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Natsu's POV 

I was shot? I instantly hunched over and pressed on the wound with my hand, but I knew I couldn't stay here long.

I could barley hear the men coming toward me as I turned and hid behind a garbage bin. I held my breath anxiously as I watched the men pass my weak state.

You'd think my pink hair would be easy to see but I guess that's what you call lucky for hiding in a dark alley.

The pain was doable considering that this isn't my first bullet wound. What's astounding to me is that I missed. I missed! I never do that, I've never failed a mission and it was because I was distracted.

A distraction was all she was at that moment. I've tried going through that moment over again in my head trying to figure out how I messed up.

I started to see spots and realized that I'm losing too much blood. I started to walk as I thought of being unconscious here. I could call an ambulance but that would be risky.

"Ughhh", I groaned quietly. This is more painful than it seems. I looked down at my hand and it was covered in blood.

As I looked down I thought about my father. He was shot, then he was dead. I blanked on the thought and stumbled against the wall. I just need to make it to my car..

Lucy's POV 

I've never been a situation like this before. About three people were injured in the panic but thankfully someone called 911.

I wasn't hurt at all but I felt bad for the others. My dad's fault no doubt. I mean he's just a businessman but who knows, maybe he's more dangerous than he seems.

Time skip*

I finished answering the police's questions and started making my way back to the apartment. My father was gone before the police arrived, did he not think twice about me? Why did he want to meet anyways?

I thought of Natsu when the bullets were flying everywhere. I care for him and I think him. I mean I can't imagine my life without him from here on out.

Is it love? My heart goes crazy when I'm around him and he always seems to make me smile....

After some thought I decided to call Cana and tell her I'm on my way. I'm probably still in shock, I can't believe I never called her right after.

As I pulled out my phone I stopped by a nearby cafe but was distracted by something moving in an alleyway. I walked toward the figure, curiosity taking over completely.

I saw... pink hair! "Natsu?"

The figure looked up and I confirmed it was him. "Oh my gosh! What happened?!"I asked worry covering my face. What is he doing here!? 

He looked at me with a pale face and gestured downward. I looked at his side and saw he was bleeding! I took out my phone ready to call the ambulance but he stopped me.

"No...Don't call them. Trust me", Natsu was struggling for breath.

"You're dying in the middle of an alleyway, in the dark, alone. How and why should I not call them!?" I should probably calm down but I mean he need a help!

"Just don't...I'll tell you later. I just need you to take me to my car", He tried to reassure me but that wasn't helping at all. I took Natsu on his other side and tried lifting him up. Or at least giving support.

"Alright fine. Where's your car?" I might as well comply at this point I don't think he would've moved either way. 

"Just a block from here on your right...don't drop me", Natsu laughed weakly and I smiled faintly. I can't believe he's trying to make a joke out of this.

Another time skip*

I was already sweating and I was still panicked. My.... Natsu is bleeding to death and he doesn't want me to phone the ambulance.

Natsu's POV

"Okay now open the back and grab the first aid kit inside", I told Lucy weakly. I was losing to much blood and I needed to close the wound fast. This was gonna hurt like hell.

She did as I said and knelt next to me. She opened it and started stressing. "O-okay what do you want me to do?", I didn't plan for her to see me like this obviously and it hurt me seeing her like this.

I couldn't think about that right now though. "Grab the tweezers and the running alcohol. Then grab the sewing needle and bandage wrap....Luce stop panicking"

"How can I not you're basically dying right next to me!" She was breathing hard, but did as I said. She sat me up against the car and started dabbing the alcohol on the small wound.

I hissed at the pain and winced but she carried on with shaky hands. She'd probably faint if she carried on like this so I stopped her.

"Lucy hand me the tweezers"


"I'm....gonna take... the bullet out of my side and you're gonna pass out soon" I said calmly.  Although honestly I was internally panicking. I've been taught how to take care of a bullet wound through training and accidents that have occurred.

It'll probably leave a scar though. Gray is never gonna let me hear the end of this.

Yet another time skip*  ( No one needs to read this it's just bloody)

I've cleaned the wound and Luce helped me wrap it up. At this point I'm just half conscious, I looked at Lucy with half opened eyes.

"Hey..Luce can I ask you to do one more thing?", I wonder if I'll see Luce again after this.

She looked me in the eyes and nodded her head. "Can you take me apartment" I exhaled with a shaky breath.

I thinks she said yes but I couldn't tell.

"The directions are in the cup...holder", I mumbled my eyelids growing heavy. I could feel myself in the seat and oblivion took over.

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