Chapter 16: Fifteen and Pregnant

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Two weeks later.

My back began killing me and I started getting sick. I went ahead and went to the doctors "you've gained another three pounds" she said I nodded she took me on back to the ultrasound "well i hope you don't want to go to school anymore" she said to me. My eyes started watering "why?" I asked concerned. Justin was looking at the screen "he isn't going to let you. You baby here is under to much stress. And he's trying to tell you. Which means you can go into early labor" she told me. My eyes widened. And Justin's hand tightened around mine. "Oh" is all I could say. I couldn't believe that. Just my luck. I began crying. "He's fine. Just no more school" she told me. I nodded. I needed to go to school. I was going to be so far behind. I just needed three more months to go. And I would be fine. "Have you been getting headaches swollen feet?" She asked I looked at Justin he gave me 'tell her the truth' look "yes ma'am" I told her "that means you're high risk. It's normal" she said and nodded I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. "He's healthy you just got to come in every two weeks instead of three" she told me. I nodded. I went to the front and set one up for two weeks. I went to school and told the teachers. and gave them the paper. They would send a teacher out every single day to teach me. I cried when I walked out. I didn't want to leave. Not yet. We went to the mall so I could go shopping. We got a crib and clothes and bassinet and car set. I also got a diaper bag, and a burp cloth pacifiers and little shoes. "Justin" I asked he was looking at a shirt 'daddy's my hero' and 'I'm daddy's little man' "do you wanna get them?" I asked, he smiled "yes" he said he got them and then we went to check out. We went to babies r' us. And I got some diapers and wipes. I also got some more burp clothes. And I finally found the perfect blankets. When we left the haulers was following us. The brought the stuff into the extra room and left it. We tipped them they left. Then we went to the supply store to get paint. My mom and dad was going to help when they got home, but we was going to start, we got mint green. Four buckets of non-pilling, that was mildew free paint. We got regular brushes and rollers plenty of them. And we also got blue tape. We went and got white paint for the trimming and we got a cute little lion sticker thing that goes around the top or bottom then we got the plastic that covers the floor. We checked out and left. When we got home, I changed into my art clothes and went into the room. Justin was waiting for me. He already moved the crib and stuff out into the living room. We began by laying out the plastic and putting the blue tape where it needed to be. I smiled and got a roller and pan. I poured some paint and began painting. Justin was smiling. A couple hours later we had two walls done. My mom and dad finally was home and they came up stairs to help they grabbed a roller and pan and began rolling. I began the white trim on the bottom and Justin did on top. We was getting this room done. I was shocked when they got done and told us to wait so that it wouldn't mess up. We came out and waited. My mom started on our diner and I was so sleepy I didn't even sleep.

The next day. I woke up and went to the room. I raised the window and turned the fan on. The walls was dry. So I began on the bottom trim. Justin was at school and I had to wait for him to get home. There was a knock at the door. I peeped through 'Alvin' I opened it I had white paint all over me. "Hey I'm sorry I can't hug you I'm a mess" I told him he smiled "it's fine" he said and came in. "So you can't come back to school?" He asked I nodded "not till I have him" I said he hung his head "it's the only time I could've seen you, Justin hates me around you" he told me I nodded "I'll talk to him. But you may wanna leave he should be home" I said and he hugged me. And left. I went back up stairs and was finishing the bottom trim. When Justin came through the door. "I know Alvin was here" he said angry "I was going to tell you" I said "you didn't text me!" He yelled "Justin he just came over to talk about why I wasn't in school!" I screamed. He looked at me "you think imma cheat?! I don't cheat that's your story." I told him and his eyes dropped he knew I was right. He picked up the brush and began helping. We finished the trimming and I put the fans on it to dry faster. After two hours they where dry. We then put the cute little lion things up around the top of the room. There was another knock at the door "hey Justin told me about the redoing of the baby's room." His mom said "I brought this over" she said it was grass cushion to go with the theme. I smiled and hugged her. "Wanna see it?" I asked "I would love too" she said all happy we walked up the stairs and Justin was just finishing. His mom and I hung the cushions up. There was even little lions in there. I was in love with his room. "So what's the baby's name?" She asked. I looked at Justin "we haven't really talked about that" he said "I like the name Jacob" I said he smiled "I love that name" he said "Jacob Michael" I told him. He smiled "did they have these cushions in letters?" I asked she nodded "his dad is at the store waiting for me to call with the name" she said went outside and called him. "Imma go get him I'll be right back" she said smiling. Justin started moving the stuff back up stair. We sat the bassinet up in our room and crib in his we put all his clothes in his car set and crib. We waited for his parents to get home. They finally got there and they brought his name "Jacob" up. "We need some dressers and a changing table wanna go with us?" He asked his mom she smiled and nodded we went to get in the cars. "Justin I'm scared" I told him "why?" He asked "because what if I go into early labor?" I asked he kissed my hand. "It'll be fine" he told me smiling. I was resting when we pulled up. We went and got some to match the crib. Justin and his dad put it on the back of their truck. While Sharon and I was looking for baby clothes "I think I found his coming home outfit" I told her she came running over to me. It was a light blue overalls with a white undershirt she smiled "I'm in love with this" she said I picked it up and we continued looking I found some more cute things and made sure I got bigger sizes cause he wouldn't be small forever. I got some socks and bottles and more cute little Alabama and blue chevron pacifiers. I was happy I found a bottle that had a blue J. On it and got it too. We left and went back to the house. I was happy we got more baby stuff. We began unloading, and taking it up stairs and putting it together.


Hey guys I hope y'all are enjoying this story! I'm really enjoy writing it!💜

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