Chapter 3: fifteen and pregnant

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While I was waiting outside for my mom to pick me up, someone tapped my shoulder. Jamie. I looked at her and laughed. "Jamie I have nothing to say expect leave me alone" I told her and then walked to the parking lot. I didn't want to deal with her, I didn't like that girl. Jamie use to be my bestfriend, we basically lived at each other's houses but now. Jamie stabbed me in the back. I was done. I wanted nothing to do with her. She wanted to sleep with my boyfriend, she would be the coldest shoulder I had! My mom finally came five minutes later. "So Ansley, you know Justin and you how y'all---" she started but I cut her off "Mom me and Justin are just fine" I groaned. And turned the radio on and looked out the window. I really wasn't up for her telling me. 'Well honey I didn't think Justin was a polite guy anyways he was always putting you off' she would just keep on and on if I wouldn't have stopped her. "Well how about he come over for dinner tonight? You're father and I can go to the store while you two watch movies?" She suggested. I thought about it for moment "Mom for once that wasn't a stupid idea" I told her. When she parked I ran upsets and got his number out of the dresser, and texted him 'hey babe, my mom was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner they said we could stay here till they get back. We could watch a movie or something' I sent him it didn't take him long to reply 'I'm on my way' he told me. I was looking forward to the night with him.


The doorbell rung and I ran downstairs and let him in. "Baby I love you" he told me and kissed me. "I love you too Justin" I told him. He came in and smiled my parents just left so we went up to my room. He laid down on my bed and was staring at me. "Babe come over here" he begged I walked over and he pulled me into him. And we started making out. I had no clue why, but I always gave in to him. Justin's hands began to go up my back and back down again. I let his tongue access my mouth. I was in love with him I could never stop. He pulled me on top without breaking our kiss. His hands began exploring more or my body, as mine began to go under his shirt. Soon mine was gone. And so was his. Before I knew it he was on top and pulling my pants off and his too. And smirked at me. And leaned down and kissed me.


We hurried and put all of our clothes back on before my mom and dad got back home. Justin pulled me into him and kissed me again "Ansley I love you" he told me. "I love you too Justin" I told him and kissed him back. My life was complete with him. No matter what happened Justin was the one I wanted to be with. We have been together for a year already and I wouldn't trade our relationship for anything. As soon as I pulled away my mom walked in. "We're home" she said "and we got scary movies" my dad cooed from behind her. Justin and I laughed at her. And turned the Tv off and walked down stairs to the living room. I couldn't believe my mom and dad. They where so clueless. But I'm happy they where. My mom began cooking as my dad put in one movie, and went to the kitchen to start the popcorn. "Popping popcorn, popping popcorn, oh how I love the smell" my dad began singing I laughed and looked at Justin who was looking back at the kitchen. My dad kept repeating himself over and over again I didn't understand that man. He was surly weird for sure. And I knew that he was the best dad I could ask for.


Dinner time came before me knew it. And Justin had to pull me from under him. The movie was scarier than I would have thought. My mom had it laid out for us. And it looked so good. We all grabbed hands and prayed then we began eating "oh my mom this is my gosh mom" I stated she smiled "Mrs. Crystal this is amazing" Justin told her. "Thank y'all" she told us than turned to my dad. "Honey, do you not like it?" She asked "well is okay" my dad told her, she have him a evil glare and turned her whole body to them "honey are you saying it's isn't good?" She questioned. I could tell my mom was getting mad she loved to cook and my dad, talking about it. "Crystal I was joking it's amazing" he said grabbing her hand laughing. My dad was always the one for the jokes. No matter how mad he made someone he always was for the jokes. After dinner we continued watching the scary movies. I was hide behind Justin, every creep, I jumped and he would pull me close. I felt safer than ever around him. I wouldn't think of what I would do without him. He looked at his phone and got up. "Ansley I gotta go" he said in a rush. I looked at him and nodded. I wasn't sure why he was leaving early but I was tired. And I needed my rest. Tomorrow was a long day, and I knew Justin would be excited about it. I walked outside with him and we stood by his truck. "No texting and driving, no speeding, no go crazy" I explained while smiling. A smile tugged at his lips and he pulled me into a hug "Yes ma'am" he said and kissed me. I didn't wanna let go but I had too. I pulled away and looked up at him. "Justin promise me one thing. Promise me you won't ever cheat again." I said looking at my feet now. He lifted my chin "listen I made a mistake I swear I won't do it again" with that he kissed me. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled his head closer deeping the kiss. I pulled away, and hugged him one last time. "Ansley Nicole. I love you" he told me "Justin Bradley. I love you" I replied. With that he got in and left.


Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. I hope y'all like this book😊 thank you for reading💜

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