Untitled Part 3

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Natsus POV

"To bad we didn't meet under the best circumstances, with your motion sickness and stuff", Lucy said leaning back while smiling.  Lucy. I thought to myself, sounds like a mouthful or maybe i'm just lazy. "True, but hey at least i did meet you, right?", I said. I think that's something a "nice" guy would say. She looked down trying to cover her blush, she isn't doing it very well. Let's see if i can make her blush more. "Do you mind if I call you Luce?"

Lucys POV

"Do you mind if I call you Luce?", Natsu asked. Okay, i have got to keep my blush in check. I could feel my cheeks heat up, i mean is he trying to make me blush. I haven't had a nickname or anything close to it in years. I nod my head and say, " Y-yeah sure". Damn it, now i'm stuttering. He seemed like a really nice guy and his smile is so heart warming....Wait a minute!  I just met the guy and for all i know he could be some sort of kidnapper or perv or something! I need to stop thinking these sort of things or i'm going to be single for life. Not that i want him for a boyfriend or anything, as i said i just met him. 

He smiled and i didn't want anything to be awkward so i asked, "Well then Natsu, what are you doing on a train if you have motion sickness?". I mean what's the point, he didn't even bring pills or motion sickness pads. He actually looked like he was dying. Natsu nervously rubbed the back of his neck with one hand and placed his other arm on the table. " Well.. I came to visit some family in Hargeon, and the highway from Magnolia was closed, and the train was the next best thing", It was such a realistic and basic answer, but that's why most people are on the train. I don't know why i didn't think about that. Although when he told me he seemed regretful and a little sad,but he kept on smiling. I wonder what's wrong. 

" That still doesn't explain why you were suffering in the booth when i came. Didn't you have pills or something?", i began to laugh a little in bewilderment. He laughed with me, but more in embarrassment this time. "I swear I did have pills! I thought i packed them, but thinking back on it i left them in my car most likely", He said. This honestly made me laugh more, i couldn't help myself. That's such an idiotic move and he looked smart too. He rolled his eyes, "Tch, let me ask you some questions", Natsu asked accusingly while smirking. "Shoot", i told him.            " Okay...let's start basic. Why are you on the train this afternoon?", He asked. I smiled at him, but i felt it falter, and my mood grew a little dim. "I'm with my father on a business trip", i stated. I should've just lied and told him i was visiting family also. But lying to him just felt wrong, as if i would regret it right after. 

He grew a little interested. "Anyone i would know?", I knew i should've just lied. I tensed a little and felt a little sweat on the brim of my head. "Nope, it's just a small business, so i highly doubt you've heard of it. I forget from time to time", i laughed nervously. But i regret those words, i knew lying to him would just make me feel bad, and i do. My father was Jude Heartfillia; the CEO of Heartfillia enterprises and multi billionaire. He isn't the most caring father in the world. Ever since mom died, he's become cruel and harsh. I always try to stay on his good side, but sometimes...well let's just say he didn't react well the last time i upset him. He doesn't want anyone to know that i'm his daughter. In public i'm known as just Lucy, not Lucy Heartfillia. Only a few of his partners have met me, and that's why i was permitted to come on this business trip with him. 

Sadly, but to my relief he bought my lie, and shrugged. We continued talking, just casual conversation. We talked about our age and luckily he's 20. I mean i don't care i just wanted to know that's all, plus i told him that i'm 20 as well; which i am. Eventually he began asking me more questions about myself; my favorite movies, and foods. I asked him the same questions in return. Food was one of the main topics. "With all this talk about food, why not order something? I haven't eaten anything all day!" Natsu said with a yawn. I perked up a little, because i was little hungry. We took the menus that were on the table and ordered some food. The waitress came back, and handed me some delicious grilled cheese. Another man with a trolley that had tons of food! And he stopped at our table! I looked at Natsu and he looked at the food with a sparkle in his eyes, and in just a moment food was everywhere. Or just in our booth at least. I finished my sandwich and when i looked up at Natsu all of the food was gone! "Wow i didn't know you had such an appetite", I chuckled a little. He smiled in return.

In all that time we din't realize that the train would come to its destination in 10 minutes tops. I didn't want to stop talking to Natsu, he made me smile a lot and he was a really funny guy. Sadly i don't think i'll see him again after this. "It was really nice meeting you today", I said smiling. I hope he didn't catch the little sound of sadness in my voice. Luckily he didn't, instead he said something that surprised me. "What makes you think we won't see each other again Luce?", He asked with a smile, although it wasn't as big as the other smiles he showed. "It's not that I don't want to, but usually after meeting someone on a train or something only once then you never see them again. Usually", i state and there was a lot of truth to my words. He sighed, but he didn't let up. "True, but i'd say that we became more then just passengers on the train who have just happened to meet", and with his statement like that I blush. I really got to keep it together, I've been blushing and smiling so much and that's unusual. 

With me being distracted in my thoughts, Natsu had the time to write something down in pen on a piece of paper. He handed it to me, and I took it. He smiled his heart warming smile, and said, "Don't check on it yet. Wait until you have time later, but not now okay?", and I nodded. With that the train came to a stop, and I got my things ready. I only brought my one suitcase and my hand bag, so nothing much. "Well bye Luce", Natsu said with a wave. "Bye", and with that I was out. 

I waited until the train station was partially empty and then i started walking toward a black car that was parked in front of the entrance. The window slid down as I got there, and surprise surprise, it was my father. Note the sarcasm. "As you should know, we aren't to be seen with eachother publicly", he started. Straight to the point i see, but i nodded. "So here's the apartment that you'll be staying in, and the keys. You will only be staying there for a few days, and you will be staying with a business partner of mines daughter, so behave yourself". One of his men gave me the keys and a paper with the address, then went back in the car. 

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