Try to Blend in

2.9K 79 12

The 21st of June, 2014

"This is November-three-four-seven-Charlie-Kilo, requesting permission to land," Merlin said over the plane's communications system.

"Permission is granted," A man answered over the frequency.

Nicolette had been sitting in the co-pilot seat and saw the anti-aircraft weapon track the plane before they were given permission to land. She then saw the weapon stop tracking the plane.

Eggsy had poked his head into the cockpit and was looking through the wind screen of the plane. He, along with Merlin and Nicolette, could see all the weaponry and personnel just at the opening to the mountain base.

"Fuck me," Eggsy muttered.

"Mm-hmm," Merlin hummed with a nod.

"Maybe later," Nicolette joked under her breath.

"What?" Eggsy asked.


Looking ahead, Nicolette's Kingsman glasses were able to identify two sets of anti-aircraft missiles and sixty enemy guards.

The female agent got up from her seat, knowing that Merlin could land the plane on his own, and prepared to depart from the plane.

"Nervous?" Eggsy asked.

"Only about running in a dress. I assume you were hoping I'd say I am though," Nicolette said with a ghost of a chuckle.

"Maybe," Eggsy said with a small shrug.

"It's okay if you are. This is the first time you've ever done anything like this, after all."

Nicolette then felt the tires make contact with the runway and heard the sounds of the plane producing drag to slow down. Once the plane had stopped, both Nicolette and Eggsy stood in front of the door. Eggsy was ahead of her as they waited for the door to open.

"Got the phone?" Nicolette asked.

Eggsy only nodded his head.

"Then let's do this, Chester," Nicolette said with a small smile on her lips.

"Eggsy, Nikki, we're on," Merlin said before he emerged from the cockpit.

The door to the plane opened and Nicolette looked around to see what she could find in the hanger. Unsurprisingly though, there wasn't much other than air crafts. She did, however, see two guards and Valentine's assistant; just the business assistant, not his "henchwoman."

Eggsy went down the steps ahead of Nicolette before turning and holding out a hand for her.

Nicolette took his hand and walked down the steps, her skirt gathered in one hand to keep her from stepping on it.

Once Nicolette was on solid ground, Eggsy pulled Arthur's phone from his pocket and presented it to Valentine's assistant.

"Chester King," Eggsy said, handing the phone over, "And this is my wife, Amelia."

The assistant checked the phone before she spoke, "Mr. and Mrs. King, welcome. I'm sure you've adhered to Valentine's strict no-weapons policy, but if you don't object," The assistant held up a metal detector from behind her back.

"Of course," Eggsy said simply.

"Thank you."

The assistant then waved the wand over the fronts of Eggsy and Nicolette. 

"Do you have any luggage?" The assistant asked once she'd done a sweep of both Eggsy and Nicolette's fronts. 

Eggsy then turned around to face Merlin, "Congratulations, Mycroft. You just graduated from my pilot to my valet. Understood? Good."

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