Manners. Maketh. Man.

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The 22nd of February, 2014

Benjamin was behind the bar while George, one of the older bar keeps, was cleaning glasses on the opposite side of the bar. Nicolette was sat at the bar, just receiving her third pint of Guinness when the chime of the main door opening rang out.

"Nic?" A young male voice asked.

Nicolette looked over her right shoulder to see both her "Uncle" Harry and Eggsy entering the Black Prince Pub.

Nicolette let out a sigh, "Really, Harry? Here? Of all places?"

"I apologize, Nicolette," Harry said simply, "This location was Eggsy's suggestion."

Nicolette let out a sigh as her brother started to speak.

"So, two pints? One Guinness and one Budweiser?" Benjamin asked.

"Hold on, how do you know a drink order for him?" Eggsy asked, pointing to Benjamin, then to Nicolette, "And how do you know him?"

"We work together," Nicolette said simply, taking a drink of her pint, "Ben's met Harry a few times because of that."

"Eggsy, why don't we get a table? We have a few things we need to discuss," Harry said while nodding towards one of the empty booths, "And yes, Ben, two pints if you would."

Ben gave Harry a nod while Eggsy moved towards the booth Harry had motioned to. Ben got two pints from the taps behind the bar. He took the pints over to Harry and Eggsy before coming back behind the bar across from his sister.

"Ben, I need you to watch Tori for a bit," Nicolette said after taking a long swig from her pint.

"'Watch Tori'?" Benjamin asked.

"Yeah. I can't take her with me to the Manor because it will tip off whichever recruits make it to the last test that they won't actually be killing their dog. And I can't exactly go between the Manor and my flat everyday, nor can I be responsible for altering a recruit's results during the whole recruitment process. I'll cover the expenses from taking care of her."

"You don't have to-."

"It's only what's right, Ben. I'm asking you to watch my dog for a couple months. I'd ask Mum, but I don't think she'd appreciate watching the dog I got from Kingsman, after what's happened."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Benjamin said before pausing for a moment, "So, are you going to bring Tori round or will I need to get her myself?"

"I believe that you're going to need to get her yourself. I need to be at the Manor by six. Do you still have the spare key I gave you?"

"Yeah, I've got it," Benjamin said with a small smile.

"So before you was a tailor, you was in the army? Like an officer?" Eggsy asked Harry.

There were not any other patrons in the pub, so when the conversation between Benjamin and Nicolette hit a quiet pause, the conversation between Harry and Eggsy could be heard. George had also moved from cleaning glasses to sweeping the floor.

"Not quite," Harry answered.

"So where was you posted? Iraq or somethin'?" Eggsy asked.

"Sorry, Eggsy, classified."

"But my Dad saved your life, yeah?"

Harry drew a quick breath before continuing, "The day your father died, I missed something. And if it weren't for his courage, my mistake would have cost the lives of every man present. So I owe him," Harry paused, "Your father was a brave man. A good man. And, having read your files, I think he would be bitterly disappointed in the choices you've made."

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