Chapter 31

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"Fragie! I coming to get you!" A little boy runs right in front of us as we continue our happy walk.

That must be Casper, I think.

"Whoa, Casp, not so fast." Mom says, unlinking her arm from mine and stepping in front of Casper.

"They're so annoying." Nancy whispers to me. "So don't say they're cute or anything."

"I won't. Don't worry, I've seen cuter!" I whisper back, which makes us both burst out laughing. It's great to have a twin.

"But Mom, I need to find Fragil!" Casper whines.

"Fine, then go find him and bring him back. I want you to meet someone."

"Ugh!" He grunts and runs off screaming, "Fragie!"

"I love having a complete family. It feels so.... complete." I sigh.

"Yeah. I always felt like some part of me was missing, now I know what it is!" Nancy replies. We smile.

"Julie, I need to tell you something. Since you guys love having a complete family, maybe you should move in with us?"

"Really?! I could do that?! Oh my God, that would be great!" I say. And I actually mean it.

Nancy and I squeal and hug each other. Then we move over and give a big hug to Mom. I guess things are getting normal between Nancy and I. It's great.

Just then, Casper comes back trailing an angry looking Fragil behind him.  Although their a few years apart they look exactly the same.

"Casper, Fragil. Come here. This is your half-sister." Mom announces.

"Nancy? We know that, Mom. Are you feeling alright?" Casper answers.

 "No, stupid. Her." Nancy says pointing to me. "She is my long lost twin!"

I turn to Casper and Fragil. There is no emotion on their faces at all.

"Cool" Casper shrugs and walks off. But Fragil just stands there.

"He's a quiet one, Fragil." Mom says and picks him up.

"Hi. I'm five. My name is Fragil. We're family?" Fragil says in an angel voice. Maybe I haven't seen cuter.

"Hi, Fragil. I'm Julie. And yes, we are family. Do you want to be family?" I ask.

"Hi Julie. Yes, I do. It's cool. Are you going to live with us?"

"Yup, I think I am. I mean, if its OK with you?" I feel so comfortable around him, like I've been with him all my life.

"Yeah, I'm cool with that." Fragil answers obviously trying to imitate the way Casper speaks.

"Coolio. I'm good with that too." I answer.

And for maybe the first time in my life, I'm happy.

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