Face to Face

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Lucy's POV 

Everything was so silent, an eerie feeling over came me as I crept along the floors to the staircase, passing the kitchen. My room was the first door to the right only a few paces away, a short amount of time is all it should take but every movement I made felt slow. 

Should I be more worried about how my father is currently being hunted right now? I saw the cars and the three belonged to him, but I just don't care about his well being. He was nothing close to a father to me, I was more of a hindrance in his household.  The clone of his dead wife, my mother. Or so I was told by staff. 

He could be dead or alive at this moment, I just didn't want to be apart of any crossfire. 

Natsu is here also I'm guessing, from speculation and I definitely do not want to see him. I made my way to my door and grabbed a bag that remained here while I was gone. There were a few things other than the money that I couldn't leave behind, my books. I couldn't live without them, they were my adventures away from home as I was locked in my own room. 

I grabbed a couple papers for my entry to Magnolia University, there was no way I was giving that up. I quickly crouched down under my bed and pulled out a box, inside was a picture of my mother...... and $200!!! I pulled both and placed them in the bag then bolted out of my room.  

Memories seemed to have crossed my mind when I realized I was never coming back here, that was the plan anyways. I heard shuffling from the staircase, the noise coming from the kitchen. I froze and my breath hitched, who was there? 

I decided to run and jumped off the remaining few steps, before I made it out I heard an oh so familiar voice, "Lucy?". 

"Jude?", My father in the flesh, the monster that never hid under my bed.  

Natsu's POV 

Natsu when I find you I'm gonna kill you 

Gray spoke through the earpiece which we each had on at the present moment. I ignored his angry voice and started moving behind walls through what looked like a dining room. This house was pretty big and I happened to have lost Jude. There was no one else in the house aka staff that he probably had with this place and amount of money he had. 

I heard a few voices coming from what seemed like the kitchen, "Gray there's some movement in the kithen, head to the front". I whispered quietly. 

I held my gun down, head high and made my way toward the voices. My boots stomped against the floor at my fast movement and without looking at who the voices belonged to I raised my gun fully loaded. 

"Lucy?!", I yelled in shock at the angel before me. Blonde almost golden hair, rose coloured lips and pale skin due to shock most likely. My heart seemed to have started up again from what seemed like a deep sleep or even death and brought back to life. 

I stood there like the idiot I was just watching the scenery before me, I felt frozen in time as I watched her mouth my name, in shock and sadness. Maybe regret? 

What I didn't notice was the full grown man who sucker punched me in the face and tackled me to the ground. I groaned from the sudden pain at the back of my head on the floor and saw that Jude also had a gun under his large petticoat. 

I thought I saw my life flash before my eyes, Lucy's smile. Everything happened quickly, I heard Lucy cry out. 

Lucy's POV 

"No!!!", I yelled and shoved my father away, he dropped his gun on the floor and Natsu stood up again. 

Natsu's POV 

I stood up hesitantly and watched as Lucy quickly grabbed the gun her father dropped on the ground and held it out pointing toward me, again. 

Lucy's POV 

"I'm just going to leave from here, I don't care what you came here to do", I confirmed with fear lacing in my voice from what could have happened. Natsu could've been dead right in front of me and although I was still upset, I did feel soething for him. 

Natsu's POV 

I felt my spirits drop from seeing Lucy and registered her words. I heard a groan come from behind me, forgetting my gun that I left behind on the floor!! Jude held the gun in his hands, sweat dripping from his forehead and anger in his eyes. I closed my eyes and waited and the trigger was pulled. 

A ringing suddenly filling my ears but no pain came to me, I heard a shriek and twisted my head, fearing the worst. Lucy's hands were shaking and she suddenly was on the ground, on her knees. Tear streaming down her face, I made my way to the ground in front of her, checking for any wounds. 

There were none. 

"My dad..... I-I sh- shot him", She could barely make out the words that I couldn't even comprehend. Looking behind me I faced another dead body, no life in their eyes but a horror stricken face and a bullet in the head. 

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