Chapter 18

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I sat on the edge of my bed, shell shocked. Had I heard him right? Did he seriously say...... Burlington, Iowa? I must've heard him wrong. I must have. It's impossible. Why would we move? I just don't get it!

I took a deep breath, then let it go. How has my life gotten like this? It all started when Paul got himself out of that dump. It's all Paul's fault. All his fault. Then I fainted, and then that whole problem at school. Marty has kept such a big secret, all these years. My whole life is a lie. I hate that.

 "Julie? Start packing, OK? We're leaving tomorrow morning." Marty's voice startled me.

"Marty, no. I need to speak with you! Marty, please-" I started, but Marty had already left.

 Start packing. Right. What should I pack? I don't have anything. I least I don't anymore. Non of this junk is mine. I got up and walked over to the desk. Then I backtracked to the closet. I opened it but I almost fainted again. I closed my eyes and opened them again. The colors were just blinding. I couldn't even tell if it was clothes at all. Colors were just splattered around the closet. There was one pile of clothes from which I pulled a brightly yellow-colored shirt. Because of that, the rest of the pile exploded on the floor. All of the shirts were one-shoulder shirts and the shorts were basically just peices of cloth. There was a bra and tank tops and not one single trouser. Some short skirts and dresses were mixed, all as ugly as the rest of the clothing. Much different from my blouses and shirts and jeans that I used to have. I packed some of the nicest clothes and put the rest in a trash bag to donate. Then I picked out some of the pens and pencils on my desk, some papers and binders, some pillows, jewelry, a laptop, my phone, some paintings on the wall, pictures, books. So there were some decent stuff in the too brightly colored square of doom.

"Marty?" I tried to make a conversation later at dinner.

"Marty?" I asked a few minutes after he didn't reply.

"What?" He snapped.

"I think I might need some new clothing." I explained. "The things in the clos-"

"Aren't your's and you hate them because you're all different and acted weird now." Marty finished off for me.

"Well... yes. But I don't think I've changed."

"OK, we'll get you some clothes. Anything else you need?"

"Um well, there IS a giant dent in the wall of the room. And I think I might need new furniture. The other furniture is too-"

"You don't have to explain everything. What dent?" Marty cut me off again.

"I don't know. There was just a dent and a sarf hanging limply over it."

"Julie!" Marty randomly remarked.


"No. I mean the old Julie. She must've done that, that poor girl. I kind of miss the old you." He said, chuckling. I just nodded in response.

"I'm sorry I changed but there is nothing I can do about it. I like the way I am, actually." I said a few minutes later.

"Oh, Julie. Don't ever be sorry for who you are. And I know we are going through a rough time, especially you. But don't be sorry. Non of this is your fault." Marty reassured.

"Did you seriously say Burlington. Iowa?"

"Yes. We are moving there. Why?"

"It sounds like a- excuse my language- a shithole of a place."

"Have you ever been there?"


"Well then shut your mouth and finish your dinner. We have a big day ahead."

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