Chapter 38

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On the first day that school started, I think I was more nervous than Nancy, it being her first day ever of school.

"Oh, no need to be nervous. If those girls come and hurt you in any way, I'll be at your side. I'll always be at your side, actually, because I don't know if I'll go anywhere else." Nancy had yelled across the hall to me.

"Yeah, whatever." I said, although I still didn't believe it.

When Mom dropped us off she kissed us goodbye and good luck. The second Mom was back on the road Nancy started jumping up and down, squealing and holding my hand.

"Oh my God, oh my God, I'm soooo excited. Let's go, let's go , let's goooo!" She squealed. But she stayed rooted to the spot.

"C'mon. Move it." I say, trying to tug her to the door.

"Are you sure? Is it not scary, or anything?" Nancy asks, pretending to be brave but obviously slacking.

"Wait, is someone.... is someone... afraid?" I tease.

"Nooo, it's just....." Nancy protests. She looks me in the eye, then sighs. "Let's go." She says and pulls the big door open. 

Inside, it's like I never left. The office is exactly the same as it used to be. Cramped with a stern-looking lady sitting at the desk: Mrs. Suckelbridge.

There was one thing different about it though.: me. When I first walked in here after I fainted and was in the hospital, I was shy, afraid, small. But now, with my amazing twin sister at my side, I felt powerful and like there was nothing to worry about.

"So we meet again, Miss. Avenston." Mrs. Suckelbridge greets as we walk up to her desk.

"Avenston?" I ask.

"Yes, Cassandra. It's your last name. Have you forgotten that too?" She replies, annoyed.

"OH, right!" I say. Cassandra Avenston. I completely forgot! "Mrs. Suckelbridge, we already went over this. May I please speak to the nice Miss. Vint?"

Wow, even I'm surprised by my tone. I like it.

Mrs. Suckelbridge marches off with a scowl. A minute later Miss. Vint comes out.

"Hello, Cassandra. Or is it Julie?" Miss. Vint greets.

"You see, there was a terrible mistake made. But I moved to Iowa, cleared some things up, and now I'm back. Now, I'm enrolled as Julie Haresburg, my real name." I answer.

"Ahh, alright, Julie. Who's this?"

"I'm Nancy." Nancy answers excidently.

I chuckle, " Yes, this is Nancy Haresburg, my sister. She is going here too now. "

"OK. Well, Nancy, it's great to meet you and welcome to Grand Middle School. It's a pleasure to have you here." Miss. Vint says.

"Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here." Nancy answers. I'm shocked by her politness and I think she is too.

"Well, do you know where to go for homeroom?"

"I do, may I please show Nancy where her's is? We have all the same classes excpet homeroom." I ask.

"I guess, but hurry, the bells about to ring." Miss. Vint said, kindly shooing us off. "Good luck!"

And with that, Nancy and I ran down the crowded halls.

But we ran into Belle and Carly and Joshua.

"Oh no." I whispered when I saw them. CArly noticed me too, ad waved at me but Belle stopped her and gave me a nasty look.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the ol' Cassandra." Belle said when they caught up to us.

"Her name's Julie." Nancy said for me, keeping her promise to protect me.

"Who are you?" Carly asks.

"I'm Nancy." Nancy replies happily.

 "Well, then bug off, idiot." Belle says.

That did it. Something boiled up inside. I was about to do what I've been dreaming of doing for ages.

I stepped up to Belle, placed my hands on her shoulders, and shove her down to the tiled floors. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO MY SISTER THAT WAY! YOU HEAR ME?"  I scream. Belle trys to get up but I push her back down. "Do you hear me?"

"Yes." Belle whimpers.

I crouch down close to Belle so only she can hear it, "You ever talk to my sister that way again, you better watch out. Oh, and by the way, that outfit is SO last year."

Then I stand up, grab Nancy by the wrist, and storm off to homeroom, finally leaving my old friends behind.

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