Mr. and Mrs. King

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The 21st of June, 2014

"Shit," Nicolette said with a yawn, "This is a long day. Why did Valentine have to start his countdown at like, ten pm for us?"

"Well, you know Americans," Merlin said with a chuckle.

"Whatever," Nicolette said before moving to lay across the couch in the plane's cabin.

"Merlin," Eggsy started, "So, how are we supposed to be gettin' into Valentine's base?"

"You're getting in on Arthur's invitation," Merlin said as he emerged from the cockpit and reached into the closet, "You're gonna need to blend in."

"I'm supposed to be Arthur?" Eggsy asked.

"His invitation's on his phone," Merlin said as he pulled out two garment bags from the closet space. He then grabbed Arthur's phone and handed it to Eggsy, "Give them this. Give his real name: Chester King."

"What about Nic?" Eggsy asked.

"She's going to be posing as your wife," Merlin said.

"Wait, wife? I thought I was gonna be his assistant or something," Nicolette said, sitting up quickly.

"No. With the way Eggsy behaves around you, it makes more sense that you're his wife."

"And what about you?" Eggsy asked.

"I'm your pilot," Merlin said simply, "I'm gonna stay here."

"Is that gonna fit me?" Eggsy asked, pointing to one of the garment bags.

"This?" Merlin asked, holding up the one Eggsy pointed to, "No. Unless you plan on wearing a size ten, floor length dress meant for Nikki."

Nicolette chuckled for a moment before she processed everything Merlin said, "Wait, floor length dress? How the hell am I supposed to run in a floor length dress?"

"Don't worry, Nikki. Harry, your father, and I spent quite a while working on that," Merlin said before holding up the other garment bag and looking at Eggsy, "This, will fit you. A bespoke suit always fits. Just be grateful Harry had it made for you. Now, both of you, get dressed."

Merlin then handed Eggsy and Nicolette their garment bags before he returned to the cockpit.

"So, who's gettin' dressed first?" Eggsy asked, turning to look at Nicolette.

"I am. I'll do my make-up while you're changing," Nicolette said.

"You know how to use make-up?" Eggsy asked in a joking tone.

Nicolette had never been one to wear make-up on a regular basis when they were younger.

"Sod off," Nicolette muttered with a smirk before standing up and going into the loo to change.

Nicolette quickly stripped before looking at the dress. It was a royal blue, satin dress. It had one strap on the shoulder and two splits in the skirt. There were also a pair of strapy silver heels in the bag.

"I hope to God they thought about traction on the shoes, too," Nicolette muttered as she started to put on the dress.

The fit was snug, but not tight. This didn't surprise her though, since her measurements were on file at the shop.

She went to zip the dress and only got about two thirds of the way before she couldn't get it to move any more on her own.

"You've got to be kidding me," Nicolette muttered before going to the door.

She opened the door a little and poked her head out.

"Eggsy," Nicolette called.

Eggsy looked up and saw only Nicolette's face.

"Can you zip me up the rest of the way?" Nicolette asked.

"Thought you'd be used to getting into fancy dresses," Eggsy teased as he stood up.

"You know how much I avoid dresses, Eggsy," Nicolette said, opening the door, "I'm only in this dress now because the mission calls for it."

Nicolette then turned around so her back was facing Eggsy. She felt one of his hands go to her waist before she felt the zipper pull up the rest of the way on the dress. The young woman was about to thank Eggsy when she felt his other hand brush across her shoulders.

"Eggsy?" Nicolette asked.

"Saw a, um, stray hair," Eggsy said.

"If you say so," Nicolette said slowly, "I'm just going to finish getting changed. I'll just be a minute."

And with that, Nicolette closed the door again. She put on the shoes and threw the shrug over her shoulder before putting the clothes she was wearing inside the garment bag.

Nicolette then opened the panel to the weapons that were stored on the plane and grabbed a few essentials; a watch and signet ring. The ring was placed on her right pinky and the watch on her left wrist. She then grabbed the garment bag, and the make-up bag that had been inside it, and left the loo.

"All yours," Nicolette said as she went to hang up her garment bag.

She heard the door to the loo close and sat down at one of the small tables on the plane. She put the shrug on her seat back and started to do her make-up while Eggsy changed into his suit.

Both finished about the same time.

Merlin had handed a box from a jewelers which contained a necklace and two pairs of earrings; one drop style and one stud style. All the pieces had diamond and alexandrite.

The young woman replaced her Kingsman glasses on the bridge of her nose before putting on the necklace. Nicolette heard the door to the loo open again once she put on her last earring.

"Looking good, Eggsy," Merlin said.

Nicolette looked up to see Eggsy in his first bespoke suit. And she would also admit, Eggsy did look good in that suit.

"Very good," Nicolette said, not realizing that she said it aloud.

"Feelin' good, Merlin, Nic," Eggsy said with a confident smirk.

"Right. Well, there's one last thing you're gonna need for your disguises," Merlin said before handing a box to Eggsy.

Eggsy took the box and opened it.

"Two rings?" Eggsy asked.

"A wedding band and bridal set. The two of you are supposed to be husband and wife, after all," Merlin said.

"I don't want to even think about how long you've had these ready," Nicolette muttered while pinching the bridge of her nose.

Eggsy gave a small chuckle before putting on the wedding band.

"I think I'd be more surprised at the fact that the man's ring fits my hand," Eggsy said with another chuckle before walking over to Nicolette.

The young woman held her hand out for the box, but instead Eggsy took hold of Nicolette's left hand.

Nicolette felt her cheeks start to heat ever so slightly as Eggsy knelt down.

"Will you be my Mrs. King?" Eggsy asked with a cheesy smile.

Nicolette couldn't help but laugh at Eggsy's over the top gesture, "Yes, Mr. King."

With that, Eggsy then put the bridal set on Nicolette's left ring finger.

"Alright, enough theatrics you two," Merlin said with a laugh and an eye roll, "We'll be arriving shortly."

"Oh, and Chester, don't forget that my first name is Amelia, okay?" Nicolette said with a smirk and a wink.

"But of course, my darling wife," Eggsy said with a smirk in return.

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