Chapter 8: Fifteen and Pregnant

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"Justin stop" I told him while he was messing up my hair "oh come on I missed it" he sang "day one, day two and now day three" I told him he nodded. This pain medicine was really a pain. My boyfriend was loony and I want him to his sane self. Not this crazy ass self. I began wondering when he would be okay and not in pain so I could have a normal conversation instead of "look at the clouds" or "the floor is shiny" something like that was so odd. By the next week his pain medicine was cut out. And we was regretting it. He complained. "Babe my arm" he would call "babe shut up" I would reply in a man tone. He would just glare and roll his eyes. A coupled days past and he finally got to come home. I was happy to have him home finally he laid I'm bed and looked up at me "wanna lay down" he asked "no Justin im good" I told him "ann what's wrong" he asked me pushing himself up with one hand. "Nothing" I told him looking down "you're lying" he told me not hateful, but just stating. "No I'm not" I pleaded "you're looking down now tell me" he demanded angry "Justin I'm scared!" I yelled with tears in my eyes he looked at me "I'm scared I almost lost you dang! You would've just left here without seeing your kids grow up, leaving me to do it by myself. What if they asked 'who's daddy?' What would've I said?" I said much calmer. He pulled me into him with his one arm. Even with one he was still stronger than me, "Ansley I'm not going to leave you to do this alone. I'm sorry I scared you. All I thought about when that truck hit me was my kids, my girlfriend." He told me. Now I was crying my eyes out. I looked up "Justin you see there's this thing called 'I'm in love with you' and well it ain't going away" I told him he smiled "even though all our bullshit" he asked I kissed his cheek and got up "even though it" I told him. I walked down stairs and got something to eat this pregnancy was going to make me fat. And I hated it. Right now I wasn't eating much but I knew I would start soon. I got a pop-tart and ate it. I sat down and began watching tv. I was watching a movie when Justin called me. I walked up stairs to my room. I looked at him "I'm lonely" he told me "Justin you need rest" I told him "babe" he told me and gave me a puppy dog look. I laid down and turned the tv on. "You make me mad" I told him turning on my side which I was turning into a kiss "yea yea I love you too" he said pinching my cheek. "When can I have this off?" He asked pointing to his cast "I don't know" I answered honestly knowing he only fractured and burned it. "I'll go call" I said getting up he nodded. I dialed the number and she answered "hello dr. Martees office, dr. Martee speaking how may I help you?" She greeted "yes this is Ansley Abrect. Justin Johnson's girlfriend. He was wondering when he could have his arm cast off." I questioned "give me one second to pull his file" she basically sang. I did as she said she she came back "okay he can come back in two weeks to get the cast off" she told me "thank you so much" I told her "you're welcome honey" she said and hung up. I walked back up stairs "she said never" I told him and laughed he rolled his eyes "Abrect stop playing" he told me "two weeks Johnson" I laughed and started to walk out "babe where you going" he begged holding onto me "downstairs" I said smiling. He refused to let me go and I laughed. "No" he told me. I was pulled back and he laughed. "I told you no" he said

Two weeks later!
We was going to the doctor to get his arm checked out. And make sure he could get the cast off now. He's been so ill with both a leg and arm cast on. I seriously thought about shooting him sometimes. "Ann did you know this is what little jake looks like" he told me "little jake?" I asked curious of who that was. "Our baby" he told me laughing "how do you know it's a boy" I demanded "it's what I want" he laughed cause he knew he was making me mad. During the last two weeks, he done a lot of that. I had to take his books to class, I had to help him around his house and my house. I had to be his other leg. And he put a lot of weight on me. We walked in and I signed him in. "Thanks babe" he said and kissed me "no problem" I told him I was holding his hand when someone tapped his shoulder I looked over his ex amber. "Hey Justin I heard about the wreck I'm sorry I didn't talk to you sooner" she told him. "Hey amber I'm Ansley his girlfriend" I told her with an attitude "Justin you have a girlfriend you didn't tell me that the other day before the wreck" she said glaring at me "Justin doesn't have a phone" I laughed she looked down. "He also doesn't have any girls number" I added and laughed at how stupid she looked "you can try all you want but justin is with me now and he isn't going anywhere. Have a seat with the rest of the hoes trying" I said pointing across the room to empty seats. She left "thirsty bitches" I told him. And shook my head. "Mr. Johnson" they called we got up and went to go check his arm "well now I think this can come off" she told him and he smiled at me. "What about my leg?" He begged "son that one will take time, I mean you can but it'll grow wrong" she told him. He nodded and they showed us where he would go to get it off. He came out with an brace on it "babe look no more cast" he told me I laughed yea one on the leg" I laughed at him. He crutched to the door and we left. Justin wasn't going to keep his brace on I knew him. He got out of the car and went inside I was right behind him. He sat on the couch and was watching tv. My mom would be home soon. I start cooking for us. "Hey baby I got school tomorrow you know, and guess what" he called "what" I asked "amber is in my homeroom" he laughed I turned off the stove and oven. I walked outside and slammed the door. I didn't know where I was walking to but I started walking until a car pulled beside me "get in you can us a ride" it was Alvin one of my guy friends. He lived next door to me. "I'd rather walk and get all this steam off" I replied "hey get in I know somewhere we can go" he told me. I got in and we went to the park. "Ann what's wrong" he asked worried "Alvin it's justin he's being a dick again" I told him looking down "now listen, no guy should be treating his woman like this" he told me I smiled "at least you understand" I told him "yea I'm a guy" he told me. "Listen Alvin I just don't know. I mean have you hears any rumors?" I asked him he looked down and nodded yes. "Alvin they're true" I told him. He got up and started walking. "Alvin" I called "Alvin" I began yelling he turned around "what" he said as he turned around "what the hell is the matter?!" He demanded "you're having a baby by..." He trailed off "Alvin what I don't understand" I told him shaking my head "look Ansley. I love you. I have loved you since you moved into that house. You turned my life upside down, right side up, and sideways!" He yelled. I just looked at him "and you sit here and you tell me '0h I'm having another guys baby' when hell that guy cheats on you all the time and he probably would be right now if you didn't threaten giving it up! Or better yet, if you wasn't pregnant at all!" He screamed now. I was crying. He was telling the truth. I was stupid. I felt weak knowing it. I only thought of one thing and one thing only. 'Walk away' so I did. I walked away. "Yes ann walk. That's what you do the best! You run away from your problems! You never talk through them you just run!" He yelled I turned around he was right behind me and I slapped him. I slapped him hard. "I.. Hate.. You.." I said slowly to Alvin. Then turned away and ran. I ran and cried. When I got home I went right to my room and locked the door. "Ann let me in" Justin demanded "no go away go get amber" I scolded "Ansley Nicole" he demanded "go away" I yelled. But the door opened. It flung opened. "Ansley stop this! You know I wanna be with you. But shit this crap like this" he started and looked down "it makes me rethink" he finished. I got up. And looked and at him "makes you rethink. Really makes you rethink. Okay try having your girlfriend say oh he's in my homeroom with a smile and laugh" I said and poked his chested "try having you're life fall apart because you're pregnant!" I poked him again "try having your girlfriend almost ripped away from you!" I poked and screamed "try having you're girlfriend cheat on you a lot before!" I yelled to the top of my lungs pulling my hair. Falling to the ground. "Trying being strong for so long till you finally break." I said with a whisper. As I pulled my legs into my chest. He was just looking at me. Stunned at what happened. "Ansley" was all he could chock out "but if it makes you rethink maybe it should be over" I said pointing to the door crying. He was looking at the door then down at me "you don't mean that" he said with tears in his eyes "you said it too" I yelled hiding my reddened face. I heard my door slam. Then I began crying my eyes out. I got up threw away all the pictures. Everything. How could he just be so stupid and say something. I could raise this baby on my own. I knew I could. I was strong enough. I didn't need anyone's help. Not even Justin's.

Hey guys I'm sorry it took so long is had to go and take a placement test today at college and I had to study yesterday and I also had church! But oh gosh! What did you guys think about this chapter I love it!😊 thank you guys for reading💜 love yall!

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