Too close

790 33 18

Lucy's POV

I finally got Natsu too his apartment and it was a struggle. He was basically half asleep and he was leaning on my shoulder the whole time.

At the moment I'm laying Natsu onto the bed. "Hey, Luce? Are you still here?", Natsu asked his eyes adjusting.
I nodded, " Yeah I'm still here". I mean who would leave in a situation like this. 

Natsu seemed to be waking up so I decided to start questioning him. Sorry not sorry. "Natsu how in the hell did you get shot!?"

Natsu seemed lost in thought for a few moments but my patience was running thin. "There was... a small shooting going on and I tried getting away", Natsu had no emotion in his voice.

"That... That doesn't make any sense. I was there and I didn't see you", I tried racking my brain at the memory and sat down on the bed. But I guess it makes sense although I thought I would for sure see his hair. 

" Are you alright?", Natsu asked concerned. But he didn't really seem surprised, as if he knew...

"Just trust me okay?", Natsu took a breath and held my hands in his. I retracted slowly but surely.

"Natsu I barely know you", I thought back to the cafe and It was true. I've only known him for a couple of days. .

"But... I do care for you Luce. Hell I've never felt this way with someone. Yeah, we haven't known each other for long but it feels like forever", Natsu looked me right in the eyes searching for a response.

So, he likes me?! So I wasn't being rejected? But WHY did he have to leave in such a rush?....

"I care for you too", Saying that was alot for me. I've never really felt cared for or loved by my father ever since mom died. I've been alone.

"So Lucy?", I looked up at Natsu and smiled.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?", He seemed nervous and his nose was tinted a light red. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Well of course! I honestly thought you would never ask", I admitted happily. He winced a bit but hugged me back with his arms. Oops, forgot about the wound.

I slowly drew back and smiled at him. My life seemed perfect in that moment. It was just him and me, ultimately peaceful. I could stay in this moment forever and content, knowing that Natsu cares.

I broke contact and looked at my watch. It was about 930pm, wow time really does fly by.

"Well I guess I should go now"

"Wait", Natsu said, "Can you just stay the night?"

I blushed and nodded, I'll tell Cana everything tomorrow. Not that anything is happening! I'll probably just sleep beside him or something between those lines.

Natsu's POV

"I'll just go grab some water, do you want anything?", Luce asked me, a bit flustered from what I asked of her. I shook my head and smiled like the handsome idiot I was. 

I didn't want to be alone tonight for two reasons. 1st because my now girlfriend is my girlfriend, so why would I want her to leave?

2nd because I almost died alone. Yes, I've been in those types of situations before but never so close. I was losing alot of blood and could've lost consciousness. If I did then I would be gone by morning.

You'd think that after a few years in the assassination business nothing could scare you. That death was only a small problem, but it's not like that. I'm still scared, terrified even that everyday could be my last without my knowledge.

But I guess that's what I signed up for.

Luce came back and shrugged off her now slightly bloody coat. I probably traumatized her with today's events.
She yawned and just looked so cute.

"Tired?", I teased with a smirk on my face. "How'd you guess?", She placed her hands on her hips and laughed lightly.

"Intuition", I stated. She climbed onto the bed from the other side and relaxed instantly falling into slumber.

"Night Luce", I kissed her cheek and held her in my arms. As if she would disappear if I let go. I closed my eyes and let sleep overwhelm me once more. 

●Time skip ●

Lucy's POV

I woke up in a daze and tried to recognize my surroundings. Recalling last night's events I smiled but soon frowned.

I still had a few questions as to how Natsu got hurt, he wouldn't even let me take him to a hospital. I felt movement beside me and realised o was in Natsu's hold.

I blushed and tried to get up. He looked so adorable and harmless. Natsu was such a sweet guy and I'm pretty anxious to know more about him.

Is it too soon? Are we going about it too fast? Natsu shifted again and I smiled. All thoughts of negativity leaving me until my eye caught something shiny from his closet.

The closet was on one side of the room and I became curious. Slowly creeping out of bed I walked toward the shiny object.

I lifted a few papers off it and realized it was..... a gun!!! I looked at Natsu and started panicking.

What did Natsu have a gun in a closet for? I know some people have them for protection but why in a closet covered in papers? Actually it was in a black case but barely as it did catch my attention.

I opened the case and lightly gasped. My shack hands moved over the strange objects. Another gun, earpieces and other things that I'm unfamiliar with.

I looked to the papers and moved them around. They had profiles and information on them. On some papers  there was a font in red ink Eliminated.

I still wasn't connecting the dots as I was still confused. Finally there was a silver laptop. I probably had an idea on what was going on but I couldn't believe it myself.

Natsu wasn't dangerous, he's too kind and sweet. He makes me laugh and cares for me!! I started arguing with myself and forced myself to open the computer.

I figured there would be a password so I tried my best to guess. I mean it should be hard right? If my guess is right in the situation. I-G-N-E-E-L. 

The computer logged in and I saw an acronym of FTAO. I started reading and the pace of my heart quickened. Fairy Tail Assassination Organization.

Natsu was an assassin.

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