Déjà Vu

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The 30th of June, 2014

"Love, I brought back your suit," Nicolette said as she walked in the door.

She was first greeted by the barks of Artoria and J.B.

"Yes, hi you two," Nicolette said with a small laugh, using her right hand to pat the dogs on the head.

Eggsy arrived from upstairs, "You're back early today."

Nicolette gave Eggsy a quick peck, "I only went in to help Sebastian with orders today. Since we got caught up, I thought we could go out for a late lunch."

"Alright. Where did you have in mind?"

"What's say we go to the Black Prince? Say 'hi' to Ben."

"Sounds like a plan," Eggsy said with a soft smirk.

"Okay, let me go hang up your suit and we can go," Nicolette said with a small smile before moving past Eggsy and the dogs to go upstairs.

Nicolette walked into the bedroom she shared with Eggsy in the house.

The original plan was that once her lease on her flat was up in September, Nicolette would move in with Eggsy. But then Eggsy voiced his concern about wanting to get his Mum and half-sister away from Dean. So, Nicolette proposed that Michelle could live in her old flat, which was a two bedroom flat, and they'd help his Mum with the rent for the place.

Nicolette hung the suit in the closet, still in its hanging garment bag. She then started to leave the room, taking a quick look in the mirror to straighten her hair. As Nicolette left the bedroom, she saw Eggsy exiting the study with an umbrella.

"Do you really think you'll need that?" Nicolette asked with a small chuckle.

"'A spy's always gotta be prepared,'" Eggsy said with a smirk.

"Oh, my God, Eggsy," Nicolette said with another laugh and a playful roll of the eyes.

Eggsy leaned forward and gave Nicolette a quick peck on the cheek, "So are we gonna take a cab or walk there?"

"It's a nice day out but, I'm starving."

"I'll call a cab, then."


Eggsy opened the door for Nicolette to enter the Black Prince pub. When she walked in, she heard someone was playing "Slave to Love" by Bryan Ferry. Then she heard a familiar voice that she didn't want to hear.

"Michelle, turn that shit off," Dean groaned, "It's doin' my nut in."

Michelle moved to stop the music, but Eggsy piped up,

"I rather like that song. Leave it on, eh, Mum?"

Everyone that was in the pub, which was basically Michelle, Dean, and his mutts, were surprised to see Eggsy.

Dean made a quick move to turn off the music before looking at Eggsy again,

"Mugsy's back," Dean said in a smart-arse voice, "And it looks like he's brought a bird 'round. You finally come to have that word with me, have you, son? Or are you gonna run away again and pretend you're goin' to court dressed like that."

"Oh, you mean this?" Eggsy asked while motioning to the suit he was wearing.

Dean nearly gave a snicker and nodded.

"No," Eggsy said simply, "Nic here introduced me to this bloke. And he's just taken over a tailor's shop on Savile Row. He's given me a job, Mum."

Michelle's face read that of delighted surprise.

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