Chapter 18: Fifteen and Pregnant

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Lulu was waiting with me while the brought my baby back. Justin was going to go get me some food. My mom and dad was in here but they was sleeping. There was a knock at the door. "I have an arrival" the nurse said I smiled she she walked out. My son. I got up. God I was so sore. I picked him up and went and sat back down. "Lulu look in his clothes and see what they got" I told her. She held up some outfits "I like this one Ansley" she told me "the light blue one with the little lion" she told me. I smiled I did love that. She handed it to me I began dressing him. I was in love with my son. I got his hand covers and put them on him. He was a quite baby. He was looking at me while laying on my legs. Lulu came over beside me "do you think he looks like me?" I asked "he kinda does but he looks like you're people you know Paul Tyler and Scott. He also looks like Justin. He told me. I nodded. Just then justin walked in. "The doctor stopped me. They said to be sure you remember he had his surgery" he told me I nodded. He handed me and lulu our food. And took the baby and sat in the rocker. "I should call Tyler!" I said almost chocking. Tyler was my other half. I told Tyler everything he was my big cousin and I was ran to him "you didn't tell him you was up here?" Justin asked "I forgot I was telling lulu" I laughed dialing the number "hello" Breanna answered "breanna I had Jacob" I told her "you're just now telling me?" She asked "ha yea sorry hurry up here and see him" I said "okay bae I love you and so does Tyler" she said "I love y'all too" I said and hung up. "I'm calling Lexie" I said "hello?" She asked all weird sounding "Lexie?" I asked "yeah" she said "it's ann" I told her "hey" she said kinda annoyed "well since I'm bothering you imma let you go but just so you know I had Jacob bye" I said "wait no you did" she said happily "yeah but I gotta go have a great life don't let a mother get in you're way Lexie" I said in a rude attitude "Ansley I'm sorry" she said upset "save it for the next bitch" I told her pissed "can I please see him" she said "no lulu is helping me" I told her and hung up. I looked over and lulu was hiding her laugh. I finished eating and justin handed me the baby back cause he used the bathroom. I unbuttoned him and pushed the skin back and wiped him. I put a new diaper and galls on him. Then breanna and Tyler walked in "pass him over" Tyler said I handed him breanna son then came to me "Kyle did you miss me?" I asked "yeah momma said a bird came this morning and gave that to you. And you love it more than me" he told me. Gosh this little kid was my heart. "Yea Kyle a bird came but I love you both the same" I said and he gave me a kiss. "Can I hold him daddy aunt ann said I could" he said "Ansley?" He said I nodded Kyle lend back into me and held Jacob "Kyle do you love Jacob?" I asked "yeah he's like a bother to me" he said Tyler laughed "Bre we need another" he said "uh no, no more" she said and laughed "Kyle can mommy hold the baby" breanna asked "yes mommy" she said she took the baby and was looking at him. "He has a mixture of people" she told me "that's what I told her" lulu said "he looks like you, your family but then justin" she said confused. I laughed "he was rough coming out." I said "how much does he weigh?" Tyler asked "9 pounds 8 ounces" I told them. "Oh hell no" Tyler said and laughed. "Tell me how it is being a mom?" She said "I love it, but I've been in kyles life almost everyday till me and him got today last year so it was off and on seeing him then. But I mean it's perfect." I said smiling. "So you still love me" Justin asked "I shouldn't that hurt" I told him "bro she's going to hold his over you for a while Bre did" he told him and laughed "babe you know he's perfect you can't do that" he told me and walked to me and kissed me "no you can't touch her" Kyle said and pushed him. I laughed "are you staying with them??" Tyler asked "eh I don't wanna only place we have till as get out on our own" I said "once you do move back I miss you and I need you" breanna told me. I smiled "I know I need you too!" I told her she smiled "well be back tomorrow" she said "Tyler has to go to work" she said and frowned "first I need millions of pictures" she said taking the. Tyler laughed "I done took some a whole lot" he said i laughed Bre was getting me to take pictures of them and of her and Tyler and Kyle and the baby after about 100 pictures later the left. Jacob began crying cause he was hungry so I fed him. Lulu also left so she could go shower and everything. My mom and dad went to get food. So it was just me and justin. After I fed him I burped him. He was trying to go to sleep but was fighting it. Justin was sitting beside me "we make damn cute baby's" he said smiling. And kissed me "he looks just like us baby" I told him we took our first family picture right then. "Honey can we please take family pictures?" I asked "what?" He questioned "like get a pro take our pictures, of our little family?" I asked he kissed me "of course" he said and smiled

One month later!

It was the Saturday before I went back to school. I didn't wanna leave my son. We was getting ready to go take our pictures my body was finally back I still weighed a little more but I was back. I weighed 113. Three pounds from 110. Almost there. We left and Jacob began getting fussy cause he wanted his pacifier. I gave it to him. We meet the woman and took a lot of pictures. I was happy to get them done. We went to eat for lunch next. And get stuff for my school


Hey guys thanks for reading😊

Hope you like it!

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