Brawl in the Black Prince

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The 22nd of February, 2014 

Harry had only just finished uttering his sentence before one of the men from the group of six moved one of his buddies, fixing to punch Harry.

Harry quickly moved his umbrella, redirecting the punch so that the man wearing the red jumper punched the heavier set man, knocking out one of his teeth. The heavier set man was thrown back to hit the bar from the force of the punch.

Eggsy started to freak out and started to get up from the booth.

"Don't worry about Harry, Eggsy," Nicolette said, putting her right arm in front of Eggsy.

"But-," Eggsy started.

"He's fine. Like I said, those blokes are the ones in trouble," Nicolette said, glancing at Eggsy.

Eggsy didn't say anything, instead sitting back down.

When Nicolette looked back to the fight, the man with the red jumper had just accidentally stabbed the man in the grey jumper in his right shoulder.

Harry continued to fight deftly against the group of men. More glasses were smashed, much to the annoyance of Benjamin. Harry shot a small cord from his umbrella, forcing the wrist of the heaviest set man of the group to attach to the metal of the bar while it electrocuted him; not enough to kill him, just enough to knock him out.

A table was broken and the metal piping around the bar was bent.

The first man, who was knocked back by the glass Harry threw with is umbrella, stood up as he pulled a gun from the front of his pants.

Harry opened his umbrella, which was bullet proof, guarding himself from the shots.

"You fucking dirty, fucking dirty-!" The tallest man yelled before his gun clicked, signalling that it was out of bullets.

Harry noted this and twisted the base of his umbrella before firing it. The shot, which was just a stun shot, hit the tallest man in the head, throwing him back onto the floor. Closing his umbrella, Harry stood back up.

At nearly the same time, Nicolette, Benjamin, and Harry noticed George, the man who was sweeping the floor earlier, picking up the phone, likely to dial nine-nine-nine.

"Wait! George!" Benjamin called.

However, as Benjamin said this, Harry launched an amnesia dart from his wrist watch. The dart hit George in the neck. He had only just put his hand on his neck over the dart before he fell down unconscious, knocking over some glassware in the process. When he would wake up, he wouldn't remember the fight.

"You're helping pay to replace everything that got broken," Benjamin said flatly.

"Of course, Ben. Sorry about that," Harry said calmly before facing Eggsy again.

"You could've held back a little, Harry," Nicolette muttered, taking another swallow of her pint.

Harry didn't say anything in return as he sat back down in the booth. He picked up his pint and drank the last of it before setting the glass back onto the table.

Meanwhile, Eggsy was starring at Harry in both awe and shock.

"Oh please, Eggsy, that was nothing," Nicolette muttered, turning so that her back was no longer resting against the side of the booth, but her right hip was.

"'That was nothin''?" Eggsy asked, stunned.

"Sorry about that. Needed to let off a little steam," Harry said, drawing Eggsy's attention again, "I heard yesterday a friend of mine died. He knew your father, too, actually," Harry paused before he started to get up from his seat, "Now, I do apologize, Eggsy. I shouldn't have done this in front of you," Harry then held up his arm, his watch poised to shoot an amnesia dart at Eggsy.

Eggsy instantly shot his hands up, "No, please. I won't say nothin', I swear. If there's one thing I can do, is keep my mouth shut."

"You won't tell a soul?"

"Ask the Feds. I've never grassed anyone up."

"Is that a promise?"

"On my life!"

Harry looked at Nicolette. He had likely surmised that Nicolette knew Eggsy, based on the fact that Eggsy knew who Nicolette was when he and Harry had entered the Black Prince Pub.

Nicolette let out a sigh, holding her pint near her lips, "You don't need to worry 'bout him, Harry. He's not gonna say nothin'," Nicolette punctuated her sentence by drinking the last of her pint.

Nicolette was starting to become evidently tipsy, based on the fact that her speech was starting to become more lax.

Harry lowered his arm, "Much appreciated, Eggsy," Harry moved to pick up his umbrella, "You're right about the snobs. But there, too, there are exceptions," Harry then placed a hand on Eggsy's shoulder, "Best of luck with everything."

Removing his hand from Eggsy's shoulder, Harry started for the door. However, he had only gone a few steps before stopping to speak again.

"Nicolette, don't you think it's time for you to be going?" Harry asked.

"What're you talkin' about? I don't have to be anywhere 'til six," Nicolette asked, her brows knitting together slightly.

Harry simply looked over his shoulder at Nicolette, his eyebrows raised.

Nicolette let out a sigh before moving to set her glass on the bar, "Yeah, alright," Setting the pint glass on the bar, Nicolette said one last thing to her brother, "So you're gonna grab her from the flat after your shift, yeah? And you've got the spare key?"

"Yes, Nic," Ben said with a soft chuckle at his tipsy sister, "Go sober up."

"Ha ha," Nicolette said dryly before walking over to Harry, who was walking towards the door again.

Once out of the pub, Nicolette started to talk, "So, why did you want me to leave instead of stayin' with my brother?"

"Well, your brother was correct in that you need to 'sober up'. I don't think Merlin would appreciate you arriving intoxicated."

"That's not the only reason though, Uncle Harry."

Harry drew an audible breath before letting it out in a quick sigh, "I placed a bug on Eggsy's shoulder. I have a feeling that I am going to see just how likely he is to keep his word."

"I told you Uncle Harry, he's not gonna say nothin'. I've known him long enough to know that much."

"Even so, I want to make sure. After all, I may have found my candidate for your father's position."


Harry said nothing, confirming Nicolette's question.

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