Chapter 19: Fifteen and Pregnant

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I woke up Monday morning. I started getting ready for school. I was looking at Jacob. "Momma is going to miss you" I said kissing his head he was wiggling. I had on a pair of capris and a strapless blouse with a cute little jacket over it. I went and woke up Justin then went and got Jacob and feed him. I got him ready and we left to go to Justin's moms. We dropped him off and then went to the school. Everyone was asking how was the baby and if he was good. I missed him so much I was ready to go home and see him. At lunch me and lulu was going through our pictures looking at Jacob. "Oh this is my favorite" I told her pointing "no look at this" she said showing me. Lulu stayed over at my house so she could spend more time with Jacob. I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Excuse me can we talk?" It was Lexie. I got up and looked at her "you look good" she said "mhmm now what?" I asked rolling my eyes "look I'm sorry for leaving you and not being a good friend I need you back" she said "Lexie just cause I come back doesn't mean our friendship is" I told her "but" she said "I have all I need I have lulu my child's god mother I have justin the father and I have them." Pointing to my new friends. "But we planned out I would be here you'd be my child's aunt I'd be yours" she said "yeah but mine has all the family he needs" I told her and sat back down "Alex are you going to come over today to see Jacob?" I asked her "yea he needs to know who the fab al is" she laughed I shook my head. Alex had a way with jokes and words "yes, yes he does." I laughed when school was over I pulled Justin to the car so we could hurry to his parents. When we got there his mom was smiling "hey loves" she said "was he good?" I asked picking him up "the best" she said I kissed his head "mommy missed you" I told him.

Two months old!

It was finally summer and Jacob was starting to grow hair. It was dirty blonde. He would try his best to hold his head up but couldn't. I was in love with him and nothing would change my mind. "Honey when are we leaving?" Justin called "in like three hours" I said walking up the stairs with Jacob. We was going out of town for three weeks for our vacation. I've lost more weight I weigh 105 now! More then I planned! I was on a new diet. Which I stopped! I helped him pack I sat Jacob in his sit and he was looking at me. We got our swimsuits and everything. We took them to the car and then got Jacobs stuff and got Jacob.

On vacation!!

We got our room and I went up stairs and took Jacob while he got Jacobs bed. We locked the room and I went and helped get the rest of the stuff. We rushed back up and Jacob was staring at his toys on his car seat. He literally had my heart. After getting seat up we went on the board walk. "Look at that little couple" some girl said to her boyfriend. I was holding his hand and he was pushing the stroller. "May we look at your baby?" She asked "you can" I said smiling "you know how cute he is?" She asked "thank you" I said smiling "how old is he?" She asked "two months" I told her "you should enter him in the baby pageant" she said I looked at Justin "no negative" she said I stuck my lip out. "But baby" I said "I have a child he's one I'm making brad let him Ashton come here" she called and her son came running "this is Ashton" he smiled "oh my gosh he's so cute!" I said "please baby" I said he looked at me "when is it?" He asked "in two weeks last day to sign up is tomorrow follow me I'll show you where to sign up" she said smiling "so how much did he way he's a chunky little monkey" she said I smiled "9 pounds 8 ounces" I said "oh my lord" she said "yea I was 139 but I dropped back down to 105" I said "lord have mercy" she said "here, I'll help you" she told me she filled it out and I gave the money to the woman. "Babe outfit for him" I smiled "of course honey" he said not happy about his son in this "brad we need to get Aston his today too" she said smiling "wanna shop together?" She asked I nodded "by the way I'm Emily" she said "I'm Ansley" I told her we laughed we've been talking this whole time and I didn't know her name.

Two weeks later

We was at the pageant and was getting ready. Jacob was sleeping thank gosh. I didn't want him ill. We all went out front and waited to be called we was one of the first and he woke up I was feeding him back stage and he was happy. We went on and he was making all kinds of faces. We walked off and then went and stood in line and waited for last call. We waited for the all pageant Jacob got mini supreme. After a week we left and went back home. I was really starting to miss everyone at home and everyone around the house.


Hey everyone thanks for reading I'm almost done😊

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