Chapter 14: Fifteen and Pregnant

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2 months later..

After everything that happened some of the things finally calmed down. Alvin and I have became close again. I go to his house twice a week, just to hangout and talk. Justin comes along with me just to make sure I don't do anything stupid. Justin and I, we really aren't on our good terms. He keeps yelling at me. I didn't know what I have done to him to make him so angry. But I would find him texting other girls again. He had pictures and numbers. I didn't understand this. How did he get their numbers back?

"Ansley come here" Justin called from the kitchen. I walked down stairs and went and seen what he needed "yes?" I asked "I'm going out for a little while" he told me "where too?" I asked with worry in my eyes "just out" he told me. I rolled my eyes and went back up to my room and slammed my door. I knew he was going to see another girl. He was back to his old ways. And he needed to change. I was 4-months pregnant, 14 weeks to be exact. And he's sleeping around on me? When he's suppose to be 'in love' with me. I heard my door open. I wiped my face "Ansley really?" He asked angrily. "What?" I demanded. "What is the matter you see Alvin" he said pissed. "It's about Alvin? That's what this is about?! You're doing this because of Alvin!" I yelled and demanded. "Ansley calm down "no I will not. You're cheating on me! When clearly I don't cheat on you! You're over there with me with Alvin! If you don't want me over there anymore all you had to say was stop!" I screamed through my tears. He walked over to me. I could tell he felt like an ass. I got up and went to the bathroom and locked myself in. "Go to her, but when you leave. Don't come back" I told him. I didn't care anymore. I slide against the wall and cried. I heard him hit the door. I was broken. I knew he was blaming me for why he was cheating. I got up after a few minutes and washed my face. I walked out to see him sitting there. With his knees pulled up and his arms laid out, and his head was down. I sat down beside him "we need to talk" I told him looking at my belly. "Okay" he said "I never cheated on you. You was my first. Let me rephrase that. You where my first at everything. So do you kinda understand how much I love you? Why would I cheat? I wanna be with you. But you keep pushing me away. Why? You tell me you love me. Am I just someone you run back to? Is it cause you're 18, and I'm 16? Tell me justin. I need to know these things! Do I need to give up. Or not?!" I demanded. He shook his head "Ansley I never meant to hurt you I never meant for us to get this far outta control. I wish I could take back all the bad things I've done" he said with his head down. I was rubbing my belly "did you ever once think 'my family, my child' or was it that moment where you said you had no child" I asked bluntly. He just shook his head. "Please just listen" he begged. "Okay" I told him. He was looking at me now "listen I love you. I'm sorry for causing all this pain. If you want me to leave. I will, I don't want you too. But I mean, when I said I had no child the first time I was stupid. I didn't mean it. I'm stupid I know." He said I got up "Justin I don't want you to leave. I want you here. Just not with the cheating or anything. I want us to be honest. I don't cheat on you" I told him and helped him up "Here" he said and handed me his phone "take the lock off, delete everything" he told me. And I didn't.

The next day.

I got up and got ready I had an appointment to check on my baby. Justin was still sleeping. I started feeling sick. I ran to the bathroom, just my luck this was one of the mornings I got sick. And I would stay sick all day long. I flushed the toilet and washed my face, then brushed my teethe I got a shower and walked out in a towel. I was looking for my sports bra, and some panties I changed and got some yoga pants and a shirt. I went downstairs and got some breakfast. I was starving. When I ate and came back up he was gone. I was looking for my phone. It was gone off the night stand "here" he said "why'd you have that?" I asked "just to see" he said putting his clothes on. I was glaring at him. "Uh-oh okay" I said confused "find anything?" I asked he shook his head "you are telling the truth, you have no guys number you'd never cheat" he told me. My eyes widened he thought I would cheat. Great. When he got ready we left. We walked in and waited "so I wanna know what it is today" he told me. "If they can find out" I told him. He was holding my hand "you know you're sixteen now, you should have a car" he said. "Yea but we have a baby. We have to worry about them my mom and dad ain't going to get me a car" I told him. He laughed "Ansley" they called we walked back, "how are you today?" They asked "good" I told them "let's weigh you" she told me. I knew I gained weight. "Okay you weigh 116" she said my eyes got big "what!" I exclaimed "yes ma'am" she said "oh my" I said and Justin laughed. They took my blood pressure "115/78 back under control I see" she said and smiled "yea he isn't dying on me now" I told her she smiled "you're the lucky guy who she is in love with" she said he smiled and nodded "lift up you're shirt please" she said I nodded. I was ready to see my baby. "Today we will hear the heartbeat, and see it." She said I was holding Justin's hand. The first time we have heard it's heart beat. She showed us our baby. It was getting bigger "just a little longer and we can tell what you're having" she said with a smile. I was so happy. She turned up the sound. And there was the heart beat. Fast and alive. "Justin listen." I told him. He was smiling and his eyes was watery. "That's our baby" he said I smiled and kissed his hand "do you have any questions?" She asked "how soon can I know?" I asked her "the next time you come in" she said I smiled and squeezed his hand. We walked out and made and appointment for three more weeks. I was so ready to see what we was having.

A couple days later me and Justin was sitting outside drinking hot chocolate. It was December. Snow was falling, Justin went inside and got my boots and jacket and head head head scarf. I put on my stuff, and we walked into the snow. I seen my mom standing at the doorway "I'm going to get my camera" she yelled. I was laughing. We took some "family" pictures out in the snow I wasn't very big, but you could tell I was pregnant. We took some of us kissing, him holding my belly, me and him making hearts with our hand on my belly. Him kneeling down, kissing my belly while I was kissing his head. That was my favorite. I was getting bigger and my skinny girl shirts was getting tight now. My boobs was getting huge. I was happy with him.

Christmas Eve..

Justin and I was waiting to eat, I was starving. But I got sick right before. I brushed my teethe then went back down stairs. "Are okay okay?" He asked me. I nodded. All of our families was at my house so it was crowded. Everyone was touching my baby bump. We sat down to eat, and talk. After we done that we went and opened presents. I was handed all mine. I noticed justin didn't get me one. I didn't even care. He didn't get me one last year either. "Oh Ansley. You forgot one" my mom said "oh really?" I told her she handed it to me. I took it. It was a big box. I opened it "sorry but you got to opened another box don't be mad" I read out loud. So I did. I came to another box it was big but smaller. "Haha opened this one to don't be mad" I read again. So I didn't. Another freaking box. I was getting mad. "Another box?!" I said out loud everyone laughed "please don't her mad one mode box" I read again. They laughed I pulled out a small box it was read justin came to me and got down in front of me I opened it.. A ring. "Ansley I'm sorry for everything I've done, I'm sorry for everything I've said, and I'm sorry for putting you through all the bullshit. But I wanna make it all right, I wanna prove to you I ain't joking when I say I love you, or when I kiss you or hold you. I wanna show you how much you mean to me. I'm in love with you. And I wanna be with you forever. Please marry me" he asked I was crying. His eyes was watery. And I nodded yes. He put the ring on my finger and kissed me. "She said yes" he told everyone. I was happy, everyone was in place now.


Hey guys I hope you likes this chapter I'm getting ready for my next exam now😓 doing this instead of studying, in a pro😊 just kidding. Math really isn't my thing. Love y'all thanks for reading!

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