Home Again

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Lucy's POV 

Cana stirred in her sleep and finally started to gain consciousness, here we go. I happened to get us out of Hargeon and onto the open road, leaving so suddenly I never said goodbye to Levy. She was so nice and It was great meeting her but it was better this way, right?

I actually don't even have my drivers license, I was always driven by staff/ friends but it's definitely something to think about now. "What the hell?", Cana began to speak, her eyes widening a tad before fully waking up. 

"I've already packed most of your things, the other stuff wasn't important. I promise I'll make it up to you by buying you whatever you need from now on", I gripped my hands on the wheel tighter. I think I'm doing pretty well with this driving thing, I've seen a bunch of movies and that should be enough. 

"I don't really think that's the point. Maybe I'll be upset over the fact that you kidnapped me", Cana glared, now fully seated in her seat. 

"I'm sorry but it wasn't safe", I confirmed with all certainty. "Yeah, how do you know!", Cana huffed and looked out of the window. 

It remained silent for the next few minutes, not really knowing what to say. 

"I'm sorry" 

"I'm sorry", We said at the same time in total sync. We each laughed under our breath in either relief or content, I'm not sure which. Cana began to play with the radio on the headboard, looking for a good song. 

"Ya know Lucy, I'm surprised you had the ability to perform such a task. Can you even drive? Did you bring my phone?", Cana lifted her legs and rested them on the dashboard, placing her hands behind her head. 

"I actually don't have a license, but I'm doing pretty well so far. And yeah, it's somewhere in the bags behind, I was in a rush obviously", I smiled nervously at my own self. "Alright well how long till we get to your house or estate princess?" 

"According to google by tomorrow. We could switch wheels throughout the night", I suggested looking at Cana briefly. 

"Seems good. What's the plan from there, do you know?", She questioned with earnest curiosity, guess my decisions affected her as well because of this arrangement. 

"Well in my room is my bank card and If my father hasn't cut me off yet there should be a lot of money on it. Even if not, I have some saved up on the side", I admitted. 

"On the side? You mean cash?", Cana asked. 

"Yeah about $200 maybe", I wasn't really sure. We drove on discussing our future plans. 

Natsu's POV 

~Time skip~ (By a day) 

"How far?", I asked Gray for the umpteenth time already. I wanted this done and over with, with no implications and complications. 

"An hour or maybe half an hour, quit asking me!", Gray seemed pissed to my amusement. "I'm bored", I groaned and reclined the seat in his car, of course I was no longer driving. "Quit being a child and be focused already, did you forget we're on a mission?" 

I hmphed and started thinking about Erza. There is a possibility that she's on another mission but I'm pretty sure she would have told me, guess not. We began to pass a couple big houses and I figured we were close, suddenly we started driving between valleys and passing trees until we saw a huge white house. 

"Here we are", Gray said. We parked the car around the back of the estate as to not be seen. So, this is where Lucy grew up? Nice establishment here I've got to say although remembering Jude's court file I felt a sudden feeling of disgust from where I stood. I can't wait to kill him.  

Another black car pulled up from the side of the parking lot, along with two other small cars. I pulled out my gun, noticing that Gray did the same thing now slowly creeping behind the car. A few men walked out of the two smaller cars, opening the big one with a man with blond hair stepping out of the vehicle. 

It was Jude Heartfillia.  

I aimed my gun at him from a distance, still unseen from the others. Looking at him and taking in every detail, he looked like Lucy. I aimed at the ready but didn't fire. "Natsu, what are you doing? Shoot!", Gray hissed beside me and groaned. 

"I-I can't do it", I finally said completely lowering my arm in shame.  

"I thought you were already sure on killing him?!"

Suddenly a different shot came off from another direction. Gray and I ducked behind the car and looked to where it the shot came from. A woman was perched on the roof with a sniper in hand, scarlet hair, scary demeanor.... Erza?! 

"Is that Erza?", Gray asked in surprise. I didn't answer but instead began to look at what was happening down below. One of the men were shot down and the others pulled out their weapons, now aiming at the roof. I began to shoot at them, as did Gray with no regrets. Jude seemed to make it inside the house and I rushed after him. 

"Salamander! Get back here!", Gray shouted to me. My code name when on the field as to keep my name secluded, also a way for Gray to tease me for it, along with the rest of the organization. 

Lucy's POV 

"What the hell is going on over there?", I questioned from the passenger seat, I could hear shouting from home, which wasn't far at all. 

Cana parked and we soon noticed the dead bodies on the ground. Blood painting the pavement, along with the horror stricken faces of my Dad's men on the ground. Either dead or dying. 

"Oh my go-", Cana began but I interrupted her. 

"They're here or more specifically he is here", I got out of the car, ignoring Cana's shouts from inside. This was probably really really really stupid, but it's now or never. 

"I'm going to be in and out I swear", I promise Cana and head inside, looking over the dead bodies on the ground in fear. No one else was here outside although I'm not sure about inside. 

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