Chapter 4: Fifteen and Pregnant

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Everyone was working on the surprise for Justin. It was his birthday tomorrow and being Sunday I wouldn't get to see him. They all set up as I got ready to see him. I knew Justin would be so surprised to see all his friends and family here. I ran upstairs to find my dress to wear for his party. But I couldn't find it. So I got my favorite pair of blue jeans with holes and my bow shirt. I curled my hair, and I was ready for the party. I called Justin. "Hello?" He answered "Hey baby my mom and dad got something over here for you but they left wanna come over?" I asked "Hell yea" he said "I'll be there in 5" he added and hung up. I ran to the living room "everyone he's on his way" I told them. I knew he would be happy about this. Justin always loved to have stuff for him. And stuff given to him. When he opened the door he was shocked. He walked to me "Ansley did you..." He trailed off "this is amazing I don't deserve this" he told me. He looked down at me. "Babe you look amazing" he told me and kissed me "how can I ever repay you" he asked "by having a great him" I told him hugging him. Justin went and mingled with his buddies while I was with my friends. They told me I was stupid for believing him. But honestly they didn't know my relationship. Nor did they know Justin, so therefore, none of them had the right to tell or judge me or my decisions. They surely couldn't judge him.

After the party and everyone left my mom and dad went to their room. Justin and I sat in the living room. "Ansley I had a great time today. I can't believe you done this for me" he told me. I smiled "Justin you're my boyfriend and the most important thing to me. I know we have had our issues but listen to me. I will do anything to make you happy." I told him he pulled me into a tight hug. "Justin I can't really breathe" I told him. He laughed and let go. "I love you Ansley." He told me "I love you too Justin" I replied. He stood up. "I should really be going" he said looking down "I'll help with the stuff" I told him grabbing something's. We walked to his car and put them in. He got in then left. Without even a goodbye or kiss. Justin was starting to act a little funny and I wanted to know why. I don't think he would be cheating. Not since he said he love me. And he would never again. But that thought was always there. Maybe he had some family problems. Hopefully nothing to serious to cause a fight with us. Everything was finally going good.



I woke up for school. I really wasn't feeling this whole school thing. And it was only September. I began straightening my hair and picking out my outfit. I noticed I was a little more ahead of time than normal. Which was a good thing. I took my time getting ready then walked to the kitchen with my bag. I grabbed a pop-tart and left. We pulled up at school and Lexie greeted me with a smile. "Hello gorgeous long time no see" she said happily "well hello beautiful" I told her and she smiled. I would totally be lost without my two bestfriends. I walked to the building and noticed Jamie. "Who is she talking to?" I asked while pointing to Jamie. "Umm I think that may be Justin." Lexie told me. I shook my head it couldn't be Justin. He didn't talk to that slut anymore. Or did he..

I began wondering is that why he leaves early?? Is that why he's acting strange?? No it can't be. I shook off the feeling and thoughts and just walked to the parking lot to Allen's truck and got in. "Yes Ansley, if Justin sees you with me he will kill us both may I help you?" He asked. I turned to him with hopeful eyes "Allen your Justin's bestfriend. Is he talking to Jamie??" I begged for the answer. He gripped the wheel. "I think the bell rung. Time for you to go" he told me. Rushing me out. But I knew better we had five minutes. "Tell me now" I demanded. "Yes alright" he told me pointing to the door. I opened it with a single tear falling and closed it "so much for a good relationship with trust" I whispered to myself. I walked up to Lexie and Lulu. "Justin still talks to her" my voice began cracking. "Ann, don't cry" Lulu told me. She pulled me into a hug and released me. As the bell rung I walked to my locker then homeroom. No sign of him. Nor Jamie. Just my luck.

The day passed and there was no sign that Justin nor Jamie would show up today. They both decided to skip. Maybe they was together. Maybe they wasn't. But I was gonna get to the bottom of this. And I was going to figure what the hell was going on when my relationship was just getting back onto track! I was not about to let some white run in every chance and mess that up!

When my mom picked me up. I got off the ground and then into the car. "Honey you okay?" She asked "just tired" I told her, which wasn't a complete lie. I was just sick of everything. Why did I be put second to the ones I love the most. I always had a big heart. Maybe I shouldn't care as much anymore. My mom pulled in the drive way. I basically ran to my room. Turned my phone on and had no text so I decided to text Justin.

'I seen you in the hallways with her today I know you probably ditched with her. It's okay I know now I come second. It's fine just know in not going to care anymore Justin. I know I will always love you but hell that isn't going to stop me from moving on because clearly you have.. I know you may think I'm crazy or stupid but I tried okay. I'm sick of you're bullshit games and lies to me. I'm sick of you saying I love you when you don't mean it. Everything is clearly a lie. Forget about me. I know I will eventually forget about you. Bye Justin Bradley Johnson' I sent I started to regret sending it and wishing that moment I did I could take it back but I couldn't I could never take that back! A few moments later Justin texted back.

'Ansley I have no clue what you're talking about be reasonable I'm never at school. Yea I came but left I don't know where Jamie went let me come over and talk about this' he sent

'K' is all I sent back.

After waiting for Justin to get to my house I decided to go for a jog. It didn't seem like he was coming. And as soon as I opened the door. He was there. Blood shot eyes. Ruffled hair. "Can I come in?" He asked. I stated at him and paused for a moment, then moved to let him in. He was pacing "Look ann. I wouldn't cheat not after getting you back" he started and he ran his fingers through his hair "I can't believe you would think..." He trailed off "I messed up yes but I'm in love with you damn it" he screamed. I stood there wide eyed. "W-what" I asked "Ansley Nicole Abrect I'm in love with you" he said louder. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his around me and sighed. "I'm sorry Justin" I said "no I'm sorry I lost your trust now I gotta get it back" he said. And kissed me.


Do you really think Justin is in love with Ansley?? Or do you think he's saying it so she won't leave?? Do you think justin is still talking to Jamie?? I hope y'all like it!😊 love y'all thanks for reading💜

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