean never get help on a mission. I've been successful every single time with NO help and now without my say so Erza is just gonna come and barge in. Oh well I'm desperate at this point. 

Lucy's POV  

"Well my breaks over anyways so I have to get back to work. I hope we can hang out soon Lucy", Levy said to me. I smiled at her and replied, "Me too. I think I'll just continue walking around Hargeon for the time being", I walked out of the cafe and smiled to myself. I have good reason to smile to, I have a date with Natsu tomorrow, I just made a new friend ( Levy ) and I have been reunited with my child hood friend Cana. As I was walking toward the Hargeon harbour I saw a woman with red hair, dragging a suitcase from behind her across the road. I saw something slip out of the suitcase and It had a shiny glint to it. She must have dropped it, so I might as well give it to her because it may be important. 

I ran across the road and picked up the shiny object, believe it or no it was a really big fork. I wonder what she could possibly eat with a fork this big. "Excuse me, but this fork slipped out of your suitcase", I said to the woman. She looked at me and then at the fork, she looked like she was going to cry. "Oh thank you, I didn't notice", she said to me smiling as I gave her the fork. "If you don't mind me asking, why in the world is this fork so big?", I asked her curiously. "Well I had this fork custom made to eat strawberry cake. I'm ashamed to know that I could've lost it", she looked very angry at herself and It was kind of scary. "Well that's alright. It could've happened to anyone", I said nervously and laughed a little. She looked up at me and smiled again as If nothing happened, "You're so kind thank you. My name's Erza", Erza said to me. "My name is Lucy. It's nice to meet you and your hair is beautiful by the way", I said to her smiling. No Heartfillia to my name, just Lucy. 

"Well Lucy, what are you doing in Hargeon? Do you live here by any chance?", Erza asked me. "Well I don't permanently live here yet, at the moment I'm staying with a friend. I decided to explore today. What are you doing here?", I asked her. "Well I'm helping a friend and right now I'm looking for some where to stay", Erza said to me. "If you want you can come stay with my friend and I. I'm sure there is more than enough room", I told her. Her eyes looked like they were sparkling. "Thank you Lucy, I just hope I'm not intruding", She said slightly blushing. 

"No way! I'm glad enough that I've made another new friend", I said to her. From that point moving forward we went back to the apartment. Erza was telling me about her hobbies and what she did. She owns a restaurant with her boyfriend Jellal and It's here in Hargeon! I hope he brings me there I said to myself. "What was that?", Erza asked me. I guess I said that out loud, silly me. "Well I have a date tomorrow and I'm hoping he takes me to your restaurant", I said blushing while looking down. I need to stop embarrassing myself this way, I'm so awkward. "Do you have clothing for your date?", Erza asked me seriously. She was kind of intimidating me, so I shook my head weakly. "Well as thanks for picking up my prized fork, I shall take you shopping!", Erza grabbed my hand and lead me to Heart Cruz. 

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