A Hole of Lies- Chapter 1

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My. Life. Sucks.

That’s it, three words.

If you ever need three words to describe my life, there they are, right before your eyes, written in Calibri font, at size eleven.

Need more details? I am the most popular girl in my school, I have the prettiest hair, eyes, mouth, nose, body. Everything about me is perfect.  Now you're thinking, “Oh wow. What a life!!  I wish I was like her: with all her pretty features, all her cool friends!”

But, no. I wish I was like you. Yes, I would definitely give up aaaaaaaaaaaaaall my beautiful parts just to be like you. All those things,  those are on the outside. But on the inside, oh boy, on the inside, I’m breaking apart like a giant volcano erupting into bits and pieces. 

Let me start on the outside. This is what I like about me. This is all I like. I am basically two people. One at school/with people I know, and one at home:

At school:

My name is Cassandra Avenston. I am thirteen years old and I am the most popular person in school. My hair is gold at perfect waist length, my eyes are green like the grass, and my teeth, I don’t even brush them, they are white as the puffy clouds on a warm summer day.  Everyone calls me Cassy, except for the people who hate me. Her name is Molly. And don’t even get me started on her last name. At night, I think of amazing things I can do to humiliate her. In the morning, I get ready as fast as I can so I can do it. She is my target. But lets not talk about her. How about we talk more about me.? My mother, she works at a huge business incorporation, so she travels a lot, and brings me AMAZING presents back. My Dad, he is a famous soccer player, so I take all my friends to AWESOME games. Nothing in this life is bad. I love it all.

At home:

All that stuff about me at school? All fake. All a fable. Every word, every letter. My real name is Julie Haresburg. I am thirteen years old, and I don’t know anyone. I have frizzy, ugly, disgusting brown hair, my eyes are brown like the dirt the soles of my feet step on, and my teeth, go ahead and call them gold. My dream friend would definitely be someone like Molly. My mom is dead, so that’s why she is never here, I guess. And my dad  is basically dead too. Since  my mom died, approximately nine years ago, he has been trash. He never gets out of bed, so I walk to Marty’s house to take me to school on special occasions, but I usually just take the bus. I have to prepare breakfast, cook dinner, (or the usual: ordering pizza) I even have to clean up all Dad’s junk. The only time I ever see him out of bed is if he has to go to the bathroom or if he goes and snacks on some junk food. When mom died, I was only about three years old, so Dad called up Marty and asked him to take care of me. So I am pretty responsible, since Marty does, surprisingly, have a life too. Now you are probably wondering why I have brown hair at home and blond at school. Well the blonde is a wig, the green eyes are contact lenses, and the teeth are fake. So yeah, nobody knows my “little” secret except for Marty. My Dad would never care. Marty is sort of my counselor  too. Whenever I have a problem, I go to him.

 So, now you know how my life is, try putting  yourself in my shoes.  Horrible, right? This is what I have to go through all day, every day.

                  I     Hate.  My . Stinkin’. Life

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