Chapter 30

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"STOP IT! Just stop it!" I yell jumping out of my seat.

"Honey, I'm sorry. I know I should have told you before but I just didn't wat to hur-"

"Stop it! OK? Just stop! I hate being tossed around like a doll! I hate all the lies! You guys are all keeping secrets from me, I can't even keep track of my own life anymore! I hate it!!" I scream back . And in a quieter voice say, "And since when do you have two sons, mom?"

"Well, I was in a relationship for a while. It was a big mistake but-" She starts again but I cut her off.


"Stop yelling!! I did not cheat. It was stupid. But Casper and Fragil are great boys." She says and mutters under her breath,"Plus he thought I was dead so it's technically not cheating."

"Oh yeah, lying to someone about their death and then going out with someone else is definitely not considered cheating. Why didn't I know that? Stupid me!" I say sarcastically.

"Honey, stop. Why do you care anyway?

 "Um, well let's see." I say, itching my chin. "Because I happen to be your daughter who cares if she has step brothers and a twin sister."

"Okay, yes, your right. I just wanted to tell you when you were all settled in." She says.

"That's probably the absolute worst time to tell someone something. Does Marty know?" I spit.

"Um, yes, he does. We were kept in touch for a little bit." She says.

"Mom?" I ask. "I don't need you to tell me the whole story again, but why didn't you just go pick Nancy up from the orphanage and come back?" 

"Oh, I don't know. It was just all so confusing. And I know staying  just made it even more confusing, but, now were back together again so all of it doesn't matter." She answers and wraps her arms around me again.

We sit there for a while, locked together. I sigh. I guess she was right. It was all the past and all that's important is the future.

"What's on your mind, sweetie?" Mom asks, noticing me sighing.

"OH, nothing, just thinking of how you were always right."

"Not always honey. I made the mistake of not coming back with Nancy and made the mistake to go out with that guy. But he is gone now. Speaking of which, how is Paul? Is he fairing well? I've missed him so much."

"OH, God. Don't remind me. He's probably not ever going to get out of his bed for the rest of his life." I say standing up.

"Honey, don't talk that way about your father. He is a great man. He would never do that!"

"Mom? Excuse me? You haven't seen him in ten years, how are you supposed to know??"

"OK, fine. But how is he doing?"

"Horrible, the last time I saw him. I basically moved in with Marty." I said. I don't know what came over me, but I told her everything. From the second she died to the second I found out we were moving. Every single detail. The whole tome she just sat there, not moving.

When I was done, I sat down with a sigh. Talking can be tiring.

All she said was, "Wow, I'm so sorry honey. That must have been so rough."

"Yeah, it was. But, like you said, it's the past." And excitedly I added, "Can I go meet the boys?"


Just then Nancy walked casually through the door. When she saw us staring back at her she stopped and mumbled, "I'm sorry" and turned away to leave.

Before she could even take a step I blurted out, "No!"

"Honey, we're going to go find the boys. Wanna come?"

Her eyes went wide with surprise. She gave Mom a look that clearly stated,"You told her?!"

"Yes, honey. She asked me about them. Now let's go." She says standing up. She locked her arm around mine and did the same to Nancy.

And there we went, our little family. With locked arms we marched, happily, out the door.

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