Chapter 16

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"Cassandra, you're late." A man with a long beard scolded as I walked in, probably Mr. Bellmont. He handed me a slip of paper.

"That's three tardies." He snapped, practically announcing it to the whole class, who looked up with  excited faces. "In. A. Row." He hissed.

"I hope you can understand, sir.  I don't know when I've ever been late before but-"

"Don't you sass me. I know what I'm talking about. You know what three tardies in a row mean, don't you?" He interrupted. "Detention!" He spat, answering his own question. "Now sit!"

I quickly hurried to the one empty desk right in front of Mr. Bellmont's desk. I put my bag down beside me- Wait. My bag! I forgot to put it in my locker! Wherever that might be...

"My goodness Cassandra. Your bag!" Mr. Bellmont exclaimed, pointing at me ugly pink bag. "Go put it away."

 I sat up at ran into the hall, kicking my bag on the way. I ran back into the office. This time, another lady was sitting behind the rounded desk. She had long blond hair and she looked kind and happy. Miss. Vint.

"Excuse me. I forgot where my locker is." I admitted out of breath.

"What's your name, sweetie?"

"Julie Haresburg."

Miss. Vint got out a big binder and started flipping through it, searching for the "H" section. After a while, she said, "I'm sorry, but I don't see any Julie Haresburg. There is Marie Haresburg, John Haresburg, Catie Haresburg, but no Julie Haresburg. Aren't you Cassandra?"

"No. I don't understand the.... I don't know. Is it a joke? Everybody is calling me Cassandra. I don't get this joke that it appears the whole school is taking part in." I blurted out.

"Maybe you should call your Mom or Dad to come and clear this up, because I think they registered you here as Cassandra Avenston." She said. I started panicking because I didn't know if I should call Paul or Marty, or just go along with everybody calling me Cassandra and head back to class.

"Honey, is that alright? Are you alright?" She asked when she saw me panicking.

"Um, sure." I admitted.

She handed me a phone and started punching numbers.

"But- what name is listed on there as my parents?"

"Oh um...... Marty Kast and Jennifer Stern." Mrs. Vint answered, looking back at the book.

Jennifer Stern? Who in the world is that? Did he just make some random name up?

"Okay, just type in the number and it will call." Miss. Vint instructed.

I did just that- 162-345-2498- and help the phone up to my ear.

"Marty?" I asked into the phone.

"Hey, Jules. What's up?" Marty's voice rang to loudly in my ear. I put the phone a little farther away.

"Hey, are you busy?" I asked quietly.

"Ummm, no, not really. Do I have to do something?"

"Yeah... Can you come over here?"

"Uh, sure. I'll be right there. Bye."

"Okay. Thanks bye." I put the phone back in it's place, still whispering, "Okay, okay, okay."

"What did they say?" Miss. Vint asked me.

"Oh, he's coming." I answered.

"Alright. Can you hand this to your homeroom teacher? And then you can come back in here and wait in the chairs over there." She said pointing to the chairs lining the wall. "You can leave your bag here." She added handing another piece of paper to me. I took it and headed out the door.

Now I have to deal with him again. I thought as I came to the door. Just get it over with.

I pushed open the door and Mr. Bellmont was speaking to the class. They all stopped what they were doing and stared at me. I trotted in and handed the slip of paper to him.

"Hm. What's this now?" He asked, taking the paper. "Oh. Okay." He said, dismissing me, finding it more serious than he thought. I nodded and took off.

About half an hour after sitting awkwardly in the office, Marty came. I was furious with him for writing some random person in place of my mom.

"Okay. What's up?" He asked Miss. Vint.

"Well, your daughter here says her name is Julie Haresburg, but in here, it says her name is Cassandra Avenston." She answered.

Marty gave me a nasty glare and I just shrugged because it was true.

"May I speak with her outside?" He asked.

"Sure." Miss. Vint answered.

Marty opened the door for me. I stood up and stepped outside.

"What's wrong with you?! Julie! Why would you say that??" Marty screamed.

"I- I'm sorry, but I really don't know who Cassandra is!" I admitted.

"Listen, here, you're Cassandra. At home, you're Julie, remember?"

"No. Now that's just messed up!"

"No! It's not, Julie! It's not! That's how you wanted!!"

"But who in the world is Jennifer Stern?!" I asked, remembering the mystery.

Marty's face dropped. "Where did you get that name?" He asked quietly, very serious.

"I asked the lady what name's were listed as my parents."

"It's nobody. OK, listen. I'm going to take you home, then make some lunch, and I have to talk to you." Marty finished the conversation. He walked back inside, and about five minutes later came back out.

"Let's go." He demanded.

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