Chapter 35

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One day later, we say our goodbyes to Marty and Jennifer. I've never seen Marty so happy. He promises that everything will be OK with my new life, and, surprisingly, I know that.

As they take off in Jennifer's car to head for the airport, I'm more happy than sad to see him go. He's finally gotten his life together and done something. I know it'll be a while before I get to see him again, but Mom and Nancy will make up for that.

"Well, it must be hard to say good-bye to him, now isn't it, Jules?" Mom asks me.

 "No, actually it's not. I'm just happy he's out of here!" I answer, laughing.

"Tag, you're it!" Nancy says tapping my shoulder.

I laugh and turn to get Casper. I see Mom smiling happily, finally having her whole family together. And so she joins us with our little game of tag.

Once we've finally got out act together, Mom set us down by the table again, and made lunch for us. 

"OK, so next week we're gonna hop on a plane and head for California. We're a neighborhood down from where Julie used to live. Paul has already moved in and gotten settled so-" Mom said while she was preparing lunch.

"Oh no, Mom, Dad has a horrible taste when it comes to arranging furniture!" I beg. 

"Oh, stop worrying for once. His just getting rid of all the furniture we have and we're going to go shopping for new stuff. We're buying the house unfurnished. It's a really nice house. It has five bedrooms so you can each have your own!" Mom explained.

 "Wait, how'd you get the money to pay for a house like that?" I asked.

"I had a job here, you know! Marty also loaned us some money and Dad's getting more money from the furniture that he's selling."

"Ok. But Mom, if you couldn't take care of only two kids that you had to get rid of me how can you now take care of four?!" Nancy asks, bringing up a good point.

"Now I have experience and things have changed. Plus getting rid of you was the worst mistake anyone could ever make." Mom says giving a side-ways hug to Nancy.

"Do we get a playroom?" Fragil suddenly asks.

"Well, there's an amazing basement that can be your playroom. PLus an extra room down there for an office." Then turning to Nancy and I she said, " Dad bought a little shop which he's going to make into a gym to train people because that's what he used to do when we first met. So he's going to earn money that way. And I can continue my job there. This is all working out so wonderfully!"

"Wow you're really excited Mom. What's your job?" I asked her.

"It work at a-" Mom began.

"May I tell her?" Nancy asked.

"Sure, honey. I've got to finish the French Toast." Mom said standing up.

"Ok, so. Mom works as the assistant manager of a bookstore called Busy Books and, and, and she is just about to become the manager because the former manager is moving and since Mom is becoming the manager by the end of next week so she can do whatever she wants with it she's going to basically bring it with us to California! They're turning this lot into a donation center where you can donate to any charity you want. Cool, huh? And then they're gonna build a new Busy Books!!!!"Nancy explains quickly. She takes a deep breath.

"Wow, Ok, that's nice."I say, surprised.

"SOoooooooo, after school we can pick up Casper and Fragil and go to the bookstore to do our homework! Cool, huh?!" Nancy continues. She's basically jumping out of her seat with excitment.

"That's awesome!" I say.

"And there is a park right by our house so you guys can also go there." Mom says.

"REALLY?!" Nancy screams, this time literally jumps out of her seat.

 "That's so cool!" I chime in.

"And." Mom continues."Your birthday is coming up."

Birthday, I completely forgot. My birthday is in three weeks. Our birthday.

Nancy turns to me. "The first birthday we'll celebrate together."

 "And hopefully not the last." I say. 

"What do you girls want?" Mom asks.

"Oh, I want a whole bunch of things!" Nancy exclaims and tugs on my arm. I follow her to the bedroom.

"Lets make a list of things we want!" She says and hands me a paper and pencil.

I write:

1. Clothes.

2. School supplies.

3. A fun day.

Before I can protest Nancy exchanges ours and starts reading. Hers says :

1. Clothers

2. Cell Phone

3. Computer

4.  Books.

5. A canvas

6. A haircut

7. A garden

8. NAil Polish

"This it? Three things?" Nancy asks me.

"Well, yeah. Do you really need a canvas?" I ask,

"Well, yeah, I love to paint."

"Ok. You have any nice friends back in California?"

"Uuum, that's a long story....." I murmur.

"That's ok."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"I like storys. Tell me, tell me!" She pleads.

And so I tell her. I tell her everything I told Mom. Everything.

"Wow. Your life was BAD!"

"No kidding!" I say. Then changing the subject," When are Casper and Fragil's birthday?"

"OH uuum, Caspers in November and Fragil in a month and a half."

"GIRLS!" We hear Mom cry from the kitchen.

  Once we're in the kitchen," OK, so I now Caser and Fragis birthday are a lomngtime frm nw, but justo pln inadvance, what do yo think I soul et hem?"

"OH! we weregjust talking bot that!"I say.

"Get Fagie a lizard and Casper a dog. Tada!" Nancy says obviuosly bored of the subject.

Just then Casper and Fragil walk in.

"Look Mommy, I found a gecko!" Fragie says in his adorable voice.

"Well, how irconice"Mom answers looking at us. 

"Can I keep it? It's name is Mark!"

"What if it's a girl?" Nancy asks.

"Uum, I dunno. Can I, Mommy, pleeeeease!" Fragil pleads

"I don't know yet, honey. Put it, uum, in the empty plastic container in your room, OK?"

With that, Fragil runs off.

"Ooh, Mom. You should keep it but pretend you got rid of it and then give it to him on his birthday!" I say.

"OH wow, what a brilliant idea!" Mom answers. "I think I might just do that!"

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