Second Chance

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Lucy POV 

I had a great time with Natsu yesterday and I'm probably falling for him more than I should. Can you blame me though? Although after the interrogation last night with Cana and Erza I was left a blushing mess. 

I woke up and looked at my phone on the bedside table, 10:30 am. I saw a message notification and it was from....Natsu! 

Natsu: Hey Luce I had a great time last night 💙 Do you wanna meet for breakfast at Library Latte? 

Awww! He actually wants to see me again. I quickly replied of course.
Lucy: Sure I'll be there in 30 minutes
And send.

I quickly got up and rushed to get ready. My blonde hair was a mess, stupid bed head. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and tried picking an outfit for myself. A simple turtleneck and jeans.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?", Cana asked suspiciously. I was gasping in between words.
"Natsu..breakfast...latte...gotta go", I said.

"Lucy there's no need to rush" Cana said. "Yeah but I said I'd meet him soon", I said and I mean I wanted to.

"Lucy. You don't need to rush. He's worth it if he waits for you so relax!", Cana grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. I relaxed under her hold.

"Alright", I took a breath and Cana let go. She smiled and I looked around. Where's Erza?

"Is Erza still sleeping?"
Cana shrugged and said "I have no clue. She isn't here so I figured she left to go somewhere".

I looked at my phone and grabbed my coat getting ready to go. "Are you okay here by yourself?", I asked. I didn't want her to be lonely.

"I'll be fine now go!", She pushed me out of the apartment and closed the door. I was a little surprised but I made my way to Library Latte. I'll even be able to see Levy!

Natsu's POV

I wanted to finish this mission. It's taking longer than expected, so I asked Lucy to meet me for breakfast and possibly ask her questions. Not like an interrogation, I just want to ask her questions about her father.

I was waiting inside Library Latte and saw Luce through the window. She looked so cute, I could feel my cheeks getting red. She looked over to me and smiled, I can't help but feel a little guilty.

"Hi Natsu", She greeted me with a small trace of pink on her nose due to the cold.

"Hey", I greeted, "So how was your morning?", I asked. It seemed like the socially acceptable thing to say.
"It was fine. I was in a bit of rush though", She replied and a hint of blush reached her cheeks.

We kept up conversation from there. Levy came for our order and as usual I ordered the whole menu of course, I mean how could I pass up such good food?

"Hey Luce?", I began. I needed to start asking questions.
"Yeah", She mumbled with her in the middle of eating and laughed a bit. I sat up comfortably but couldn't help but feel nervous.

"So Lucy do you have any family out of Hargeon?", I know this was a stupid question to ask considering I already know but still.

Lucy began to shuffle around in her seat and looked away from me nervously. Her eyebrows came together and formed an arc of anxiousness.

" I don't", She didn't look back at me but instead kept eating. I remember her having a heated argument when I saw her the second time but why would she lie to me?

I couldn't help but feel hurt which is stupid considering I'm the one who's hiding information. It's not necessarily lying though right? I'm just withholding the truth.

"Oh", I simply said and we continued eating in uncomfortable silence.

"Well how about you? Do you have any other family?" She asked. I sighed and shrugged. How do I answer that,  I could lie. But I don't want to do that to her.

"I did have family. My mom ran out on my dad and I, so it was just us", I began. Lucy took my hand and I just noticed it was forming a fist.

"My dad's name was Igneel and he was killed", I looked up from the table to Lucy. Her face showed sadness and pity but I don't need that. Nice to know she cares though.

"It was a freak accident. We were at the wrong place at the wrong time", I said simply. I've been through the heartbreak and I'm over it.

"Oh please don't cry Natsu", Lucy begged. I was surprised that a tear was going down my face. I shouldn't be crying it's been years since this happened. Lucy stood up and came to my side of the booth and sat beside me.

I continued to speak, "It was stupid really. A thief killed my father. We were just at the bank and all of sudden we were forced on the ground..." I began to reminisce. 

To the past...

"Get on the ground!" A man said by the bank doors. Gunshots were fired upward and I was suddenly forced on the ground.

" Hey! Don't touch my son!", My dad yelled in anger and I was so scared. What would happen and who would die? My dad always said he'd be there to protect me and I believe him. We'll all be safe and sound soon.

"Shut up old man! Or else I might put a bullet through your brain!" The man said. I almost smiled to myself because my dad was invincible. He may not have told me that but still.

I was suddenly shoved to the ground by one of the the three men. "Hey!" My dad yelled again. Before I knew i heard a single shot.

My dad was suddenly on the floor in front of me, dying?

"!", I called out. What was he doing?

"Don't cry Natsu. Come on, what do we do in times of sadness? I told you that remember?" He told me gently. I was crying at this point. The tears streaming down my eyes. I heard the sirens outside.

"I know", I said.

To the present

Natsu's POV

"At that point everything was a blur. I went through therapy and was in a couple group homes to", I finished the story and I was surprised that I told her so much. From that point on I vowed for justice even if it meant taking the lives of others.

" Hey, I know it's hard and it won't be easy. I can only tell you that things will be easier. How old were you? If you don't mind me asking?" Lucy asked me. Her eyes were red and she continued to hold my hand.

"7 years old"

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