Chapter 12

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"Hello." I whispered.

"So, I didn't even know you were here for a few days!" He spat.

"You can't stay mad at Marty." 

"Sure I can, I can do anything I want. Just not with you.." He added.

"Marty was too.... too, I don't know. He was too surprised. He couldn't leave my side." I explained.

"Oh I know that." He wailed. "Just be quiet and let me talk."

I shut my mouth. What has gotten into him?

"So, let's see. Where to begin? Oh, yes! So,-"

"Excuse me?" I asked, lifting a finger.

"WHAT?!" He snapped.

"I'm sorry, but please, sir, stop saying 'so'. It is not good to use the same words like 'like' or 'so' or 'because' a lot in your language. It will sound like you're repeating yourself, sir." I interupted, smirking.

"Oh, I don't care! Just get off my case, will you?" He screamed.

"Okay, okay, sorry. Just wanted to give you some helpful tips." I said raising my hands up.

"I think you're the one who needs tips. First, you say I'm not your father, then you faint and nobody tells me-"

"Um, no. Fainting was definitely NOT my fault." I admitted, interrupting him again.

"Shut up!!! Let me finish. Then, you do this. Just stop. Okay? I've been through enough misery."

"You've been in enough misery?? You? You are the one who stayed in their bed for God knows how many years, you are the one who ruined my life and Marty's, too." I screamed. Once I realized how mean I had been I whispered, "I'm sorry. "

"How did I ruin Marty's life?" He cried.

"You made me stay over at his-"

"Now, no. You could've easily stayed at our house."

"Yeah, that's a great idea. Then I can starve. Yay!" I said sarcastically, still frowning.

Paul turned around and burst out the door.

Finally gone! What an idiot.

I looked around the room. Water, water, water. I just noticed how incredibly thirsty I was. On the table next to me was a small plastic cup. I grabbed it and gulped down the liquid.

Then, I focused on the disscusion outside.

"She can hear us. She can hear things. Her senses. Something triggered her senses." Marty was saying in a hushed voice.

"Sir, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm sorry, but I don't think we will ever find out what has happened." The doctor answered.

"But, I just did! Her senses are incredibly strong. Come see." He said and must have grabbed the doctor because they both burst into the room.

"Hey, Julie. What have we been talking about?" Marty quizzed me.

"Uhhhh... about how you think that something triggered my senses and that I can hear things but you," I said nodding to the doctor, "don't think so. You think that nobody will ever figure out what happened." I answered.

The doctors jaw dropped.

"See? Exactly. Okay, so now, her hearing is incredible. So,-"

"Stop saying 'so', please. It is not very good English to keep on repeating the word 'so'." I explained again.

"And Dr. Maze, she has been acting differently. She has been smart."

"Hey, I was always smart."

"You got all D's on your report card."

"What?!?! That's impossible."

"No, it's not. You know you've been failing at school."

"No, I haven't! I'm a tutor for multiple people at school!"

"You are? How come you've never told me? That's great! But you still have D's."

"I think it is a good time for Julie and you to go home, Mr. Haresburg. You can talk everything over there." Dr. Maze said.

"Okay, Jules. Why don't we get your stuff." Marty said, relieved.

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